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Posts posted by Holl.3109

  1. > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > Not a bad video and walk through that said though in a lot of these spvp match ups you are being ignored. A team that literally focuses you wont allow you to make the kinds of plays you were able to get away with.

    > that said i do like the setup and how you combo your skills so well. I have not run focus much simply because i favor the war horn for the daze and extra swiftness on locust (even more so when using speed runes) but this video makes me want dust it off and give it ago. ;) thanks for sharing



    Thank you! On my channel I often also do post full matches against more decent players, but it's less fun to watch ahahaha

    Also! You can get perma swiftness via SW + Swiftness when you enter shroud, so that I why I gave up the warhorn :)


    > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > that first fight, really?



    > you could have fought naked and still win


    > the typical afk pve guy waiting for daily camp, not really material for in a "guide"


    > that holo, if decent would give you a run for your money

    > but if we look at the impressive ranks(not even bronze yet) that says it all




    A 1v5 against decent players is literally not possible, so this is the only way haha. I get your point, but I'm just trying to demonstrate how to play reaper.


    > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > So tough being a content creator these days with viewers holding pitchforks at every corner ?


    > To all the critics, don’t lose sight of the purpose of this video which is to show how to kite, juke and LOS to avoid damage, create favourable opportunities and opening engagements on your terms!


    > The opponents in the video might be relatively weaker but you can still take Holts tips and apply them against stronger foes.


    > Very informative video Holts. Enjoyed watching it.

    > Excellent kiting as usual.


    > My only disappointment was that I didn’t get to see your trademark wurm + SW stomp ?


    > Hoping to see a Scourge kiting guide video next!

    > Will be interesting to see the possible interactions between sand portal, spectral walk and wurm ?


    Yes! Thank you, this is exactly what I always mean to say but I'm bad at wording things haha.

    Thanks for the kind words, and you missed the wurm + SW stomp at 12:10 ;)


    > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

    > Very nice video. I am not a Necro player but have recently tried roaming on one and it makes me want to pull my teeth out. I am sure part of it has to do with my lack of experience with the class, but it really makes me respect those who can successfully roam on them, especially if running glassier builds. I found the video well-structured and informative, and the fights were all helpful at illustrating different tactics that need to be used when playing. Good kitten, sir.




    Much appreciated, thank you so much! (It just takes lots of practice ;) currently 2k hours on reaper so, yes, im an addict lol)


    > @"Bull Zooker.1672" said:

    > Hollts, you are awesome man. dont forget the negative ninnies surf and comment on the forums more than the people with good things to say.

    > ive been following you for a while and watching your videos always makes me want to play reaper again (necro main too). Good hustle man. Keep it coming.


    Don't worry, they are very few. Just glad I get so many positive comments and can help some people out.

  2. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > This build is shut down by trailblazer scourges, condi and hybrid mirages, revenants and thieves. Minstrel firebrands and celestial weavers can outsustain it and the weaver will even win eventually due to superior pressure/healing ratio.


    > I don't know how the situation is in NA but in EU you run into these classes / builds quite often.


    > It should be decent against any kind of warriors, guardians and engineers (except bunker scrapper of course which has even more sustain than minstrel firebrand).


    > Personally every build that loses to a roaming condi scourge is trash to me.


    "Shut down" is a strong word. They are simply matchups that you need to learn to counter. As shown in the video, people are simply not expecting reapers and therefore underestimate them.


    > @"Oogabooga.3812" said:

    > Hollts, man, that is some hella-crazy movement/juking. You make necro look like a quick class.


    That's how I do it ;) Movement skills and runes of speed all the way!


  3. Hey guys!

    So, some of you might know me, but for the people who do not; Hi! I go by the name of Hollts and I am the PvP/WvW Reaper fanatic who likes to make YouTube videos for everything concerning reaper (excluding PvE lol). I have taken quite a long break from making videos because of college, but due to summer break I am back at it again.

    This time with something a little bit different. I decided to take some good/entertaining outnumbered clips and add some commentary over it to explain my train of thought while playing. Think jukes, 1v3’s, duels versus certain classes, PvP strategies, life force management, etc. To be honest, I am quite proud of the result and thus decided to link it here as well because it could be useful for some! If anyone needs some more insights into reaper gameplay, builds and tactics, be sure to check out my video below :)






    These are the builds I used:

    For PvP: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAndRnc0AF3g91AubC0biFcBjqLEHeWQDgAwBI+KuFLjA-jpxHQBtY/hv9AAsXZAAcEAQ4JAwfHCAA

    And for WvW: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQNAndRnc0AF3g91AubC0biFcBL+KuFLjQDgAwBgqLEHeWA-j1CEABEcCAA4QA4vqOSpUIR1Ce4IAwkSmtUC6+DA0HA/+DOpMadwBwYFrYjFYsxGbsxGrBEbsxGbsxGbsxGrMA6bB-w


    Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, tips or want to mention things I missed in the video!


