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Posts posted by tekk.7560

  1. Looking for few others to run daily wvw roaming groups. We have 2-3 2 mainly though. Looking for about 4-5 more active people that run between 7 pm CST - whenever M-F. Discord a must and prefer older people 21+ seeing as both my buddy and I are in our 30's with kids and 8-5 jobs. Our game background is Dark Age of Camelot, Archeage, and Black Desert Online. We are also looking to get a competitive spvp team going once we get team composition down. We are central and mountain time zones and play pretty late. We also play other games pubg, Poe, and the new fortnite pubg thing. So we're looking for like-minded people to join us. Husband and wife gamers tend to work the best. Were looking for long term gamer buddies to go to other games with when they come out. We aren't hardcore but we like to win and have competitive team comps.




    Discord: shadz#2477

    Steam: tekren

  2. Looking for few others to run daily wvw roaming groups. We have 2-3 2 mainly though. Looking for about 4-5 more active people that run between 7 pm CST - whenever M-F. Discord a must and prefer older people 21+ seeing as both my buddy and I are in our 30's with kids and 8-5 jobs. Our game background is Dark Age of Camelot, Archeage, and Black Desert Online. We are also looking to get a competitive spvp team going once we get team composition down. We are central and mountain time zones and play pretty late. We also play other games pubg, Poe, and the new fortnite pubg thing. So we're looking for like-minded people to join us. Husband and wife gamers tend to work the best. Were looking for long term gamer buddies to go to other games with when they come out. We aren't hardcore but we like to win and have competitive team comps.




    Discord: shadz#2477

    Steam: tekren

  3. Looking for few others to run daily wvw roaming groups. We have 2-3 2 mainly though. Looking for about 4-5 more active people that run between 7 pm CST - whenever M-F. Discord a must and prefer older people 21+ seeing as both my buddy and I are in our 30's with kids and 8-5 jobs. Our game background is Dark Age of Camelot, Archeage, and Black Desert Online. We are also looking to get a competitive spvp team going once we get team composition down. We are central and mountain time zones and play pretty late. We also play other games pubg, Poe, and the new fortnite pubg thing. So we're looking for like-minded people to join us. Husband and wife gamers tend to work the best. Were looking for long term gamer buddies to go to other games with when they come out. We aren't hardcore but we like to win and have competitive team comps.




    Discord: shadz#2477

    Steam: tekren


  4. > @Drixx.5084 said:

    > Hello everyone,

    > I live on the West Coast, but I work nights, so it makes it a very quiet world during my awake hours! I'd really like to find a guild that operates late into the night that I can find a community of players that I can have some fun with.


    > I live on Yak's Bend, and I enjoy WvW, so finding a guild on that server would be ideal, but it's not a dealbreaker. Finding people to play with is. I've received numerous invites to guilds, and so far every one that I've joined has either next to no representation, or no one is on when I am. I enjoy pretty much every aspect of the game, and would love to experience more of it.


    > Thanks for reading, and I hope there's some guild out there for me :)


    @"Drixx.5084" hit me up on discord: shadz#2477 or steam: tekren and we can discuss a guild

  5. > @Aoi.8570 said:

    > Hi everyone!


    > I'm a guy who plays Guild Wars since 2007. I play PvX, but now I focus mostly on raids and PvP. I play all classes except warrior and engineer, but I'm thief main. I'd like to find a PvP guild to play some duo-rankeds and tournaments. My rating is around 1470 (gold/plat, living on the edge). If anyone would like to invite me, feel free to do that in-game, or if you want me to apply to your guild just simply send me a mail in Guild Wars 2,


    > _Aoi._


    @"Aoi.8570" hey hit me up on discord: shadz#2477 or steam: shadz#2477

  6. > @Helbjorne.9368 said:

    > Hello, my name is Helbjorne! I am a 26 year old Marine Corps Veteran and just started my junior year in college. Although I'd consider myself a 'min-maxer' I'm pretty laid back and am looking for like-minded individuals; I have no interest in playing with whiners, ragers, or drama llamas. I've been playing Guild Wars 2 off and on since beta and about a month ago made Guild Wars 2 my main game again. I only have a few months of experience in Guild Wars 2 but I've been playing MMOs since Guild Wars Prophecies, and within the past two years have played ArcheAge, Elder Scrolls Online, and Black Desert Online. I was the leader of small guilds in Guild Wars, WoW, and ArcheAge, and an officer in competitive guilds for both ArcheAge and BDO. I'm looking for an established, active guild to call my home and represent, with players to do sPvP, dungeons, fractals, world events, and eventually raiding with. If you happen to be on Dragonbrand I'd love to do WvW as well. I main Warrior and typically play 35+ hours a week and am most active after 5pm EST.


    @"Hellmasker.1649" did you find a guild yet? pm me if didn't on steam: tekren or discord: shadz#2477 want to run something by you

  7. > @Clay.1905 said:

    > Hey, I'm recently returning to GW2 and not much is the same as I remember. I'm having to relearn everything all over again. I'm looking for an active WvW guild who has regular guild events scheduled. I have no issues with using a mic. I have a lvl 80 guard and am working on a warrior atm (60).


    > Thanks.


    @"Clay.1905" pm me on steam: tekren77381/discord: shadz#2477 want to run something by you

  8. > @Alastor.1796 said:

    > Howdy-


    > I'm looking for a guild that can teach me, and run me through, dungeons, fractals, raids, and the WvW elements of the game.


    > I was fairly new and most guilds I joined were so focused on getting things done fast and dirty. This led to a new players being left in the dust or forced to skip some elements of the game. Granted a lot of guilds didn't care what you did, however they really didn't care to show you more advanced tips of the game either.


    > I have Discord, Skype, and TS and the mouth of a sailor; though I am trying to kill that habit.




    wierd won't let me pm you for some reason. Anyways pm me on here if you can figure out how or just pm me on steam: tekren or discord: shadz#2477

  9. Buddy and I just came back to the game after 2 years because we are getting bored of BDO. We are currently playing pubg/division and this game. And a little bdo still here and there. We enjoy PVP spvp and wvw but not zerging in wvw. Was wondering if there were any guilds out that did these things. An active guild with discord or Teamspeak. We are both over the age of 30 with kids and 8-5 job M-F so drama free and older mature players would be awesome. I have 2 boosts I can use to get my guy to 80 and be currently on Crystal Desert but we can move if it's still free.


    Can contact me:


    Steam: tekren77381 or tekren

    Game tag: tekk.7560

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