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Posts posted by EnidLarr.1478

  1. > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

    > > @"EnidLarr.1478" said:

    > > > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

    > > > > @"EnidLarr.1478" said:

    > > > > > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

    > > > > > For champ solos and break bars.

    > > > > > Sword and board and mace focus.

    > > > > > I made an old perma block build and used it for HoT.

    > > > > > Haven't played it for a long time though.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > For benchmarks I wouldn't recommend it though.

    > > > >

    > > > > Mind showing your perma block build? thx

    > > >

    > > > Its not really viable anymore. It was nice before they nerfed F3 on DH and some other stuff.

    > > > The current core guard crit guard was pretty much what I ran but with other utilities like the stunbreak trap, renewed focus and shelter etc.

    > > >

    > > > I am currently working on a new one. Maybe I share that concoction with you when I am done.

    > >

    > > that's cool man and yeah i am seeking more guardian "NON-condi" builds. I currently have QuickHealerBrand, PowerQuickBrand, and currently messing with a DH, and the fun of that is the build is Healer-DH-DPS, still need CoE runes, but so far, this build has around 12k dps with no food and proper runes at SC setting golem and environment. I expect 16k dps in full build, and then the cool part of that is I make not bad DPS but having burst heals that can full heal the group within range, then not bad staff 2 heals!


    > Well...

    > I have to dissapoint you it my new tank build will be an FB build. I played DH way to long and need some change of pace.

    > It will be a virtue, honor and FB.

    > But I will focus it on tanking and blocking and healing myself doing so.

    > Maybe with some zealot gear.

    > Probably Axe/Shield and Sword /Focus or mace and focus and sword and board.


    > Still looking for a good gear combination.


    My current DH build combines Zerker and Zealot, since I have no access to Golem runes, I use Eagle, looks ok so far.

    Zealot (Staff) - Renew/Transference

    Zerker (GS/Scepter/Foci) Force&Impact

    Zealot (Full armor set) Eagle runes

    Zerker+Val (Amulet and both earrings)

    Zerker (rings)




    I felt like playing healer class in WoW lol

  2. > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

    > > @"EnidLarr.1478" said:

    > > > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

    > > > For champ solos and break bars.

    > > > Sword and board and mace focus.

    > > > I made an old perma block build and used it for HoT.

    > > > Haven't played it for a long time though.

    > > >

    > > > For benchmarks I wouldn't recommend it though.

    > >

    > > Mind showing your perma block build? thx


    > Its not really viable anymore. It was nice before they nerfed F3 on DH and some other stuff.

    > The current core guard crit guard was pretty much what I ran but with other utilities like the stunbreak trap, renewed focus and shelter etc.


    > I am currently working on a new one. Maybe I share that concoction with you when I am done.


    that's cool man and yeah i am seeking more guardian "NON-condi" builds. I currently have QuickHealerBrand, PowerQuickBrand, and currently messing with a DH, and the fun of that is the build is Healer-DH-DPS, still need CoE runes, but so far, this build has around 12k dps with no food and proper runes at SC setting golem and environment. I expect 16k dps in full build, and then the cool part of that is I make not bad DPS but having burst heals that can full heal the group within range, then not bad staff 2 heals!

  3. > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

    > For champ solos and break bars.

    > Sword and board and mace focus.

    > I made an old perma block build and used it for HoT.

    > Haven't played it for a long time though.


    > For benchmarks I wouldn't recommend it though.


    Mind showing your perma block build? thx

  4. I am in the progress of making this build, now just need the runes (HealerDH at 11-12k dps at SC golem+environment settings with 3k staff 2 healing at 6.5 seconds recharge with only rune of air and no food) per guildies I am aiming for 16k dps once gotten the runes and foods + utility buffs




  5. > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > @"EnidLarr.1478" said:

    > > I run the following most of the time, but will change skills depending on needs. Perhaps "Feel My Wrath" for unlimited quickness, or "Renewed Focus" if extra aegis are needed, also will run "Signet of Courage" too. You may consider swapping "Retreat" with "Mantra of Lore" for more regen, etc...

