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Posts posted by UlvenSkyblade.9830

  1. Hi Devs, first off I am so glad you decided to do this on the forums :D.




    I had a question in the second instance of living world season 2 at the boss fight the entire arena is shielded off by the elders and every time you go down you get instantly resurrected. My question is how did this choice came to be to be resurrected by the elders instead of any other force or a retry from checkpoint screen.. During other fights you also get instantly resurrected by things beyond your control. But here it felt out of place for me because they did not resurrect there own leader but where willing to use this power for the benefit of a stranger (and indirectly there tribe). And after the fight we got a scene which for me lost all of its importance because for me it felt like they choose not to resurrect there elder instead of being inflicted a grave lose by the inquest.

  2. Talking mainly for PvE, I do not play enough spvp/wvw to claim to be able to speak on there behalve in any competent manner. The following is my opinion in this and my observations:


    I get that having fewer conditions are easier to clean, but I do think that torment and confusion are far more intresting conditions to work with. Maybe even forcing counter play like having a chooice who to clean. The person who has poison so he isn't being healed properly or the person who has confusion on him making him take massive dammage while he attacks.

  3. Going to be clear this is a post about flavour and feel not about dps. It is about giving mesmer a stronger identity and a better feel again.


    The old [chaos vortex](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chaos_Vortex) did confusion and torment.

    Which are very much mesmer conditions. Now it is changed to more generic conditions bleeding/burning/vun. I get this is done to match the condi's from [winds of chaos](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Winds_of_Chaos). But I think this is a mistake I think it is a better plan to do it the other way around. Make the [winds of chaos](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Winds_of_Chaos) do confusion and torment. Since these skills now do decent dammage in PvE it should not be a problem but it would make the mesmer/mirage way more flavourfull again. Bleeding and burning is not the domain of a mesmer it is confusion and torment.


    I think it is a mistake to give mesmer all type's of condi's just to have a better spread. Since condi's now stack properly there is not much of a loss like there as on release. There is no need to give mesmer acces to a source of bleeding/burning to be able to make it a viable condi build. The same goes for [chaos storm](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chaos_Storm) inflicting poison and chilled.

  4. I am fine with it not tracking, but I am annoyed at it not always triggering on clones. It is currently wildly inconsistent some times not triggering on any clones while you have 3 active. This is more an issue I feel then tracking. The balls move fast enough to hit most of the time.

  5. Hmmm never noticed it for the deceptive evasion trait will do some more testing later today to see if you are right, but guess that is the case the wiki tends to be correct about these things. Rather annoying behavior since it hinders both shatters and infinite horizons.

  6. The trait [self deception](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Self-Deception) createse clones. But unlike all other clone skills they do not target the same target as the player, they target the closest enemy when the deception is used. I noticed this when I was running [infinite horizon](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infinite_Horizon) and noticed significant drops in my dps because the ambush skills went to the wrong target. Since I am not sure if this is a bug(could be intentional) I submitted it here. Can more poeple please help validate this, and do you think this is a bug or intentional. Since every other clone creation skill/trait makes your clones target your target.

  7. While the new maps (HoT/PoF) indeed do not have dungoens they do have a lot of pve content. I am talking about meta's bountys and other things. White I cetainly love fractals In think both expansion maps are a blast tot play and make vanilla maps look dated andere boring. Which they are to be honest but IT is the only comparison I can make. I would highly recommend getting Both.


    For reference I do not raid nor do I play PvP or WvW and have a 40 hour/week job.

  8. We might actualy already have a fair bit of it downloaded and seeing that you can download maps in the background you should be able to start playing instantly. Since the first map is already downloaded for a large part because of the stress tests. Same for elite specs and a load of the enemy's.

  9. I used in the stress test a mirage with a sword, dualist for clone creation. Then with the mirage skill that you have a chance shatters become a mirage mirror i could keep up insane shatter presure since the sword ambush creates a clone for you. So for me in PvE I think shattering is a viable strategy, and i am going to be honest it was a lot of fun just spamming out clones with mirrors to shatter them for more mirrors.

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