    Kind regards,




    > @"Ravezaar.4951" said:

    > Left the game ahwile back (6months or so) but still Hollts vidz draws me in. Best Necro content creator in Gw2, miss the duels we had when u played on Deso and I on Piken.


    <3 Thanks so much man!


    > @"Dace.8173" said:

    > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > > @"Dace.8173" said:

    > > > How do you feel about Rise in the any skill slot? I've used it a bit in other builds and it seems to have done some good but I do wonder if there are better choices.

    > >

    > > I think it's not that good. It only has a use while fighting against Dragonhunters to trigger their traps.

    > >

    > > The problem is that it's not safe dmg mitigation. As soon as minions die and they die rlly quick or as soon as they get outfight, the dmg reduction is gone


    > Ah, ok. It's ok, I went with Signet of Locust. I just detest moving slowly and I found it threw me off so I went with something that would give me a bit of speed.


    With this build you have permanent swiftness with warhorn 5 and speed of shadows though, so signet of the locust isn't very useful imo ;)

  5. > @"Wizardauz.3761" said:

    > Nice video.


    > Question: How do you deal with condis? You just quick swap before the fight or just take the "L" if they're competent and come back preped.


    > I like running YSIM into power fights but usually swap Suffer for Plague Signet or just run Consume Condis and deal with it if i happen to fight power.


    I usually roam with 'your soul is mine' and spectral armor etc. If I see that they are using condition food I either take consume conditions or well of power depending on the class. (Consume condition for burst condi builds like condi thief/mirage and well of power for condi guards/rangers/scourges)


    Thanks btw!

  6. > @"Egorum.9506" said:

    > Anyone who wants to run reaper in wvw, try using hollt's build. just picked up reaper a couple weeks ago and it's already pretty effective:




    > anyone can pick it up, the burst is solid as kitten!


    Very nice video, glad you like the build ^_^


    > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > @"Holl.3109"


    > Thanks for this. I’ve been leveling a fresh alt account (leveling old fashioned way) with a Reaper (still not quite done with it) and this has been very helpful.


    > In my case I’m swapping out Wurm in PvE for Spectral Grasp. There are a few minor trait changes as well but mostly the same.


    > I’m curious about how you fight condi builds in general. I’ve been using Plague Signet in place of the shout because it is less limited by number of targets and I can use the Signet cooldown reduction in shroud to get it back faster. But that trait also means I absorb many conditions from everyone who isn’t avoiding standing in the AoE. I have the dagger offhand transfer but it just feels a little light.


    > Obviously, sometimes shroud will help absorb a lot of spike damage. But I’m curious to hear your thoughts on it.


    No problem! Versus condi builds I take consume conditions and either plague signet or well of power instead of spectral armor. That usually gives me just enough clear to burst them down :)


    > @"Zensoc.8974" said:

    > Good Video. Your movement is awesome!

    > I made a similar build few weeks ago, but more offensive and thus not that good in 1vs1. Your build suits way better!


    > Do you have any tips against spellbreaker ? They seem to block everything and if they can not, they run away. :/


    Thank you! Yes, spellbreakers are pretty hard to kill but as long as you don't hit full counter and count their dodges it's doable. Also try to use shroud 2 to run away every now and then to create some space.


    > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > Holts is by far the best kiter I've seen. No one really comes close to the jukes he does.


    Oh stop it you, you're making me blush :3


    > @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

    > Nice work holl you're the true wurminator. I'm still kicking it with your fear the reaper build. Keep up the killer work mate.


    Wurm is the best utility skill, even if it is just a blink with a cast time xD Thank you for the kind words! <3

  8. > @"Xenash.1245" said:

    > Seems to be almost the exact same build I've been using since heart of thorns came out, with a few minions things changes here and there. Sooo, good taste!


    > Personally my food of choice has usually been the ghost pepper popper, though I'll assume the dumpling is better for one reason or another.


