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Posts posted by mistsim.2748

  1. > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

    > Not sure how any of you can play this is higher tiers, in Silver its just CC'd until you are dead.


    Maybe you're trying to team fight? you should be on the side node winning your duels, or at worst +1'ing others. I know for a fact that you can win any 1v1 with it, unless youre maybe facing the literal god for that spec. You have on-demand protection, stab, mobility, heals, Resistance/invuln depending on pet, two invuln frames from weapons, and tons of cleanses.


    > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

    > > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

    > > Not sure how any of you can play this is higher tiers, in Silver its just CC'd until you are dead.


    > Carried by meta classes. ?


    > Condi soulbeast is pretty good atm and players in plat are actual players, you also get better teams in plat compared to silver/gold which is full of bots/bad players that cannot be carried.


    I play with some friends who are low-mid gold players. I like playing with them, it's fun, but I tank my rating after a few nights. So far, I've climbed my way back from Gold 2 to Plat 2 about 5 times in soloq. If I wasn't playing with my buddies, I'd probably be in Legend, but that's not really important to me. You can definitely climb with this build. Different things carry at different levels. For example, in Gold you can carry well with a Reaper and burn guard, but in Plat these builds are quite meh. To get out of Gold 3, and especially Plat 1, you need to win your duels.


    When it comes to side node duels, this build dispatches most meta builds quite handily. You only have trouble with Malyx, and core necro just takes a bit longer. For obvious reasons.


    Although you can win any 1v1, the major disadvantage of the build is that you don't do as well in 1v2's when your opponent gets +1'd. Whereas necros, revs, and holos for example can buy more time. Therefore, timing, awareness, and positioning are a lot more important for the condi Soulbeast. I imagine this is why it's not really meta.

  2. > @"kiwituatara.6053" said:

    > Best as in most OP?


    > Staff is fine. Just need rework on #2, evade on #3, and faster cast time on #4. Current staff auto attack is underrated. If rapid fire had no cool down, solar beam would have ~60% dps of rapid fire. Doesn’t need the extra burning.


    Staff AA was actually pretty damn good when HoT launched. I ran a fun staff/sword/wh build on marauder amulet. CA 5 also did really good damage with that setup, so we had a nice aoe nuke. it's trash now, with the nerfed power coefficient. they either need to add some condis to staff, or revert staff 1 nerf.

  3. very long write-up for basically not much said. rangers are in a pretty good position right now overall. Druids need a few more tweaks.

    Multiple ranger builds can take you into Plat 2, and some even higher. That's pretty damn good to me.

    Skirmishing line is amazing right now. I think a bunch of you aren't really trying. Traps are in a good place, and all 3 GM traits are viable. Actually now that I think about it, it's my favorite tree.

  4. For 1vX a condi bunker with dire/apothecary or trailblazers is probably best. I like d/d/sb with Poison Master and stances, but the weapons are up to you. sword/d and sword/torch is also ok.

    If you're roaming with friends, sic 'em with GS/LB or axe is good. Marauder stats.

    For blobbing, run the immobilize Soulbeast with GS/a/a and hyena, also Marauder stats.

  5. > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

    > > @"mistsim.2748" said:

    > > The Viper Nest nerf didn't seem to go through (although it's changed on the UI), but the increased duration did.

    > > I modified this build by switching to Rabid amulet with Orr Runes. This is probably the best bang for the buck, against both condi and power builds.

    > > This build remains unbeatable in 1v1's.


    > surprised you haven't gone with sunless yet


    I did try it, but tbh i dont think i gave it enough of a chance. i'll test it some more. it definitely makes the ult a lot more interesting.

    EDIT: yeah, Sunless + Carrion is probably my favorite combination for this meta. Barely anyone plays power builds any more.

  6. The Viper Nest nerf didn't seem to go through (although it's changed on the UI), but the increased duration did.

    I modified this build by switching to Rabid amulet with Orr Runes. This is probably the best bang for the buck, against both condi and power builds.

    This build remains unbeatable in 1v1's.


    Edit: condi meta too stronk...went back to Carrion. all my games are literally Malyx, core necro, burn guard, and p/d. There is an odd Holo and Daredevil, otherwise the extra toughness is quite wasted.

