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Posts posted by Doxmia.2394

  1. That's the issue I'm finding with I'd say 90% of guilds that I read about. Most guilds are EST focused that have a few people active during PST times. I'm looking for a PST focused guild that way the timing of events is more PST friendly than not. I have tried a few, but it feels like when I sign in 2 hours after reset most people are winding down for the night and that's not what I'm looking for atm.

  2. Hello,


    I'm looking for a small to medium size guild (want to avoid the larger ones since I'm looking to make some friend(s)) that focuses on PvE content and is active around PST friendly times (an hour or two after reset). I don't have much raid experience and no fractal experience but I am looking to get into them. I have tons of raid exp in other MMO's and really just trying to find a group of people I can play the game with.


    Currently I have an 80 Mesmer, 80 Guardian, 80 Ranger and 80 Engineer. I enjoy Mirage and I've done a small amount of offtanking with Chrono. With Guardian I'm currently rocking dragonhunter. Haven't done a lot with the Ranger yet but likely to go Druid when I decide to invest on it and I primarily enjoy Holo on my Engi.



  3. I'm not 100% set on the class yet, but right now I have an Engi, Mesmer and Ranger at 80. Thinking power holo, but not 100% yet.


    Looking for a guild that has some vets from other MMO's (like WoW, FFXIV, RIFT, etc). Looking to get my feet wet into fractals/raids in GW2 to see if I enjoy them. Preferably a casual group of people who might be patient while I learn the intricacies of GW2 combat ;)


    Would like an easy going group that aren't uptight or too politically correct. I tend to be most active around PST-ish timezones.


  4. Hello,

    I'm extremely experienced in a lot of MMO's (1200+ days in WoW, 120+ in RIFT, 30+ in WildStar, 30+ in FFXIV, etc etc). I haven't really done a ton in GW2 from a PvE standpoint other than a few pulls on a boss with my chronomancer.


    I have two 60's atm (engi + mesmer), not really sure what I'm wanting to invest time in from a PvE perspective quite yet.


    I'm looking for a non-politically correct environment where no one takes offense and offensive humour is commonplace. That being said, I'm not down for a legit hateful/racist environment. I'm only a fan of environments where we hate everyone equally.


    Really looking to try my hand at fractals and such, but currently just messing around learning the gw2 specific nuances.

  5. Thanks for the interest so far. One thing I want to emphasize is I would like a social/chatting environment where swearing/cursing is allowed and freely used (not in a mean spirited way, of course). It's just how I type and talk sometimes and I don't want to offhandedly offend people who are wanting a more family friendly environment.

  6. Hello,


    I'm new to Guild Wars 2 and know almost nothing. I've leveled 1-80 as an engineer and I have two boosts that I have yet to use, waiting for PoF before I make a decision.


    My primary focus is PvE but I am interested in PvP once I get more familiar with the game. I have over 1200 days played in WoW and have raided basically every tier and have also raided in most modern day MMO's (FFXIV, WildStar, Rift, TERA, etc). I still have a ton to learn about GW2, however, so I'm not ready to jump into raids quite this minute.


    My active times are around 9:00PM EST or so, though i am online throughout the day as I work from home.


    I prefer an environment where nothing is off limits, everyone is friends, and no one takes anything seriously. People can swear at each other, throw shade, and give each other a hard time but at the end of the day everyone is friends. Ideally you have a fairly active Discord server and maybe some members who also have experience in other MMO's.



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