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Posts posted by AESOkami.1072

  1. > @Zenith.7301 said:

    > My sylvari doesn't talk like a sylvari either in this xpac.


    > They created this singular voice for the commander, and discarded race from it. You are this sassy, diligent leader of men unconcerned with anything but Tyria. When my sylvari character told Ogden that "his people" take care of their matters, I cringed. I AM OGDEN'S PEOPLE. I AM DURMAND PRIORY. MY CONCERN IS NOT JUST A DRAGON OR BALTHAZAR. My concern is my mother tree who was recently unconscious, no accounting has been done for the aftermath of Mordremoth on sylvari. I feel completely detached from my character background.


    > Which goes against everything that my Durmand Priory sylvari scholar stands for. I'm supposed to be curious and unassuming. Chivalrous. Instead I feel most character dialogues are trying way too hard at quips left and right.


    > I do not want a series of one liners and constant quips between Rytlock and Canach. Really, it's annoying. Stop trying so hard.



    Especially since my main is a sylvari ranger who I roleplay as being a strict yet caring explorer who is going through PTSD from the Mordremoth events. Yet I couldn't see her doing or saying most of the things that your character is forced to do/say throughout the story.


    Here's a tip for Arenanet's writers: Having your characters say a bunch of sassy quips does not automatically make them interesting or relatable.

  2. > @Aomine.5012 said:

    > In which game mode?


    > For general traveling around map quickly, GS will be fine despite its terrible dps, but with the introduction of Mount, this advantage may be obsolete.


    > For Power build, obviously sword axe. It's doing almost 35% more damage than GS, and currently the highest dps weapon set for power ranger.


    > Dagger may likely be the condition weapon choice in raid/ fractal for condi ranger, depending on how Anet buff the dagger attack speed.

    > Otherwise it'd be inferior to axe. Need more dps testing after the launch to figure this out, so it's useless to speculate at this moment.


    > As for PVP, sword is better for bunker build because of 2 evades built in it. Dagger will likely be useless because it has no defensive skill built in it, nor is it good in engage/ disengaging, and it also severely lack burst damage, and it's not a reliable weapon to spam condition on someone because it lacks pbaoe.


    > For WvW, GS's leaping skill may still be important for engage and disengaging.


    For PVE mode. And thanks for your reply.

  3. I've already read the Sylvari immunity discussion, yet I'm still puzzled about the whole ordeal. If dragons like Kralk or Jormag (not Prim because he mainly makes his own) absorbed the power from Mord's body, does that mean that sylvari can now be corrupted by them? And rather, can actually hear them talking to their minions like they did with Mordremoth?


    And from what I've seen in the first part of the POF story, the Herald asks your character to join Balth's army, even if you're a sylvari. If this means becoming a Forged, are sylvari capable of being corrupted by Balth's power or was the Herald lying her butt off?


    Arenanet hasn't really explained this stuff well IMO. I hope, yet at the same time doubt, that the POF expansion will explain it. What's your thoughts?

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