  7. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > Guys cmon gw2 is not that great of a mmo, its combat mechanics are good for pvp, but the rest? Lol why are u still subjecting urself to such garbage gaming experience when there's so many better games/experiences out there. Teach the devs a lesson and drop the meme game.


    no pvp arpg games. got one?

  8. > @"aymnad.9023" said:

    > They added more nerfs in the final version.

    > * "Protect Me!": Increased cooldown from 30 seconds to 40 seconds in PvP only. Reduced base barrier from 3,973 to 3,377 in PvP only.

    > * Spiritual Reprieve: Reduced base heal from 4,235 to 3,600 in PvP only. Reduced healing coefficient from 1.74 to 1.25 in PvP only.


    > In my opinion :

    > Protect me barrier nerf -> values are fine. Except they also added.

    > Protect me cd increase-> too long for a stunbreak, too low values for a defense, I do not think I am going to take it often. Somewhat ok with resouding timbre if you face some condi build on slb. I do not see it being that great on core which struggles vs condi (condi clear might be better).

    > Spiritual Reprieve heal nerf ->I find the values getting low for the cd but resistance is still there.


    I'm extremely upset about this change on Spiritual Reprieve. They very obviously had our Poison Master build in their crosshairs. Good time to abandon ship and see what the druid can do.

  9. > @"CroTiger.7819" said:

    > > @"mistsim.2748" said:


    > > How do you feel about the healing power from Sage? Given th garbage healing coefficients. I found it to be negligible, and perhaps even Carrion seemed better.


    > Sage is midlle ground for condi on druid. Carrion is vitality waster i think even rabid could be better choice. But you are right some skills heal so bad especially compared to build around so you actually first escape and than heal to resustain because healing is impossible when focused almost. I tested glyph with cultivated synergy druid runes and verdant etching traited and i can tell you it can heal yourself good on 19 sec recharge and even outside CA you bring 4k heal to allies. In CA you can use seed of life+lunar impact and rejuventing tides are comboed with pet swap for blast because its instant. Glyph of the stars with druid rune and having no druidic clarity seems like way to go. Healing is not that bad actually but its still so slow.

    > This particular build i linked is not support oriented still it can pull out some support but your focus should be on landing cc-s (actually interupting) and condi bombing+snare.



    That's really good news. Looking forward to trying this with Glyphs.

  10. > @"aymnad.9023" said:

    > > @"mistsim.2748" said:

    > > > @"aymnad.9023" said:

    > > > Staff

    > > > * I will say it as many times as people suggest it : condition damage on staff is an awful idea. Do not give a support weapon free damage.

    > >

    > > There is one big thing you don't understand - ANet will never rework the Druid, so all the elaborate suggestions proposed by you and others are nothing but a pipe dream.

    > >

    > > Giving Druid access to more condis is actually the most efficient way to fix the spec, and it doesn't require any reworks. ANet needs to aim to make a really good Sage amulet build (support condi hybrid), and go from there.

    > >

    > > Every other buff (like the upcoming ones) takes us back to the bunker meta, which no one wants to play apparently.

    > >

    > > Burn on the third tick of Staff 1. Poison and bleed on Staff 4, and Bob's your uncle. A few buffs to all Glyphs, and Druid is suddenly decent.

    > >

    > > Now, if you want Druid to be a full support spec, then it needs to be reworked from the ground up. Simply because CA, staff, and glyphs are terrible support tools, at least for PvP.


    > Give damage to a support instead of fixing the support capability? What kind of nonsense is that?

    > Not only do you not fix anything but you make it more annoying to fight. (and also allow bunker condi to come back)


    > Druid tools in their current form are weak and that is why I made suggestions accordingly. Being able to go in / out more regularly without being full and changing traits would already be a big step and allow them to pin point more why the skills are not working properly because right now they do not see it.


    > edit for word repetitions and mistakes



    It's pretty simple to me...if they want druid to be a full support spec, they gotta rework it from the ground up (very unlikely). If we're keeping druid mechanics the way they are, druid needs more damage to be relevant. Quick and easy fix.

  11. > @"ZeroSkitzo.5403" said:

    > > @"mistsim.2748" said:

    > > Someone has been ratting on this build. Never thought it was OP in the slightest, but just right. I think some of the higher level players have been getting wrecked by this in duels, and they probably complained to CMC.