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVEQNAW5ensADFBjlCB2CB8DhlKCbPd+OrnYDgAQEIb8ceaAA-jxx/wAAuIAdV/JzTAgtSwzK/Es/wUdDiCwvA-e

    > >

    > >


    > Can I suggest a few changes to improve the build? I see a lot of redundant choices here.


    why not ? go ahead coz i am not a good one and alwasy want to learn more

  6. I usually play T4 and open world, no time on raids since I have to take care of kids.

    I used to play this mesmer for T4 when she was still very shiny before the nerf that killed the boonsharing

    My current gears are as follows, and wish you can use that to get me a very good build for T4 and open world



    I want to play with her more but the commander set and leadership runes I took lots of time to make, should I just kill it and go power or diviner, or you have more sustainable build with what I currently have?

  7. The best experience I had was I played a healerbrand with a viper scourge then the rest doesn't matter but DPS. I found that's the best combo because healerbrand offers lots of aegis heals and boons while a viper scourge uses the Epi and adds closeby are just deadmeats, on the other hand the scourge offers barriers when doing shards, a major relief when the healer is on the cooldowns. And the rest DPS monsters just do what they are born to do, fast and neat. Even with birds, slippery, or outflanked. This boss cannot be full DPS unless you are a group of SnowCrows. Aegis actually can counter the shark, and the boss's wind blow (not the side blows), then one thing to consider is, if your pug cannot do good with the wind blows, the best way is let it blow you from the middle of the ship, just the adds but you won't get down to the water and get eaten lol.


  8. "a full group of extremely well-geared and experienced players" will not have any trouble in TO nowadays......, at least in Tier 4's. try to hire an experienced healer quickness firebrand in your group and you will see the difference. Anything below T4s nowadays you won't have any trouble unless your whole group playing Leeroy to have fun

  9. > @"Asum.4960" said:

    > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > > Siren's reef is really not that hard with FB; take virtues, take renewed focus; spam F3#3 and #5, wall of reflection; GJ everyone is alive. If really your group have trouble, it's not your fault, they should cleave trashmobs too.

    > > Ren can do it too with ventari, but the anti-proj is very high ernergy.


    > For healing, I would also like to mention the Heal on Dodge minor (Selfless Daring), which especially with the increased Endurance Regen from the Fractal Potion as well as Purity of Body is not to be underestimated. Just got to make sure you don't double dodge to heal shortly before a mechanic you have to dodge.


    Zhaid thx, and Asum lol i sometimes forgot that rolling heal too. and yeah out of rolling when needed lol


    My build was based on Pugs, can allow lots of mistakes in the group

  10. No need to argue, I originally played commander chrono, and for DPS I mainly go with power spellbreaker, then 2nd support I have harrier druid, and then viper firebrand, power daredevil, and power reaper. Until they nerfed support chrono to ground, I converted all my viper firebrand to harrier firebrand. And now, I kept on playing my HAMQB (Heal/Aegis/Might/Quickness Firebrand) more than everything else unless we want speed clear so I hop on my spellbreaker. I won’t compare Harrierbrand and Harriergade because it really depends on how well the player is on his/her role.


    I stay neutral on it while I now play 7 classes in fractals all geared up (chrono/spellbreaker/firebrand/renegade/daredevil/druid/reaper)


    I just wanna share my experiences as playing a HAMQB and why I kept on playing

    Currently I only have problem with one level of fractals, which is the Siren Reef, I cannot carry it myself without a scourge (viper w/ epi)


    2ndly Deepstone during Slippery Slopes (hard to shareboons especially aegis)


    Besides these two with slippery slopes, I can carry all fractals


    Why I like playing healerbrand --- (HAMQB)


    H – Heals – Staff (#2 and #4) heal and regen, Mace (#1 <3rd hit heals>, and #2 does regen), and shield #5(2nd hit), then “Hold the Line” regen, and remember all aegis given out heals 1.15k, and then F2’s 5,4,1,1,1 and this 54111 can heal the group in full, and 3 of F3 gives a big heal too, also the trait makes it offer very high regen rate. SC suggested Merciful Intervention, a burst heal, but I use “retreat” for aegis (1.15k heal and block) instead because 1 less hit taken from boss or anything means more than just a heal, also 24 seconds cooldown vs 40


    A – Aegis – Shield #4, mantra healing skill, retreat, and F3’s #2 and #5, if more insurance needed, I use the renewal tome elite skills to recharge tomes, and I have 8 charges per tome, so with recharges included, and elite recharge skill, I can give 8 aegis on F3’s skills, then 3 aegis on healing mantra, an aegis from retreat, and then shield #4, and use the recharge, I give another 8x aegis from F3, also the normal recharged skills, another retreat, 2 more healing mentras or more, and shielf4 so I give like 25 aegis, don’t forget the aegis not just blocking, each heals 1.15k HP too.


