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Posts posted by FrigginPaco.4178

  1. That's a nice start. But being honest, I like the largess of the 2nd meta, but tagging it along to very briefly after a boss rush is a but much. In a way, the Boss Rush is a bit problematic because while one might be tempted to enjoy fat loot from it... you need *some* downtime to square your stuff away and give hands a break, etc.


    Please, don't anyone take this as me saying remove the boss rush or anything, I just think the pacing of the two metas back to back is exhausting. BUT THEY'RE STILL COOL (no pun intended).


    Bah I'm conflicted... it's basically what I wanted but just a tad too much at once. Plus, finding maps can be a pain even a *bit* later into the night.

  2. For me, this would be a moment that leads to a poor explanation when an alternative exists.


    Joko. Specifically his "undeath" that is transferred to Aurene.

    The tool her mother used to allegedly cheat death is actually the Shield #4 skill on revenant: Crystal Hibernation.


    It stands to reason that Glint could have given this knowledge to Aurene when they had their "private chat" while the Commander had to go another route.

    I have many problems with just chalking it up to "Joko is undead, so now you're able to come back to life!"


    In many other media where Liches exist, they typically have rituals and other contrivances to consider to afford them their undeath. Now, I do realize that GW2 might operate under other circumstances. Though, phylacteries exist (as trophy chests) and I have to wonder if there are any further implications or if it's simply a place where mechanics and lore diverge.


    Going back to Crystal Hibernation for a moment, the skill blocks damage and heals over an interval. The GW1 is even more powerful: *Skill. (monster only) For 20 seconds, Gain +7 Health regeneration. Whenever you would take non-physical damage, gain an equal amount of Health instead.*


    I would have much rather seen Aurene come out of a sort of Chrysalis/metamorphic process than simply "yep, I ate a very persistent dead guy."


    Any takers?

  3. Everything comes down to this:


    Do you want story updates to come to a standstill over this?


    I would rather get rolling updates over time and fill in the gaps as needed than get what would likely be NO story updates while they hold onto what they're making over time.

    That's how we get burnout and people leaving the game.


    Is it ideal? No. Is it better than nothing? I would say it is 7/10, and yet it gives me something to do for QUITE a while considering the nature of some of these achievements.

    There is no better alternative in my opinion. This is "forward" until further notice.

  4. What can I say... as an old GW1 vet, story-wise, I'm attached to the lore and want to see where things go.


    Mechanically, combat is very fluid and that's a big plus .I reside as a roamer in WvW when I've finished/lost interest in the LW episode and don't have expansion content to play. I Played a ton of PvP before 2020, but fell off for the last 2-3 seasons. Even if things still need attention in the competitive modes, I enjoy them and [hopelessly] hope they would do more than just conquest.


    Movement is a breeze and interacts well with gliding, mount/dismount, etc. Best mounts in any game I've played without question.


    The knowledge of a [likely] Canthan expansion has me rehyped, even if the pace of current things is bogged down by dat Rona.




    I'm not playing like I did in my peak, post HoT, but pre PoF. Yet, it's still the best MMO experience I've had even with the things I wish were different.


    *As an aside,*


    I've tried getting irl friends to play, and I don't think it's GW, I just think mmos take a lot of people's mental energy to engage with and I don't know that people have much of it to spare anymore.

  5. If more people are trying PvP it's great. If more people made an effort to understand PvP, it would be even better. In a world where you can only pick from one of the two per person or face the alternative (no new players), I think it makes the fact clear: any amount of new players is a good thing.


    I understand that many of these people are fair-weather PvP players, but there's nothing wrong with that.


    The mode had no new blood for a long, long time. And now that we get new players people want to complain about something they *knew* would happen if PvP ever got revitalized?


    C'mon buddy. C'mon.

  6. I don't get what the OP is insinuating with that opener, it seems fairly grabastic.


    It's a new expack in a post-mount GW2. I'm sure we'll get one or two from the story, but surely they've learned that they can't rely on mounts - or even the mastery system forever. I'm aware of the apprehension though, and I do acknowledge where it comes from: a sentiment of 'more of the same'. I just don't see that being the direction they're taking, particularly from what we've experienced in the recent months.

  7. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > these modes were what made gw1 pvp so great. don't forget hall of heroes and gvg.


    TONS of my play time resided in FA, JQ, and AB. There's little reason to ignore them, they saw instant-pop queues at their highest, and it didn't even suffer that much as people spread out over other areas.

  8. I'm a very invested player.


    I've put in thousands of hours over 7, soon to be 8, years for GW2. Played across each game mode and each profession. I've participated in ranked PvP for the majority of my post HoT days, been through about 50 or so successful raids, but only cleared T1 fractals and am about halfway through T2 (I just don't dig fractals that much). I don't farm metas (though I used to), and I haven't actively raided in months. I play WvW as my go-to when I'm bored with whatever PvE hotness just came out; though, I do enjoy the story and maps.


    I am in the very clear minority. A lot of players camp a single game mode of their choice. I have friends who never leave PvE or WvW. Some who will play Raids but not Fractals. Others who will play WvW and PvE, but are loathe to step foot in PvP, even unranked. A lot of run-of-the-mill competitive mode players will be naturally very good at anything PvE can throw at them. Some really good "challenging content" players in PvE will be really good at WvW. People mix and match, overlap, or fall short all over the place.