    Oh wow! Yea I use the dumplings for the might on crit. Dumplings have no internal cooldown on it though, so you can get the most might and thus the most LF or healing :)

  9. > @"Egorum.9506" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > But but necros cant roam, mesmers OP!!!

    > >

    > > On a fun note I have seen a massive upswing of roaming reapers this last week - luckily most of them are bad. Did meet one really good that just made people go kitten as they where instantly killed, lol. The weird thing was that even in extended 1v1 the shroud regen was insane, back to 100% every shroud cd. Guess thats the boon generation and gs working. He was incredibly hard to bring down and even my computer conspired against me - crashed the game right when I was about to beat him at 10% hp in a duel - and crashed a second time right after I stomped him in a later fight - havent crashed since. Thats how OP this build really is I guess.


    > What server was he on?


    > > @"Holl.3109" said:

    > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > But but necros cant roam, mesmers OP!!!

    > > >

    > > > On a fun note I have seen a massive upswing of roaming reapers this last week - luckily most of them are bad. Did meet one really good that just made people go kitten as they where instantly killed, lol. The weird thing was that even in extended 1v1 the shroud regen was insane, back to 100% every shroud cd. Guess thats the boon generation and gs working. He was incredibly hard to bring down and even my computer conspired against me - crashed the game right when I was about to beat him at 10% hp in a duel - and crashed a second time right after I stomped him in a later fight - havent crashed since. Thats how OP this build really is I guess.

    > >

    > > Hahahaha, must he must have added DDOS to the build xD Glad to hear that more reapers are roaming ^^ The boon output is insane so there is permanent healing/LF regeneration! :D

    > >

    > > > @"Oogabooga.3812" said:

    > > > Just want you to know, I've been destroying roamers using a very similar build on NA for a couple of months now, all inspired by you.

    > >

    > > Oops... Don't discourage them from all becoming great reapers :(


    > Just swapped over to the new one you put up with a little more zerker gear, the health/shroud regeneration is nuts man lol


    > I've been getting some solid clips with it, I'll post them up this weekend


    Link the video when you do ^^

  10. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > But but necros cant roam, mesmers OP!!!


    > On a fun note I have seen a massive upswing of roaming reapers this last week - luckily most of them are bad. Did meet one really good that just made people go kitten as they where instantly killed, lol. The weird thing was that even in extended 1v1 the shroud regen was insane, back to 100% every shroud cd. Guess thats the boon generation and gs working. He was incredibly hard to bring down and even my computer conspired against me - crashed the game right when I was about to beat him at 10% hp in a duel - and crashed a second time right after I stomped him in a later fight - havent crashed since. Thats how OP this build really is I guess.


    Hahahaha, must he must have added DDOS to the build xD Glad to hear that more reapers are roaming ^^ The boon output is insane so there is permanent healing/LF regeneration! :D


    > @"Oogabooga.3812" said:

    > Just want you to know, I've been destroying roamers using a very similar build on NA for a couple of months now, all inspired by you.


    Oops... Don't discourage them from all becoming great reapers :(

  11. > @"Ubi.4136" said:

    > And people keep saying only mesmer/thief are broken...lol. Nice vid.


    This isnt broken :(


    > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

    > No defense the trait? I mean, you got shield gs and endure pain already. :S

    > At least jumping off the cliff is ballsy.


    I meant like the traitline ayyy


    > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

    > Hehe, fun vid as always. Now try doing Arms/Strength/Sbreaker for fun! :) (and don't use dura runes lol).


    That's too hard xD


    > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:


    > heh :P good stuffs


    hahahah sorry xD Idk i couldnt target the mesmer so was randomly attacking things

  12. > @EremiteAngel.9765 said:

    > I won't deny it. I get a burst of thrill every time I see you combo skills with wurm. I've never seen anyone who does it better than you. It was especially sweet when you caught that thief with it.


    > Unfortunately I need to get to the bad parts because power Reaper needs help defensively.


    > The spellbreaker that you said was easy at the 4 min mark...he didn't even run the 50% HP damage immunity trait...


    > There is a trend to why most of your opponents fell. They didn't negate your shroud burst which is not difficult to do.


    > Having said that, full props to your superb setups that allowed you to land those bursts =]


    Don't worry I just put that spellbreaker clip in there for fun, I probably wouldn't win versus some good SB's.

    And yup, the only thing people have to do is kite shroud, so I use every possible way to get close to them!

    Thank you :)

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