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Posts posted by roamzero.9486

  1. > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > > @"Cal Cohen.3527"

    > >

    > > A few additional questions and my original asks if you are willing to answer them:

    > > 1. Is the big balance patch in the works coming 2019 or 2020?

    > > 2. Is Repeater intended to stay a non-Dual Wield skill or will this be addressed?

    > > 3. If Repeater is reclassified to Dual-Wield will it be done as part of a bug fix patch or will it wait until the big balance patch?


    > See that's the problem when they changed Shadow Strike to include Repeater instead of just making a new skill. Obviously, they cannot make it a dual-wield skill otherwise the a single main hand pistol will have access to Deadly Ambition.


    > If they take the **easy** path, they will leave it as is. If they take the **right** path, they will create a new skill for Shadow Strike.


    Yeah to be consistent with say, the S/D dual skill which also flips (and the flipped skills count as dual too), the P/D one should at least be unique in some way when compared to the single-hand repeater and count as a dual skill too. Honestly the repeater flip for Shadow Strike has been more of a hindrance than a buff imo, I wouldn't even mind if they just reverted it to the way it was.

  2. Personally I would like to see the heal skill particle/glow animation tweaked. It gets buried under all the flashy effects that have creeped into the game, making it difficult to seen when to interrupt (and good luck looking for the actual character animation when fighting an Asura or something).

    And conversely, maybe a distinct little effect when a character's stamina is full and empty.

  3. Venoms really need an overhaul. Basi venom kind of sucks, and the only venoms people take other than it are Spider for condi builds (and sometimes Skale with it). Nobody takes Ice Drake or Devourer. The heal venom was only passable when you could reduce the CD to 24s.

  4. > @"Xenji.4907" said:

    > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > @"Xenji.4907" said:

    > > > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > > > @"Xenji.4907" said:

    > > > > > * Improvisation: Instead of recharging an entire skill category at random, this trait now recharges one of your equipped utility skills at random.

    > > > >

    > > > > Question: I don't like the wording on this. "Utility Skills" only means one of the 3 utility skills equipped not including healing and elite skills. If it includes healing and elite, it might not be too bad. But if "utility skills" only...aaahh...no thank you. Resetting an Elite skill is the only reason I would take this.

    > > >

    > > > I can't believe I didn't notice that. Shooot... this concerns me. Are they quietly getting rid of dagger storm improv COMBO!?

    > >

    > > Yeah, it's very carefully worded and quite sneaky.



    > > @"Robert Gee.9246" said:

    > > Just wanted to jump in to address a few questions and comments I've seen popping up frequently in relation to these update notes:

    > > **Can Improvisation recharge my Heal or Elite?**

    > > Improvisation recharges one of your utility skills. It does not recharge the Heal or the Elite.


    > Boom...



    It should still be really good if you get a guaranteed utility proc (thief has a lot of good utilities like shadowstep). But if its like, RNG and the steal can pick a utility that's not on CD over one that is then it seems like a straight nerf.

  5. The problem with WVW is that openworld PVP is inherently a hardcore gaming thing and Anet wants GW2 to be super casual.

    If Anet wants to appeal to the hardcore crowd it can do things like:

    ->Merge WVW into some PVE maps

    ->eliminate downstate

    ->nerf mounts hard

    ->nerf sustain

    ->implement soft collision so blobs cant stack so hard

    ->separate exp/leveling and you die you lose exp

    ->exclusive PVE content opens up for winners


    Or Anet could redesign WvW as a fun casual thing

    ->make it like Edge of the Mists, no servers and you (or your guild) now choose to align with a red, green or blue faction

    ->Hard separation for roaming and attacking/defending structures. Attacking/defending numbers are now essentially forced to be balanced, you as a player queue up for an event to initiate. (e.g. 5 players need to queue up to attack and take a tower (capped), and while this is occurring defenders can queue to spawn in to defend (also capped))

    ->Roaming mode is essentially capturing camps, sentries, yaks, ruins, etc, while attackers/defenders of structures appear as uninteractable mist warrior things when engaged in their events (essentially it gives you stuff to do while queued to spawn as an attacker or defender of a structure, a detailed map outlines exactly what's going on at all times)


    Right now its sort of trying to do both and it isn't working.