    M – Might – Staff #4, Mentra of Potence 3 charges, these 2 skills can quickly make you 24 mights, at mislock you can 25 might too, and MoP gives 20 seconds quickness


    Q – Quickness – Mentra of Potence 20 seconds, and elite’s “Feel My Wrath” 16 seconds so it can go constant quickness unless the mentioned insurance is needed.



    Conclusion: I got used to it, so basically I am good with it, but I believe the pro ones with healer revenant or any other healers can do better than myself! I found for defensive play it’s the best to do with HAMQB + Viper Scourge + (Alacrigade or Chrono) + Bannnerbreaker + another DPS.


  11. Boonsharing is so important when you are in end game contents for example Raids and Fractals. It speeds up the boss killing drastically by speeding up your attacks and recharging and the most important is to keep you alive by sending out aegis to the group. I mainly play spellbreaker even I first geared up my chrono but I know how that works and why I easily can reach to 6 digits on bosses. End game contents aren't just like map metas and pvp or wvw, I meant pve end game like raids and fractals and dungeons.

  12. honestly i play spellbreaker and i have no problem seeing necro or whatever classes, but just one thing was i couldnt escape a battle even i saw some dudes on site and i splint out, and they can eventually took me down unless i push a fight back, ya know sometimes i like peace lol. but when i chase a dude running away they can just out from my sight fast. wtf lol


    anyways its fun in wvw and thats it and sometimes i do feel sick about seeing bunch of necros aoe non stop

    i do have all classes but why my necro cannot nonstop aoe?

  13. > @Flauvious.6195 said:

    > Why does scourge need every condition in the game? They already melt you in seconds, do they really need perma weakness, blind and cripple to make it that much harder to kill them before the endless bleeds and burns kill you?


    you want them cry again and nerf everything else but their scourge?

  14. > @Atamazon.7062 said:

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ley-Energy_Matter_Converter

    > You should try to get that, if you are lucky, you can get 1-2g everyday from it with very cheap price with no effort at all


    > If you have loot bag that have the phrase "this item is affected by magic find" you can open right away. If a loot bag that give equipment and don't have that phrase, you should pass it to your other character that is level ~54 that will open it (some middle tier items can sell higher than max tier items)


    > Make sure to at least kill 1 boss during night at Verdant Brink once a day, you get the amalgamated gemstone from hero chest + other stuffs which net you ~2g, you need to spend only 5-10' to kill a boss depend on ... things (the event happened every 2h so you need to keep track on time).


    > You can also do Auric Basin meta, which i find to have good loot, the map is easy to join, hard to fail unlike Tangle Depths meta. This cost you ~20' from get into map to loot all the things


    thanks a lot bro! I have that thing in my inventory and i had no idea whatz that for

  15. > @Crinn.7864 said:

    > > @Rezzet.3614 said:

    > > Did op list prime light beam as a no counter balance skill? If so op mustnt have seen the wave of engineer tears when they tried it in wvw on first week and got destroyed by retaliation

    > Yeah I don't understand where the OP was going with that.


    > If I where to make a list of things with no realistic way of _reactively_ countering. Emphasis on "reactively" obviously you can anticipate such things, but that's still blind guesswork and is not in any way reliable.


    > Steal (and honestly most of meta thief's kit)

    > Mirage's condi burst

    > The stealth alpha from power Mesmer.

    > Scourge's F skills

    > Scepter FA ele burst.






    Crinn I always believe you are the best commenter without sided with anything! Mirage honestly in PVP lol man I have no chance, even a necro I still can take him/her down depending on the class. few days ago I played with my P/P Staff daredevil against a shield warrior with axe, oh man he's quite a dam good pvp-er. honestly I suck but just using dodging and unload and that guy is completely in high ranked area!

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