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Beda Zzle.5281

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Posts posted by Beda Zzle.5281

  1. I will NEVER play a mobile MMO. For one thing I can't see the screen and movement would be horrible. IMHO and for my preferences only MMOs should be PC only. Or comparable. not on mobile devices. They had mentioned A LONG time ago about developing a mobile app that would let us keep track of the AH and our friends and guild members but that fell through. Now that I would still approve.

  2. Hi Tyria!! I joined this Guild around 3 weeks ago and I am so happy they accepted me into the guild. I have done and experienced more in this last 3 weeks then I have in my entire 5 yrs of GW2... I had never ran a dungeon or a fractal or enjoyed wvw but with Tyrs I have done all of those things and found that I had been missing out. They have a "No One Left Behind" Policy so no one is left to fend for yourself anywhere. Even if you are a random Pug that is our attitude.

    Of course our GM is like Big Brother but in a good way! :) All seeing almost all knowing. LOL IMHO this is the best guild to belong to if you want to be part of a close nit guild that doesn't need or want drama and just wants to enjoy our time in Tyria. So, check out the website in the OP and look us over. :)

  3. Hi, I've been playing GW2 from the very beginning and I had 2 friends that used to play every day but alas one doesn't play at all and the other pops in every month or so for about 3 hours then poof gone again for months... (it seems). Anyway, I'd like to find a guild that has fun and is laid back... I mean a guild that people actually laugh and can joke if they wipe in a dungeon... I've only ever done one dungeon (twilight arbor for the armor) Or just run around together and have fun exploring the maps. Not be all gung ho about clearing raids or be world firsts...


    I am on the NA servers on Yak's Bend world... I play mostly (ok, only at this time) pve but I wouldn't mind doing some dungeons (raids) or wvw if I can find the right family! I miss having someone(s) to pal around with. Thank you in advance for any consideration.

  4. Salvadore... I do apologize for my RL friend actually logging in on the same night you bling me! I think he reads my posts LOL Do you believe he hasn't logged in again since? I am generally just running berry runs so not really doing anything but looking for someone to run around with and bug. I am on the NA servers... Yak's Bend World... I hope you and your character are doing well. :)

  5. As a minion necro if my minions agro anything i'll stay and fight until there aren't anymore mobs but on subject of rez thanking if I do the rezzing a thank you isn't required but if it isn't in the heat of battle then it is appreciated but again not necessary. If I am the one being rezzed then like someone else posted I'll type ty while they are rezzing me. Or I'll type RUN!!!!!!!! :)

  6. > @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

    > > @"Beda Zzle.5281" said:

    > > When I am doing my Berry run, what pinches my bunions, is ALL the people in the map and they run right past you to the berries you are fighting to get to and leave you to fight the mobs and then they run off and leave you still fighting and then you die and you're thinking to yourself," what an kitten!" and then this Angel comes along and rezzes me! Thank you thank you.... thank you. :)


    > What burns me the most is when I see someone downed I will go out of my way to rez them. In your scenario, I clear the area, start the rez and you port out when there's less than 5% to go. Then the mobs respawn.


    > Yeah there are times I will walk right over you...


    Ya, I don't do that but I have ridden back to a downed person and commence to rez and yup they bleep out on me too sometimes but I wasn't downed when they shot past me to the berries, see me fighting and still go on their merry way....



  7. When I am doing my Berry run, what pinches my bunions, is ALL the people in the map and they run right past you to the berries you are fighting to get to and leave you to fight the mobs and then they run off and leave you still fighting and then you die and you're thinking to yourself," what an A-Hole!" and then this Angel comes along and rezzes me! Thank you thank you.... thank you. :)

  8. If you are on the NA servers I can run around with you and keep you company while also helping you to complete the maps... I have really only done pve and only run around in wvw when my lone friend (who doesn't play anymore, cause RL) wants to run around there. Just bling me if you want... :)

  9. I play most every evening and a lot on the weekends.. I had 2 friends that I played (ran) with but RL got in the way and they do not play as much. I really just do pve but if you just want someone to run around with just bling me in game and I'll try to help as much as I can or just run around with you. Welcome to our GW2 family!

  10. I totally agree! My Little female has rights!!! She is her own Asura and she wants to wear pretty female clothes!! Not some dorky males clothes!! No offense to the handsome Asura males out there! But c'mon!! Most of her clothes are hideous!! Luckily for my cloth wearers I JUST (after 5 years) got the Nightmare court regalia! NOW she looks awesome but she also needs some nice winter outfits (not diaper pants) and maybe a pair of shorts and a nice tank top... (for those hot beachy days) Please make it so # 1. :)

  11. The apparatus has a constant snowflake-like aura. The particle effect is not attached to the skin, but to the base item. Transmuting another skin over the item will not remove the effect.

    The particle effect persists even when wearing an outfit with the mask hidden.

    The particle effect will only appear after stats have been selected.


    Since the effect is not attached to the skin - which is the common Aquabreather skin -**** it is not possible to transfer the effect to other items****. This also means that the icon used by the wiki will never appear ingame, as the icon of the skin is always prioritized ingame.


    I don't think you can put the effect on over other items.

  12. > @"TheRandomGuy.7246" said:

    > > @"Beda Zzle.5281" said:

    > > I voted "Other" because I do not want a paid subscription for GW2. I buy gems every month and to me that is my subscription. Like someone (maybe multiple someones) have said, I'll buy gems out the wahzoo but not on top of a sub fee.... I like the way GW2 is now... even though with a sub GW2 would be guaranteed the sub fee every month that would not guarantee the extra $100 a month I'd purchase in gems. Take WoW for instance. I pay a sub fee every month but I do not purchase anything else... so to me they are losing money from me.. So, no leave GW2's structure alone.


    > Sooo... paying less is bad?


    No, but paying for gem store items on top off a sub is bad... why pay a sub for the things I already get for buying the game. I pay extra for the gem store items that I want without having to pay a sub. But if they want to go the sub fee route and give me all my gliders and costumes and pets for free then sure I'd be all for it...

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