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Posts posted by Eilah.7908

  1. Alright, i'm pretty sure the answer here is no, so this post is mostly just me venting out to the void. But. Do people think the devs will ever add new pets to the base game? Specifically, the stag, ram, and longhorn sheep "family" of creature. PoF gave us the rock gazelle, and I would Love to see that pet family fleshed out a bit, as deer are my absolute favorite animal.


    not really sure how to end this post, this isn't a request or anything. that would not be a really important allocation of developers time. So i guess i'll ask, are there any animal types in the game that other folks would like to see rolled into ranger pets?

  2. yeah, so i think matching their functionality to engi kits would be a bad move. kits work the way they do specifically to balance out engi's lack of a weapon swap. since ele has attunements, we really don't need to have that functionality. imagine, with a simple kit rework of the conjures, an elementalist could run around with effectively 8 sets of easy, on-demand weapon skills. that might open some goofy and fun builds, but ultimately that's not a niche that elementalist needs filled.

  3. Although actually, on thinking more about it, I could get behind an ammo system replacing the pick-up, giving you more opportunity to keep the weapons up if you do want to hold them permanently. If it was changed to like, casting the conjure equips it for you only, and it's got 2 ammo with a 60 second ammo recharge? that could be very fun

  4. that's fair! i personally don't enjoy that playstyle, since it can be disrupted so easily by other players picking up the second conjure if you rely on it, or by the flow of a fight moving away from where you placed that pick up. I'd prefer to see the functionality of conjures shaken up a little bit to allow for something new, where they're designed around being a temporary change to your skillset instead of something you try to hold on to permanently.


    I also don't think my idea for the temporary group attack buff is the only way to offset the removal of the pick up conjure! i can definitely imagine something else, like pulsing out aoe boons or stat boosts while holding the conjured weapon.

  5. honestly i'd prefer just a reduction of the cast time to 1/2 second. I feel like removing the ground target would go a long way to improving the flow, and I think (for the changes i've laid out) an instant cast would would be really annoying to try to counter play. i don't think these skills should feel like weapon swapping or engi kits, but their cast time should be backed up by significant impact

  6. All right, I know this subject has been talked about countless times, but I have recently been thinking about the Conjure utilities, and wanted to share my ideas. This is mostly in the hopes that, as there have been some pretty large overhauls made to other classes, this skill set may be under consideration as well.


    In my opinion, conjure skills suffer from an over-reach in their design. There are two main functions that a conjure weapon sets out to fill, the first being a trade off for the elementalist sacrificing their versatile weapon skills for a more focused and limited skill set in the conjured weapon. the second role is group support, by sharing that weapon to other players. However, I think the shared aspect of the conjure winds up holding back these skills by making their effectiveness dramatically unpredictable. The skills need to be strong enough that a player feels justified using them alone, but not so powerful that well coordinated use breaks the game (look back at the old ice bow 4, which was nerfed to the ground after it proved too strong for coordinated burst). In large open world groups and meta events, dropping a conjure often feels like half of the skill is going to waste, as the second weapon may be left completely alone by other players, and a player who does pick it up may not be familiar enough with the set to use it effectively. I'm sure this has been a balancing headache for the devs, trying to find a way to make these skills useful to the a lower denominator without being completely over powered.


    My wish is to see the purpose of these skills simplified and refined, focusing on the temporary trade off of the elementalist's weapon skills for the more focused conjure skills. The specific idea I have is to remove the ground targeted pick up weapon and replace it with a group effect around the elementalist similar to firebrands ashes of the just. The simplest version i can think of is to make activating a conjure weapon trigger the corresponding elements' attunement effect on nearby allies next attack ( fire axe triggers sunspot, lightning hammer triggers electric discharge, etc). I think making this change, while keeping most of the other aspects of these skills (30 second duration, 60 second cooldown) would really dramatically improve the feeling of using them. The specific numbers on skill damage and duration could then be more easily tuned to a single players use.


    As for the elite, my ideal world would see it changed to an 'arcane' or 'elemantal' greatsword, maintaining almost all of it's current skill effects, but changing the condition applied by skill 2 based on the element the player is attuned to (burning for fire, chill for water, weaken or vulnerable for are, cripple or immobilize for earth).


    So, I know these aren't particularly new ideas, but i just wanted to throw them out there. I'm interested to hear what other people think, and what others might want for these skills!

  7. hi all, here's aaanother weaver feedback thread! so, i've been really enjoying the spec so far, but the grandmaster traits have kind of let me down, so i spent some time today trying to figure out why. it dawned on me that many other specs have a grandmaster that greatly influences their class mechanic, (scourge's imroved shroud, mirage sharing ambushes with clones, deadeye increasing weaver stacks etc) while the weaver really... doesn't.


    now, we've also got lots of folks upset at the 4 second cooldown on attunement swaps. i think a grandmaster trait would be a great spot to deal with this! my personal opinion is that swapping the 10% damage increase from Elements of Rage with a 20%-25% cooldown reduction would make for a much more interesting trait, seeing as weaver has plenty of other % increases throughout the line. also,more importantly in my opinion, it seems really weird to have a grandmaster on the weaver focus on fully attuning. feels out of sync with the theme and tone of the weaver as a whole.


    something like: Elements of Rage-14% of you power is converted into Ferocity. Attunement cooldown is reduced by 25%


    the numbers on the cooldown could be lower to balance with arcane so things don't get too crazy of course. I just think at this point the trait is flavorless and promotes a very mechanical playstyle that feels in contrast with the theme of the weaver


    also as i'm wrapping up here i'lll echo that yeah i would really like the middle slot grandmaster to return to some sort of condition removal thing. the original unravel hexes could have been so good, i would love to see it return like, removing any condition on a 1 second interval while you have swiftness or superspeed. the exact interval could change to make sure it's not too powerful, but weaver would really benefit from a way to deal with conditions


    i'd like to hear other folks thoughts on this!


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