    > >

    > > Viper's Nest nerfs are quite significant. Duration never matters in spvp. The condi burst we lose from the nerf is big, and it might be worthwhile running the fire trap instead.

    > >

    > > I'm considering running this instead now:

    > >

    > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwAUx/lVwsYfsH2JWePlvzSO3EA-zZoOkCUAJICyUK42B


    > Thanks for posting this! I like how you keep this up to date. I had been using the sword/dagger meta battle poison build but it felt so bad with the vipers nest nerf. I tried this one and definitely felt more damage pressure and will continue to run it.


    > I also love how you went to sword and incorporated torch to keep up the pressure vs dagger offhand. Let me know how it treats you as you play more with it :)


    > Edit: thoughts on owl vs hawk? Seems like you’re rocking wolf as main now but it’s hard to pass the mobility from swoop. I know wolf has a leap but doesn’t feel the same. I’ll have to give that a go again though for sure.


    No problem. I'm still testing out the burn/bleed build, not sure if it's going to be as good.


    Sword kinda tanks your dps...it's quite noticeable. But the mobility and leaps are nice. Might go back to d/d afterall...just experimenting a bit.


    I swap between Owl, Jacaranda, and Alpine Wolf. Jacaranda gives you additional sustain and much more DPS, but you can't leave the fight. Owl is always a good pick for Spiritual Reprieve. Wolf lets you deal with oppressive power builds like core rangers, holos, Spellbreakers, etc...it has two leaps and you can still leave the fight with 800 range leap.

  12. > @"iKagura.1903" said:

    > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

    > > > @"iKagura.1903" said:

    > > > > @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

    > > > > > @"iKagura.1903" said:

    > > > > > soulbeast doesn't run protect me , only core bunker ranger and condi rev is a better bunker option. maybe look at your own class before wanting nerfs to another one. crev is prob the most overperforming far option atm. so we're left with you wanting to nerf 2 things on a class that isn't even meta anymore.

    > > > > You do know that nerfs aren't mutually exclusives right? You can nerf more than 1 thing at the time. So the whole "they re bigger issues at the moment" isn't relevant. Especially in this case where the barrier coefficient is obviously an oversight. It is not something that needs weeks of thinking.

    > > > > At least, in a way, you agreed with me because you don't want it to be nerfed not because "it's fine", but because the class isn't meta (It actually is but whatever). You re way less biased than that other guy.

    > > > > Being meta or not has nothing to do with the need for nerfs. Anet should only nerf what is broken independently form the class/build/meta. And again in the case of "protect of me!", this is more like fixing an oversight than nerfing a skill.

    > > >

    > > > im not saying "this is better than that so focus on that" , core ranger that exclusively uses this is literally not even meta anymore, it's not even an offender build and not even useful anymore is my point unless you want to sit on far and be SOMEWHAT useful (again , crev is more useful at this). power soulbeast with WS/BM/SB is actually better as a roamer option now lol and that uses sic'em not protect me.

    > > >

    > > > if it was a top leading build that offered high value for little work then you'd have a point but it doesn't, when focused it gets wrecked. if you can't focus a target then it's not the build, it's you.

    > > >

    > > > and no, core ranger is not meta NOW , crev bumped it out of the meta because it's more offensive and has more tank against +1's , if that wasn't the case, top players wouldn't abuse crev on far over bunker core ranger and since most top players also stream it's very easy to understand this fact.

    > > >

    > > > nade holo and crev are the BEST pug carries in the game, core ranger isn't even remotely close to carrying games. it's annoying and it's decent but not a great build because it can't handle +1's well. it can only use it's mobility to leave the point whereas crev can actually sustain +1's due to it's resistance, cc and weapon kit (shield and staff) design.

    > > >

    > > > my point is you want to nerf a class that isn't even used as a meta option anymore because you can't focus a target. there's a massive difference between the build overperforming and you underperforming.

