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Posts posted by godofcows.2451

  1. We all know they won't do it. We've been waiting for half a decade. They will NOT do it. You saw how they nerfed most power builds a couple of patches ago then reverted them the next? I don't know what roadmap that was. Direction Zero. Dire and trailblazer? They will remain untouched for the rest of this game's life. Enjoy the game for what it is, it is still one of the best out there when it comes to combat but when it comes to the issue of balancing, ABSOLUTELY give it up. They are really BAD at it.

  2. Imo what you should be looking for is a reason for people to try other armor stats other than the usual prescribed best dps/best condi/best hybrid out there. I see no reason for additional gear progression when 80% of the existing system is being shunned upon particularly on the pve game mode. Trying out things is fun. Arenanet has to at least give a reason and make it worth the effort. It will probably require retouching creature AI, nerfing and buffing existing armor stats, and a very fast and agile balancing team who is in touch with the game because there will be problems. Not the current quarterly balancing which leaves issues for 2 years untouched. Can it be done? Of course it can. Is it alot of effort? Unfortunately yes. This should have been started years ago, when stuff was more doable. Maybe not right now when things are a little bit down on the company side. But yea...you guys ever seen the ISS from a telescope?

  3. Having another translator in middle of the process is not the same as native support. A simplified but somewhat inaccurate and incomplete representation would be Game Engine > dx > Chip Driver. If you use a wrapper, which is what you're using, not a port, you're going to add another translation in middle of the process. While it will enable the bells and whistles of dx12 such what you are experiencing, it is far from the theoretical potential of native support. Don't get me wrong, i like the wrapper and the author is amazing and i'm not white knighting arenanet when i absolutely hate their balancing attemts but people should realize that native application support is a bigger undertaking than they think it is. I'm pretty sure this won't be the last post of this kind so...just saying.

  4. Soulbeasts can be on different ends of the spectrum despite the trope that people in wvw tell you. They can be extremely useless or extremely annoying and broken depending on the person using it. If the person has a quarter of a functioning brain and can understand the concepts of picking a target with a longbow with a range equal to a ballistic missile, he can be useful. Unfortunately majority of players will fall on the not so useful cuz ...reasons, ...yeah. I don't want to get a warning this month so let's just leave it at that. Reasons. Understanding it's usage of boons will lift it a level further up.


    Now on your situation though, those are 5 guys. You are 20. Twenty. Bente. Nijuu. Er shi. That's a 4 players vs 1 ratio. There's a problem here in this situation and I don't think it's the soulbeast group.

  5. Since you're on windows 10, you will have to adjust to it's advantanges and disadvantages. Make sure you turn off gamebar and dvr in windows 10. Unless of course if you're using them. Most probably not. They eat alot of fps which will be very important for your older card. You can google how to do this. Secondly, windows 10 is kind of a bandwidth eater. I use network monitoring on my gateway and a local firewall that can show me bandwidth usage on an application and port basis so I can throttle any of them to whatever I want, but I can't suggest that to you. A simpler way would be just to trust windows and lower down the allowed bandwidth alloted to windows updates. You can google again how to do this. Your graphics chip is indeed a bit dated. Until you update, don't go wild with the graphics settings. Your scan with user benchmark also warns you that your cpu usage is at 47%. Do check if this is happening on a constant basis, if yes, find what's causing it.

  6. The person who introduced me to this game and even let me use his account just to try out the game quit a long time ago. He tried to visit the game again (pvp/wvw) earlier this year but gave up rather early. The reason was balance. Alot of you are probably cringed at the word thinking "not another balance post". But seriously, he did give up early and it was the reason. He was just blown away with the power creep right now. I had a very difficult time telling him that majority of expansion classes just had so many advantages right now compared to core, a complete deviation from the original concept that they will just be choices for the player and core will still be competitive. He's not exactly the best player out there and there is alot of rest time between when he was active and what he is right now but, one of the flaws in the game presented itself early in his return. Arenanet lost a chance to sell their expansions on him. I really doubt he'll be back again.

  7. did you notice any blinds? that could explain additional misses. If the fight was on a point, smoke screen blinds, and any resulting bonus stealth coming off it (if) could have saved him enough time to regen his ini and endurance to continue evading your attacks after smoke screen, then rinse and recycle. Could have been sa line traited too. If the thief is lucky enough to pull it off, it could explain the 6 minutes thing.

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