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Knight In Shining Armor.17

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Posts posted by Knight In Shining Armor.17

  1. > @"weskay.9217" said:

    > Wait, why is this even something players should need to pay? This is usually a basic feature on any MMO. Guild Wars 1 has a very easy-to-use build manager and allowed unlimited customization for no cost. Why tf is this something that you're charging players with? Wow.


    All this. This is just excessively greedy. This should have shipped with the game at launch. This is a kitten move. A cash grab. They have taken something that was included and unlimited in GW1 and withheld and charged extra for it.

  2. The client starts downloading the latest patch fairly quickly at around 700KB/sec then drops off to 0KB/sec and just stays that way. Sometimes it may start up again and download a couple hundred K, and sometimes I get red text saying "connection error, retrying."


    I have used GW2 network diagnostic in the gw2 folder and apparently I have getting dropped traffic from my ISP Cox.


    I cannot paste the full traceroute here, too many characters, but this is the fishy part


    = Tracing network paths (about 10 mins)


    *--> pathping -w 500 -q 50 -4 <--*


    Tracing route to 64.25.33-1.ncsoft.com []

    over a maximum of 30 hops:






    5 dalsbprj02-ae1.0.rd.dl.cox.net []

    6 lag-105.ear5.Dallas1.Level3.net []

    7 * * *

    Computing statistics for 75 seconds...

    Source to Here This Node/Link

    Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address


    0/ 50 = 0% |

    1 1ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0%

    0/ 50 = 0% |

    2 7ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0%

    0/ 50 = 0% |

    3 8ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0%

    0/ 50 = 0% |

    4 9ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0%

    0/ 50 = 0% |

    5 18ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% dalsbprj02-ae1.0.rd.dl.cox.net []

    50/ 50 =100% |

    6 --- 50/ 50 =100% 0/ 50 = 0% lag-105.ear5.Dallas1.Level3.net []


    Trace complete.

    *--> pathping -w 500 -q 50 -4 <--*


    Tracing route to 206-127-158-1.ncsoft.com []

    over a maximum of 30 hops:





    4 * * *

    Computing statistics for 37 seconds...

    Source to Here This Node/Link

    Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address


    0/ 50 = 0% |

    1 1ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0%

    0/ 50 = 0% |

    2 8ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0%

    0/ 50 = 0% |

    3 8ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0%


    Trace complete.

    *--> pathping -w 500 -q 50 -4 <--*


    Tracing route to server-13-249-75-179.dfw53.r.cloudfront.net []

    over a maximum of 30 hops:






    5 dalsbprj01-ae1.0.rd.dl.cox.net []




    9 * * *

    Computing statistics for 100 seconds...

    Source to Here This Node/Link

    Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address


    0/ 50 = 0% |

    1 1ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0%

    0/ 50 = 0% |

    2 9ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0%

    0/ 50 = 0% |

    3 9ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0%

    0/ 50 = 0% |

    4 9ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0%

    0/ 50 = 0% |

    5 19ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% dalsbprj01-ae1.0.rd.dl.cox.net []

    50/ 50 =100% |

    6 --- 50/ 50 =100% 0/ 50 = 0%

    0/ 50 = 0% |

    7 --- 50/ 50 =100% 0/ 50 = 0%

    0/ 50 = 0% |

    8 --- 50/ 50 =100% 0/ 50 = 0%


    Trace complete.

    Section completed in 197.50 seconds




    Yet cox denies that there is a service outage. I have been on the phone with them 3 times today. There is a tech scheduled to come to my house Saturday.


    Any help would be appreciated.\


    Got this to patch by adding this to the shortcut properties: -origincdn.101.arenanetworks.com


    The patch completed but I have not yet actually launched the game.

  3. I should not complain since this year has more to do than previous summer festivals in DR, but there doesn't seem to be any compelling reason to complete these events.


    Dragon bash survival is so boring I had to let the champ frost beast thing kill me, and I got no rewards from surviving wave after wave, since the event continues when the timer counts down even if no monsters are killed at all.


    Also, betting on moa races is very hands off. We could have just /rock /paper /cut and saved a lot of time.


    I saw a couple people say in chat that this fest is pointless without a roller beetle mount. Shouldn't the race NPC rent a mount or something? to allow those without to participate? Besides the fest themed food rewards, where is the undeniable reason to attend? What's in it for us the players?