    > >

    > > Brah I have been playing soulbeast bunker since before big patch, in fact I didn’t know anyone else on NA that thought it was playable yet I brought it to top 10. And core bunker ranger and alittle of the BM, WS soulbeast build. BM WS Soulbeast is not better at roaming than core, it has alittle more mobility and some modest support methods, but it’s damage is kitten poor. A core bunker build with The extra traitline and a damage amulet can actually burst incredibly hard in a team fight and has some mobility, it can take out players in team fights like a thief than actually go side node cuz both are best in 1v1s. So imo your 100% wrong on that no damage = bad roamer.

    > > As far as meta bunker core is one of the strongest builds rn, but it maybe true that ppl didn’t play much in mota. All that means is it didn’t quiet for their comp. it is definitely incredibly good rn possibly meta even, whether or not it fits into ppl comps. That just means it doesn’t work cause they are countered comp, not that bunker ranger isn’t viable.

    > > Edit: I mean u might be doing some damage if your talking about sic em sniper with taking absolutely everything for damage, but still your wrong it’s not better than core rn, also it isn’t as good at 1v1ing either so my comment stands


    > core ranger is not a better far option than crev, it's simple lol.. if you're denying that or even arguing it then you're delusional. nade holo is even better at carrying pugs at far in duo than core ranger. core ranger just isn't as good anymore man and since core bunker just received more nerfs it's DEFINITELY not as good anymore.


    > here's a little 101 for you. if you are roaming, you need to have damage and enough damage to justify the +1 in a specific amount of time while your team on the other end of the map is getting outmatched. if you do no damage and you're roaming and most likely +1'ing as a result of that roam then you are wasting time. if you do no damage and you're roaming and +1'ing , you are stupid and not doing your role and you are hindering your teammates.


    Crevs ate it this patch. Not only will they not be able to 1v1 everyone (I could already shred crevs on side nodes with my condi Soulbeast), but they won't be able to withstand getting +1'd with the massive nerfs to their sustain now.


    Crevs got the shave they needed, and multiple ranger builds will be as good if not better options on side nodes.


    I don't think you qualify to give 101's to anyone.

  13. > @"iKagura.1903" said:

    > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

    > > > > @"mistsim.2748" said:

    > > > > > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:.

    > > > > > As for druid, currently it has lots of self sustain and disengage, and don't even get me started on that kitten perma immob trapper build which sees plays not only in wvw but in spvp too.

    > > > >

    > > > > It's a low tier build in spvp. It does very little damage, and it's mostly just known for being "annoying". It can't bunker, it can't side-note, it has less than mediocre teamfight. It's completely ineffectual against the better players in Plat+, but I can see how Gold players and below can be impressed by it.

    > > > >

    > > > > Oops didn't see Trevor wrote the same.

    > > >

    > > > Where do you see me being 'impressed' by the said build? I'm merely pointing out some of the fallacies and biases that from OP's original post.

    > >

    > > Yeah

    > >

    > > I guess the top 100 on both NA and EU and all the MAT teams must be biased.

    > >

    > > Because for some reason, despite how impressively strong the Druid is, none of them are using it.


    > Ah yes, ive seen this with soulbeast as well... godlike dps, godlike defenses, insanely busted and can move to each side of the map blazingly fast, godlike roamer / +1'er.


    > but everyone runs nade holo / crev. top tier players and meta users must be stupid!!




    But there are top players running Soulbeast and Core.

  14. > @"Xenash.1245" said:

    > > @"mistsim.2748" said:

    > > > @"Koen.1327" said:

    > > > > @"mistsim.2748" said:

    > > > > Someone has been ratting on this build. Never thought it was OP in the slightest, but just right. I think some of the higher level players have been getting wrecked by this in duels, and they probably complained to CMC.

    > > > >

    > > > > Viper's Nest nerfs are quite significant. Duration never matters in spvp. The condi burst we lose from the nerf is big, and it might be worthwhile running the fire trap instead.

    > > > >

    > > > > I'm considering running this instead now:

    > > > >

    > > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwAUx/lVwsYfsH2JWePlvzSO3EA-zZoOkCUAJICyUK42B

    > > >

    > > > its a buff, 2 psn stacks for 13 secs is insane

    > > > not every spec has on demand cleanse all the time

    > > > look at holo or rev who use resistance over cleanse, or anyone rotating/trying to get out of combat

    > > > not so significant i think but still a buff

    > >

    > > It's a small buff if you're dueling against something that has little to no condi cleanse.

