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Posts posted by Nix.3152

  1. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Nix.3152" said:

    > > As a person who plays only core engi (yes i am masochist) i had a lot of hope in this patch because the class is dead for 5+ years. Sadly it seems nothing really changed. Explosives rework looks decent but the main problem remains the same - kits are still outdated and weak. On core you dont have photon forge line holo or hammer like scrapper. With overall dmg reduction you can last a bit longer but your dmg output is still potato. Its actually got worse. One of the few playable builds was condi and it got destroyed by this patch. Firearms trait line was already lacking good traits and it got hit even more. pistol offhand - 2 stacks of burning on 15 sec cd, are you serious? Weapon set has no blocks, evades, ccs and mobility. The only thing it has is dmg, and main dmg source got destroyed. So whats the point of running pistol offhand? I understand that everything got nerfed across the board but how can you compare core engi to any of the builds that people run today. Its not even close. Why would you try to kill something thats already dead?


    > Core engi is one of the worst core alongside core ele and maybe core mesmer, all the rest have fairly strong core options, so much they can compete with elite versions


    thats my point. core engi is been weak and outdated since HOT and it remains pretty much the same. you can make a build that will work in some situations but overall its gonna be inferior to elite specs. thats why i think those nerfs to engi weapons (pistol offhand) and firearms traitline were unnecessary because the class is far from being powercreep like most of the other stuff pre patch.

  2. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > The burst gimping of the blowtorch *really* hurt the core engies ability to deal with "difficult" targets, but if the blowtorch has the bug I think it does, its quite broken - it appears to do less damage at close range than at long range.


    the problem is that they reduced stacks from 4 to 2 but increased duration and cooldown. it has almost 25 sec duration max if you run balthazar rune and smoldering sigil but it never lasts more than 3-4 seconds - people just cleanse it and its just 2 stacks, you can heal with it no problem. you can give it 1 minute duration it wont matter because its such a low dmg for such a cooldown and it gets cleansed very fast. i see a lot of players complaining about "condi" meta while everyone spamming cleanses. i can accept firearms nerfs but blowtorch is just a joke after the patch.

  3. > @"DRfear.5234" said:

    > > @"Nix.3152" said:

    > > As a person who plays only core engi (yes i am masochist) i had a lot of hope in this patch because the class is dead for 5+ years. Sadly it seems nothing really changed. Explosives rework looks decent but the main problem remains the same - kits are still outdated and weak. On core you dont have photon forge like holo or hammer like scrapper. With overall dmg reduction you can last a bit longer but your dmg output is still potato. Its actually got worse. One of the few playable builds was condi and it got destroyed by this patch. Firearms trait like was already lacking good traits and it got hit even more. pistol offhand - 2 stacks of burning on 15 sec cd, are you serious? Weapon set has no blocks, evades, ccs and mobility. The only thing it has is dmg, and main dmg source got destroyed. So whats the point of running pistol offhand? I understand that everything got nerfed across the board but how can you compare core engi to any of the builds that people run today. Its not even close. Why would you try to kill something thats already dead?




    > the video u are looking for


    you can make as many "montages" as you want but once you run into legit players with legit builds you gonna get rekt. also i dont really understand the purpose of your build. you spent half of the game trying to decap far, but dmg is low so it takes way too much time to kill stuff. prot holo way beter side noder that can survive +1s. on your build with no blocks and invulns and 1 stunbreak you wont survive outnumbered situations. you have no escape tools as well. if you wanna play "tanky" i would rather run something like avatar amulet with nades and rifle. at least it will do some dmg. condis got nerfed for engi and your p/p barely does any dmg on cele, same as bombs.

