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Posts posted by Calevorn.5671

  1. Another set of Elite Specializations seem like a given. There will also be a major feature like in the previous two expansions (elite specializations, mounts) and I haven't really seen any suggestions here for what that would fit that description, other than dual professions.


    Given the hints of things happening underwater, I wouldn't be surprised to see that side of the game developed with several new weapon types and a mount for underwater navigation.


    At some point the game will - like all games that get up there in age - need to undergo a significant tune-up for older content. Not sure if it will be part of the expansion, but I do believe it will come at some point.


    It will be interesting. I hope that they do more with the open world than just have it provide a backdrop for a very lackluster story, as has been the case before. The game was launched as a mixture of sandbox and theme park, but since then it's become more and more focused on a single player story experience that I - quite frankly - think is among the worst parts of the game.

  2. With that raptor skin, ArenaNet takes a big step down the road to having no art style whatsoever. Used to be a strength of the game, you stepped into GW2 and entered a beautiful world with a very cohesive and distinct style. Now it's a game where you can find anything people want to pay for, no matter whether it makes even the slightest bit of sense in the world or not. And personally, any time I see that mount will make me like playing less. Like so much of the things that have been added over the last couple of years.


    > @"Svarty.8019" said:


    > I'm sure some will be tempted to buy it in order to break everybody else's sense of immersion, but at this point, does that exist anymore?

    Getting harder to maintain at least. Man, I used to enter this game and just marvel at how it looked and how immersed I felt. Nowadays it feels very similar to when I play Fortnite with my 10-year old nephew. It gets even more pronounced when new content breaks and they end up trying to push a serious story on you while you're standing side by side with a pink cactus man and a jack o' lantern. This game is just utterly confused. Great still in many ways, but confused.

  3. I have this as well. It's been a recurring issue for me for at least a year now. Sometimes I can play without problems for days, other times I get crashes with 10 minute intervals. The same issue has been referenced in threads like this for ages as well.


    Like many others, I have tried virtually every test imaginable. I have repaired and reinstalled the game, I have done hardware tests and stress tests, and a clean OS reinstall. I've tried to play without antivirus or any other program that people have suggested might cause some interference. During this year I've had an overhaul of almost all hardware in the computer, and the issue still persists.


    It's been an issue to the point that I'm just playing the game sporadically now, and barely ever bother with any meta events. What's the point when you likely crash in the middle and then end up on an empty map when you return?

  4. I noticed the visual clutter fix in the patch notes. That's an area that the game really need QoL improvements. A lot of time, your screen is just an absolute mess of effects that completely covers whatever you are fighting against. Some options that would further help with this would be:


    * Option to not see effects from other friendlies except those that create a combo field, or combo finishers taking place on your field.

    * Option to not see damage numbers on screen.

    * Option to not see floating nametags with mouse over/looking.


    As I see it, providing the player base with more options is never a bad thing.

  5. I've been having some trouble with cutscenes lately. At times, some dialog gets cut off, or you see a slight delay in the sync.


    Now it's become unbearable. I'm trying to play through the HoT story, and I'm at 'Buried Insight'. The first cutscene has all dialogue cut off except the first few words a character says, and it's all so compressed that the dialogue is over before the cutscene is even halfway through.


    Anybody else experience this, or know what cause this? I don't want to continue playing the story while it is like that. I tried to see if it was somehow graphics related, but it had no effect whatsoever.

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