    > >

    > > It's a nerf because you get less heals from Predator's Cunning, and less condi burst.

    > >

    > > Overall the build should be fine, but time to kill will slightly increase because of this.


    > The build is just fine, if anything I'd say the build is a bit worse against players that are very aware with what they're doing but better against players that make mistakes. You just need to experiment around with it and you'll see the changes that can make it shine, like for example I've had a similar build compared to the original posters for quite some time. But in contrast my build was more pressure focused at the loss of some mitigation, there's a few changes mainly in stats that I'd personally go for but the main thing the build needs in my opinion is the jungle/black widow spider.


    I've got well over 100hrs on the build. I'm past experimentation. The Viper Nest change is a pretty big DPS nerf, and the build's condi pressure has decreased. This is because good builds and players use condi cleansing appropriately.


    I'm not saying the build is all of a sudden bad, but it was needlessly nerfed.

  15. > @"CroTiger.7819" said:

    > > @"mistsim.2748" said:


    > > Thx I'll check it out. Been looking for Sage builds.


    > Second video have build show and i experimented with glyph of stars instead entangle cus i actually hate to have 2 long imobs in one build.




    How do you feel about the healing power from Sage? Given th garbage healing coefficients. I found it to be negligible, and perhaps even Carrion seemed better.

  16. > @"CroTiger.7819" said:

    > > @"mistsim.2748" said:


    > > Applying condis on druid is too difficult, because staff and CA don't have any.


    > Bro i hope this can change your mind atleast about that. Its sage amulet with mirage runes.

    > It runes wilderness for well known reasons.

    > Marksmanship is great for cover condis what it gives is criple and 5 stacks of vuln on each survival skill cus of fury proc. Smokescale field on swap is used for stealth and iboga pet pull (same like core power marks). Second trait gives your cc longer duration and buff for pet hits while iboga deals increased dmg for each different condition. The thing is marksmanship is best cover condi traitline and it extends your lunar impact, shortbow 5 and glyph of equality daze/stun durations. So you can burst ppl with shortbow 2 and cast 2 instant skills just bit before (sharpened edges and glyph of equality to proc ancient seeds) and your target is full of condis in half of a sec. Bleed is on top and ancient seeds proc last 5 stacks while sb 2 proc first 5. I hope you get idea. This build is bursty and need good awarness to stay alive. After the patch i gonna kick druidic clarity for heal trait and equip glyph heal+glyph of stars for elite and ofc trait glyphs. Lets hope lasser seed of life gets buffed aswell as you said that would actually change more things around than those they mentioned. I think after patch i will be able to have burst heal option aswell. Glyph+cultivated synergy and proc of seed of life could be strong with druid runes because both are affected by druid runes. Glyph of stars get bonus from druid rune on start so its also fine pulsing heal and can change loss of druidic clarity.





    Thx I'll check it out. Been looking for Sage builds.

  17. > @"aymnad.9023" said:

    > Staff

    > * I will say it as many times as people suggest it : condition damage on staff is an awful idea. Do not give a support weapon free damage.


    There is one big thing you don't understand - ANet will never rework the Druid, so all the elaborate suggestions proposed by you and others are nothing but a pipe dream.


    Giving Druid access to more condis is actually the most efficient way to fix the spec, and it doesn't require any reworks. ANet needs to aim to make a really good Sage amulet build (support condi hybrid), and go from there.


    Every other buff (like the upcoming ones) takes us back to the bunker meta, which no one wants to play apparently.


    Burn on the third tick of Staff 1. Poison and bleed on Staff 4, and Bob's your uncle. A few buffs to all Glyphs, and Druid is suddenly decent.


    Now, if you want Druid to be a full support spec, then it needs to be reworked from the ground up. Simply because CA, staff, and glyphs are terrible support tools, at least for PvP.

  18. > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:.

    > As for druid, currently it has lots of self sustain and disengage, and don't even get me started on that kitten perma immob trapper build which sees plays not only in wvw but in spvp too.