    A simple story mission to allow some kinda progress like the Christmas tree thing or the Halloween bloody prince thing would have been nice

  4. K maybe i'm asking for quality assurance here. Maybe it's just plain old common sense. I'm not asking for anything special. I'm asking for a single vital event to spawn regularly and predictably. If this collectable item had been tied to either of the two other events this wouldn't be a problem. They spawn like clockwork. I know, I've done them over and over again.


    Maybe it's the human touch that's missing here. Feels like somebody just tacked this on to a problematic event just for flavor and called it a day.

  5. Finally logged in early this morning to find it spawned right next to the neutral beetle that supposedly triggers it to spawn. Solo'd it out of spite. I highly doubt that killing the neutral beetle has anything to do with spawning it.


    More likely some anet employee thought "hmm, 3 consecutive collections isn't tedious or grindy enough. What more could we possibly do to make this even more difficult? Ah, random event way off in the desert no one has heard of? Hey it's got Beetle in it's name! We'll retcon it and nobody will be wiser!"


    That can't be all the forethought put into the game. Somebody needs to be there thinking things out better. This doesn't happen often enough, that doesn't trigger like it should. Playtesters would be nice

  6. For days now, _days,_ I have been waiting for this event to spawn so I can collect this part and move on. The Alpha Beetle does not spawn. Does Not Spawn. I have done both the beetle herding quest and the clear the 4 mordrem mobs from this area and they just repeat endlessly. I have had to park my main character there and just login randomly.


    Why would you tie such a sought after item to such a vague event condition? Do you not want people to obtain this? Is this just another instance of Anet not communicating and coordinating with one another?

  7. Heart of Thorns was notorious for putting champions on skill points that were virtually impossible to kill solo. PoF did it much better. I never had a problem getting any single skill point there. What helped me a lot was buying the unobtainable skill points from the WvW vendor Heroics Notary. You need Testimonies of Heroics but at least that was obtainable all by yourself.

  8. I have had dreams where a certain unique food item drops in a location and I am trying to get there in order to get some within the spawn window. Or there is something like Mad King Thorn going on in LA where an activity involving an NPC takes place in a random spot in LA and I am trying to hurry to that spot but keep getting my mount stuck on buildings. Must be the mind telling me to get up, you are missing out

  9. I am indeed talking about that stealth mission in LLTL. For example, i'm trying to use the teleport skill for some achievement, I get teleported outside the mission boundries and insta kicked. Lose all progress. Wooo ya what fun. Ragequit.


    It feels as though whoever it is that's supposed to be checking for these things, is asleep at the computer. Nobody double checks this stuff. It's like one department insists on adding this crap and nobody says a thing. Hey you know this could break the whole mission? Hello?


    I am just typing spontaneously here but you get the idea.

  10. When it first came out people hated it even worse than now. They had to remove barricades that closed off routes of travel to even make it playable, then asked people to vote on keeping it or removing it from the game, well knowing that there was NO new wvw content. Seems kinda rigged eh? Of course people voted to keep it, as it was the ONLY new thing for wvw at that time.

  11. I don't want to learn them. Half of them you use for one mission and never again, making learning them redundant and a waste of time. If you wanted me to be stealthy, give me a stealth skill I can use in open world so I can learn how it works besides your uniquely crafted mission. In other words, let the player dictate their style of play, not the devs. I am sick of not being a hero. I don't want your artificially difficult missions. You discourage play when you make this stuff mandatory.

  12. The body of the text:


    Grab a magneton hammer out of a nearby receptacle and use it to siphon energy from any glowing magneton capacitors floating high in the air. Then launch electromagnetic pulses to wreck the lab's defenses


    Firstly the magneton hammers aren't in any nearby receptacle, they're behind a set of closed doors. Out of sight. Nothing indicates which direction a player should go in order to find said hammers. You just have to wander in to the sliding doors. Killing Inquest in the area with weapon skills does not progress the heard vendors meter.


    Next is hammer skill number 2. It seems to have just one use. Nothing I did would recharge it. Even dropping one hammer and picking up another would not re-activate it. There is no obvious text which instructs on what to do. I literally had to stumble through actions that would fill the NPCs meter.


    There's also the funky low gravity movement. Just why? That's totally not needed to progress. You've made it vague enough and too complex already. Why add more disorientation?


    Oh and one more thing, you can't drop the hammer bundle while in the air, but the whole chamber is all about floating around in the air!

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