  6. If the problem is sword 2 spam/front loaded bursts then the trait could be changed to work on xth strike instead of guaranteed every hit with a cd. Like 2 stacks of poison on every 4th strike (for example), which would benefit fast attacks like death blossom, sneak attack/repeater, etc that's found more on thief's condi weapons over power.

  7. The most unfun thing in WVW currently are these overtuned healing/support classes. Less people complain about them since nobody gets killed by them (hence why they've been almost untouched by Anet), but they absolutely kill small scale imo. It's pointless to fight a group evenly if they have a support bunker and still equally pointless if you have on your side because it turns into a stalemate.

  8. They made a lot of questionable decisions with the Shadow Arts changes. Leeching Venoms is a nerf IMO, the passive poison charges are a very niche thing (because of the way they behave a lot of times you dont get a charge at all) compared to the 20% CD reduction the old trait had. And the Rending Shade change is a nerf to all ranged weapons compared to the old trait.

  9. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > Thieves guild is essentially just putting more bodies on the field at expense of 120s CD.


    > This is a very awful elite because yu could easily get 1 and a half dagger storms out, 3 Basalisk Venoms, or even 3 Shadow Melds.


    > Only thing it will compete with is Impact Strike which is hot garbage in practice.


    > I say we just change Thieves guild into a Preparation, and when activated springs 1 Thief on each target caught in the AoE which will only attack their target with a single skill.


    Thieves guild is good for ONE THING, and one thing alone (pvp-wise):

    U catch a player off his condi removal cooldowns, summon thieves guild, venom share, and spam pistol 2. Usually GG for him.

  10. > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > Lolz...weaver is becomming a problem? Lolz for days


    Honestly anything that spams boons is. Boon Beast, Holos, Revs, etc all are overtuned with the ability to stack protection and 25 stacks of might on themselves. Imagine how bad things would be if the tanky amulets were still in pvp.

  11. > @"Taobella.6597" said:

    > for thief it malice > bursting > anything else. earth sigil is good if you have 100% crit rate but most con builds do not.


    If you incorporate SB or weapon swapping, Doom sigil is pretty good as well.

  12. They also made is useless with ranged weapons, the fear only procs on enemies near you. So much for using pistols/SB/rifle with the trait, it turns it into a defacto nerf for anyone that uses stealth attacks on those weapons (and it's rare enough to hit an enemy without boons too, dunno why they stuck with the "benefit when enemy has 0 boons" angle). I don't know what Anet was thinking with this change.

  13. The good:

    The baseline changes to the minor traitlines are all good.


    The bad:

    Leeching Venoms: May be a bug, but for me it pulses the venom after a few seconds, losing synergy you could have had with weakening strikes on DD if you want to attack immediately. The 20% CD was almost as good or even better IMO.

    Shadow Siphoning sucks, it's now a PVE/Zerg trait, only useful when blinding multiple targets.

    Rending Shade: Appears to have a longish internal CD per target for the new fear, or a range limitation (sneak attack doesnt appear to work?). If its gonna have this then it should at least inflict the fear if they have boons on a strike which leaves them with none (i.e. use a stealth attack on someone with 2 boons). Old trait was better IMO.

  14. > @"Grandtomatoe.2045" said:

    > If they do not intend on re-ordering the traits another time, I would like too see the bonus on Havoc Mastery affect condi damage as well as power damage. If it is too OP to have it ramp up to a 15% bonus like it does on power damage right now then they could make adjustments to the bonus in ways they see fit. They could leave the power aspect of it alone while adjusting just the condi side of it if they did in fact implement it.


    That would probably be the easiest fix.

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