    It's a low tier build in spvp. It does very little damage, and it's mostly just known for being "annoying". It can't bunker, it can't side-note, it has less than mediocre teamfight. It's completely ineffectual against the better players in Plat+, but I can see how Gold players and below can be impressed by it. My buddy plays an ele, and this build is his worst nightmare in Gold.


    Oops didn't see Trevor wrote the same.

  19. > @"LughLongArm.5460" said:

    > > @"mistsim.2748" said:

    > > > @"CroTiger.7819" said:

    > > > > @"mistsim.2748" said:

    > > > > > @"Shagie.7612" said:

    > > > > > I don't understand the Viper's Nest change.

    > > >.. If you want to try druid build i can send you the link with gameplay and build because its actually strong vs most mathups right now.

    > >

    > > Yeah pass me your druid build bro. I've been trying out a few different ones. I've run mostly Mender's so far, with Ancient Seeds. It's ok, nothing crazy.

    > >

    > > Really wish I could run a hybrid support/condi with Sage amulet, but the healing coefficients are so abysmal that there's virtually no reason to ever stay in CA form. Need 1k healing power at least, and even then it's weaksauce.


    > You can try something like this -

    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEY6MssCmH7jFyOxy3ZtVWiHTD-zZhMEEHA


    > Tips to druid support to overcome CA coefficients.


    > Support in PVP via regen as they can't nerf regen as a way to nerf druid. With lingering light+ Dwayna rune, your healing ticks on allies(pet included) are insanely high(over 500 per tick), outperforming most of your heals. Build offers 100% regen uptime on group


    > Blast finishers is the same idea, quick draw + staff 3, giving you blasts back to back of used on an ally(pet included).


    > Could be played with Sage amulet as well. the second weapon bar/utilities could be adjusted for preferences. May be a bit squishy, but doing damage and support comes with a trade-off. You have good movement and stealth access(this is not a bunker setup).


    > Used to play a bunker mender version of this setup with NM over WS, GS over condi weapon setup. Was very tanky and supportive but very little offence.


    Yes I recently played the Mender version. I honestly found it pretty low impact, even for a bunker. Druid seems to be a fairly selfish support in general, ironically. I'll try your Regen version.


    Healing others in a real fight is surprisingly difficult. My Soulbeast uses Spiritual Reprieve in a large aoe, and it's more impactful than anything Druid has to offer. 6.4k heal and 3s Resistance can instantly turn a fight around. Druids can't do that.


    Applying condis on druid is too difficult, because staff and CA don't have any.


    The only thing I keep coming back to is the immob spammer/trapper Druid, and the Mender bunker. These are pretty mediocre in higher levels of play.

  20. > @"Koen.1327" said:

    > > @"mistsim.2748" said:

    > > Someone has been ratting on this build. Never thought it was OP in the slightest, but just right. I think some of the higher level players have been getting wrecked by this in duels, and they probably complained to CMC.

    > >

    > > Viper's Nest nerfs are quite significant. Duration never matters in spvp. The condi burst we lose from the nerf is big, and it might be worthwhile running the fire trap instead.

    > >

    > > I'm considering running this instead now:

    > >

    > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwAUx/lVwsYfsH2JWePlvzSO3EA-zZoOkCUAJICyUK42B


    > its a buff, 2 psn stacks for 13 secs is insane

    > not every spec has on demand cleanse all the time

    > look at holo or rev who use resistance over cleanse, or anyone rotating/trying to get out of combat

    > not so significant i think but still a buff


    It's a small buff if you're dueling against something that has little to no condi cleanse.


    It's a nerf because you get less heals from Predator's Cunning, and less condi burst.


    Overall the build should be fine, but time to kill will slightly increase because of this.

  21. > @"CroTiger.7819" said:

    > > @"mistsim.2748" said:

    > > > @"Shagie.7612" said:

    > > > I don't understand the Viper's Nest change.

    >.. If you want to try druid build i can send you the link with gameplay and build because its actually strong vs most mathups right now.


    Yeah pass me your druid build bro. I've been trying out a few different ones. I've run mostly Mender's so far, with Ancient Seeds. It's ok, nothing crazy.


    Really wish I could run a hybrid support/condi with Sage amulet, but the healing coefficients are so abysmal that there's virtually no reason to ever stay in CA form. Need 1k healing power at least, and even then it's weaksauce.

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