    I like mastering my abilities and I like learning professions and playing the combat as fluidly as possible. Exploring off-meta builds as well as meta builds to see what's so hype about them. I do get frustrated when I see people playing in a way that makes it harder for them. Maybe missing a mechanic like break bars, not knowing what to do with them, but that's a very rare instance and I would need to be in a pretty foul mood to actively say anything about it.


    The game does a poor job of exploring how far you can push yourself as a player and your profession of choice. It's very hands-free when it comes to the player learning curve and does little to reward player curiosity when they venture out of their comfort zone. Ideally, the game should make you curious about something, then you'd want to explore it and the rest of it comes from your own, personally generated momentum. That was my experience anyway.


    But... I know there are people who do not look for anything beyond a bit of escapism, and there's nothing wrong with that. However, I can tell you... If I'm done with the story and don't feel like playing WvW or PvP, I'm playing something else or doing something else.

  9. I am happy to see such a post, yet I gotta add more to your plate:


    Guilds should interface with more content in this game. Their systems have so much room to be more robust and it's one of the big targets to strengthen communities and bring in more players. There are many ways for them to be brought to the forefront. The game already favors solo play, so that needn't be changed, but please take additional steps to interface Guilds and their systems into more of the Guild Wars experience.


    On the other hand... While people have been frothing at the mouth to see a 'communication' post like this, I'm certain a lot of the more cynical players (even myself) would be happier when the items above get shipped. I know 2019 was rough, and I know the community at large knows this too, but it's time to get serious.


    Best of luck, I hope to see some great things soon.

  10. 18 characters over 7 years.


    Necro was my main for 1000 of those hours, rev comes in at near 900, then about the same for ele between 2 of them (about 400ish each).


    The average for others is about 220ish hours per, but some characters drop down dramatically. The bottom 5 don't even total 100 hours. The next five total fewer than 400. but my top 5 total somewhere near 2.4ish k hours give or take some hundred.

  11. While I am someone who paid for GW1 and its associated campaigns/EotN, I think it's an experience worth its price. I don't really see why it should go free, for new players? I'm afraid the ship has sailed for GW1, although I am currently replaying it w/gw2 guildies which is refreshing, surprisingly. One of my guildies got it on sale and saved a few bucks and they're enjoying it very much with me.


    A part of me wishes for it to make a comeback because it really is a very well built game with a distinct feel/story, yet another part of me must also acknowledge that making it free would be pretty useless at this juncture.

  12. I was just going to reiterate that the hunched charr is a very gw2 thing. Gw1 had both straight and hunched (not as pronounced) charr. Normally the Axe fiends and the bladestorms [melee] charr seemed to be the most haunched. Martyrs and fire callers were straight-spined. Necros/chaots I think were slightly haunched. Idk, I've been playing a lot of GW1 recently. 10/10 would recommend. :P

  13. > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

    > > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > >

    > > > > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > > > > ![](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Cape-designer-interface.jpg "")

    > > > >

    > > > > Please help me understand where this has gone Anet & friends :(

    > > >

    > > > was turned into this:

    > > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Emblemcreation.jpg

    > >

    > > I say nay though!

    > >

    > > I'm in GW1 right now, and I can change the fringe of the cape (taters, flat, crenelated, bat-like, etc) and the border designs as well (Chevron, 90's kid flame decal, random circles, fleur-de-lis, diagonal checkerboard, etc).

    > >

    > > I don't look forward to the moment where we get a new cape for each individual shape in GW2. You basically had free reign to change your guild capes in all manner of ways.


    > Allow me to elaborate to clarify my point:

    > GW1 doesn't have guild emblem per se, GW1 guilds had only a cape - and cape editor. Cape was serving a function of an emblem - as a whole which included border designs and, fringe etc.


    > GW2 at it launch decided to go for Guild Emblems proper - that would be possible to display on armors and shields - and the designer window was morphed to acomodate for that paradigm shift.


    > That being said, a guild upgrade to allow for custom cape creation would be nice thing to have. I'm not exacly sure how difficult would it be to implement, so can't say how viable idea it is, but it would be nice to have. (Heck they could even make it into whole subtree of guild upgrades with patterns and stuff being unlockable via specific nodes - would give something for older guilds to do)


    It would be nice to see something more come of it, that's for sure. I realize code spaghets all over the place, but you'd think this could be a relatively neato "copy + paste" from one to the other.


    > > @"FrigginPaco.4178" said:

    > > ![](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/File:Cape-designer-interface.jpg "")

    > >

    > > Please help me understand where this has gone Anet & friends :(


    > was turned into this:

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Emblemcreation.jpg


    I say nay though!


    I'm in GW1 right now, and I can change the fringe of the cape (taters, flat, crenelated, bat-like, etc) and the border designs as well (Chevron, 90's kid flame decal, random circles, fleur-de-lis, diagonal checkerboard, etc).


    I don't look forward to the moment where we get a new cape for each individual shape in GW2. You basically had free reign to change your guild capes in all manner of ways.

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