  4. As a person who plays only core engi (yes i am masochist) i had a lot of hope in this patch because the class is dead for 5+ years. Sadly it seems nothing really changed. Explosives rework looks decent but the main problem remains the same - kits are still outdated and weak. On core you dont have photon forge line holo or hammer like scrapper. With overall dmg reduction you can last a bit longer but your dmg output is still potato. Its actually got worse. One of the few playable builds was condi and it got destroyed by this patch. Firearms trait line was already lacking good traits and it got hit even more. pistol offhand - 2 stacks of burning on 15 sec cd, are you serious? Weapon set has no blocks, evades, ccs and mobility. The only thing it has is dmg, and main dmg source got destroyed. So whats the point of running pistol offhand? I understand that everything got nerfed across the board but how can you compare core engi to any of the builds that people run today. Its not even close. Why would you try to kill something thats already dead?

  5. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > 1. Lock On needs to have the double proc removed (keep the cc one, remove the on-hit one) and increase the cooldown from 25s to 30s.

    > 2. Toss Elixir S stealth needs to get reduced from 6s to 3s. The cooldown is only 30s and it's basically a free reset every time a holo uses it. The current iteration literally gives more stealth uptime than a traited Mass Invisibility on mesmer and the cast time is only 1/2s.

    > 3. Net Shot needs a cast time of 1/2s or 3/4s with a visible animation tied to it.

    > 4. Blunderbuss needs a cast time increase to 3/4s with a bigger animation tied to it.

    > 5. Overcharged Shot needs a cast time of 1/2s or 3/4s with visible animation tied to it.

    > 6. Photon Forge autoattack range needs to get reduced to match other melee auto attacks.

    > 7. Healing Turret needs it's cast time increased from 3/4s to 1s.


    > [Video Demonstration](



    dude you getting brain farts. holo is potato after nerfs.

    net shot nerf? that shit misses half of the time.

    blunderbuss goes on cd without firing if your enemy is running around you.

    healing turret is the only good heal skill engi has.

  6. everything you said could be ok but not right now when most of the classes have a lot of condi removal. there is power creep in everything: damage, condis, healing, boons, evading/blocking. in older days of gw2 condis were way less powerful but so were condi removal skills. condis were counter to high toughness builds with high protection uptime.

  7. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > Overcharged Shot (rifle 4) on engi does not have a cast time. @"Cal Cohen.2358"


    > And Lock On is still a double proc reveal for 12s every 25s that grants 14s of fury and applies 20 stacks of vulnerability.


    there is nothing wrong with rifle 4. the problem is the holo that has stab all the time and can use it without self knockback.

    if you take a look at rifle without holo its a trash weapon: net shot misses half of the time for no reason, blunderbuss goes on cd without firing if your enemy is moving next to you, jumpshot is very slow and telegraphed. its one of the worst weapons in the game.

  8. you cant make an engi build without alchemy. if you wanna use nades with holo just use them with normal explosives alchemy holo build. maybe for pve this will work but not for pvp.

  9. > @"Chaith.8256" said:

    > > @"Nix.3152" said:

    > > they nerfed no scope trait already. even if it was bugged it was fine. now core engi back to kitten tier dmg again. unless you would run full elixir build which gonna instadie in pvp


    > I just tested it live and No Scope still gives 3 might. Were you really this upset about reducing No Scope from 180 ferocity to 150 ferocity?


    just the fact that they are so fast about nerfing core traits pisses me off. it took them over a month to do something with elite specs. i wont be surprised if they would nerf mightstacking trait in future.

  10. > @"Coolguy.8702" said:

    > > @"Nix.3152" said:

    > > they nerfed no scope trait already. even if it was bugged it was fine. now core engi back to kitten tier dmg again. unless you would run full elixir build which gonna instadie in pvp


    > Not really, tested the ops build in both ranked and unrankrd and the results were surprisingly pretty good if you could maintain the might stacks. Although his build has a lot of flaws which ill get into later


    you do good dmg with elixir build but you have very weak defence. no blocks etc. only 1 stunbreak. once you used it if you get focused you die.

  11. > @Genesis.5169 said:

    > Just buy the expansions support the game you f2p players...


    i bought this game 2 weeks after release back in 2012, and yes i am not buying expansions because i think they made pvp worse with overtuned elite specs made for potato players. i have no interest in supporting something i dont like.

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