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Posts posted by StarSilverZero.5673

  1. > @"Delilah.7513" said:

    > I present you my last video of an event created in my guild hall!

    > On my channel I present various jumping and maze ! yes yes ! if you have any questions don't hesitate ^_^/

    > here it is a slippery slope with obstacles and jumps! there were some deaths ahah



    I love this idea of CRAZY JP! High Five to you

  2. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > I expect /stretch to be another meta achievement reward that I will not get.

    > Arenanet needs to make them all baseline or at least put them into PvP Reward tracks.


    I second that!


    I tried grinding and it takes MONTHS to get... I give up with other Emote is so hard.


    I like the idea to put PvP/wvw(?) tracks. it makes me go exciting more! [/Rockout on PvP Reward is totally only available so far]

  3. > @"Pacificterror.7805" said:

    > Other people have said it but I'd just like to reaffirm that a good option to explore is to install Windows 10 onto your Mac. This most likely end up helping you with more things than just Guild Wars and will save you $ that you would have considered putting into buying a separate machine.


    Yeah, I wish I can do that on mac but I chose not. Mac Storage is closer to full capacity. So... I got someone who told me about trying on GeForce but with a subscription (i rather not pay until discount) still... works on mac and 1 hour to play. haha. I will plan to get a PC in the future.


    Thanks for your advice!

  4. > @"Tzarakiel.7490" said:

    > While buying a new machine is a last resort,it should be easier to get used machines in the near future since a lot of people are going to be upgrading soon due to large leaps in hardware performance the last year. If any family or friends plan on upgrading try asking what they are going to do with their old machine and if you can get it for cheap. Just make sure you replace the power supply if it's bronze rated. Mine almost caught fire last year.


    Okay! Thanks for advice! :D


    I will checking on it! And oh fire- wow! As long you are safely!

  5. > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > having a PC is always a good idea but you don't need a 2K pc for GW2, find a ready to use PC for about 500-700 bucks and you're good to go.

    > just make sure you have at least a i5 processor and a geforce 980 or better, that at least allows you to play on medium everything without lag.



    Okay! I will keep research! Ohh! What I should avoid the specific brand for laptop? I don’t want get a wrong way. :0


    Thanks for heading up!

  6. > @"ASP.8093" said:

    > If you're feeling overwhelmed by all this, I'd say wait until at least February 1st before you commit to something — other people are going to be trying stuff out, posting more detailed information about tradeoffs like stability and performance, and smoothing away some of the rough edges of more "finicky" approaches like Wine wrappers.


    Well actually i don’t felt overwhelmed now. I asked friends to give me feel better for fun run in gw2 on last time.. until i get pc in one day! So, yes i heard about that if i can find out about February. No -Worries but I’m happy for people answer my questions. I’m not mad but looking forward!


    However, i wonder if expansion released and system requirements will be remain same or different info? O,o


    Thank you for concern.

  7. > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > > @"sniperman.1738" said:

    > > the mac users are a small margin of gw2, plus reality is if you are going to game you should be buying a windows pc not a mac, as windows is designed more for gaming and is more realistically priced.


    > That's not the point. Some people have a mac for whatever work they need it for, and just hapen to play one or two games on it, GW2 being and example.

    > For those people it wouldn't make sense to buy a gaming PC just to play GW2. So until now they had the option, but Apple took that option away from them.


    > Don't make this into Mac vs PC because that's not the issue. Most Mac players didn't specifically buy their mac to play games, they bought it for X reason and just *happened* to play GW2 on it.


    “they brought it for X reason and just *happened* to play on GW2.” It pretty accurate on me lol.

    I work on Mac for professional until my friend suggest me to try play GW2 for first time I play. Time fast and I loved it.


    So, pretty much sum everything about i understand. I blame Apple still if only they told earlier. 1 month away from that and it really broke my heart. I don’t learn the mistake actually. but for the future i will get pc when I’m ready to get for LWS and expansion! Here i come!

  8. > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > If you're not that tech saavy and don't plan on doing WvW often you can get Parallels since it supports DX9 and DX12 via Metal. If you're remotely tech saavy you can install Windows via Bootcamp. If you want "free" then install Linux and dual boot that.


    > Buying a PC should be a last resort. Unless you bought a recent Mac with M1 CPU, then best of luck to you.


    I would check out on Parallels. But in my opinions I chose to get pc because I don’t want to use Mac with professional and games in mixture, so I want separate for my enjoy time with GW2 and friends! Probably more game I’m looking forward on GW to learn storyline.


    My friend who will help me out if I want to build PC custom. They said if I need a good budget on it. I’m nervous actually but I like that idea for try.


    Then I starting heard about Linux on Mac. They give me a bit pro and cons.


    Thanks for advice. Cheers

  9. > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > Finally someone that doesn't blame Anet and sees who's really responsible fo this...


    > As for your question, you can still play Guild Wars 2 on your Mac pretty easily.

    > Anet only dropped support because Apple isn't supporting OpenGL anymore and their new chips and stuff they don't have resources to code for.


    > But that just means there won't be a native Mac client anymore. You can still play the Windows client on the mac, espicially if you have a Mac that still uses Intel chips.

    > If you have a Mac with Intel chips, it's pretty easy to set up a dual boot and run Windows alongside Mac OS.


    > One such tool is Boot Camp:

    > https://support.apple.com/boot-camp


    > Just install Windows alongside MacOS and run Gw2 from Windows when you want to play. That's the easiest solution because it's native and requires no tinkering.


    > You can also natively install WIndows on a Mac with Intel chips and dual boot it. That way you literally run Windows, and you can keep it as your "gaming OS" when you want to game, and Mac OS for everything else.


    > For other solutions, check this thread:

    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/121721/100-unofficial-how-to-play-gw2-on-mac-os-after-the-mac-client-is-gone#latest


    > It has some tips you can do to run GW2.


    > This should work for a while yet, dual boot especially should be a more or less permanent solution should Apple remove OpenGL. This should give you time to buy a PC that you want, or, depending on your preferences, and hardware could be even a permanent solution.


    > Good luck!


    Ok good to know I still able to play with account.


    I would like to set dual boost BUT. I’m still afraid for if I dare this. My laptop may be have a issue storage if I download more. blame to IOS system eating my GB data. So I decided to try get PC because there other games that I want to play with friends and gw2 too lol. I will never thought I’m gamer XD Been play only one GW2 since. Until Anet announced. Ooof.


    But thanks for your advice!

  10. After Anet announced about Updated on Mac Support for GW2 broke my heart.

    It pretty sad for me but I understand. Curse you apple! Literally.

    Been playing for almost 7-8 years? and Reason I chose mac a long time ago for work professional company...


    So, I m pretty to save my gw2 account until one day I got a PC. Because I still want to see the storyline process! I hate to see a cliffhanger story for me lol. [icebrood saga]


    However, I would like to hear anything advice/suggest if I should buy Expansion (EoD) or straight to PC first?

    One month away from February 18, 2020. Also, I don't have time to able purchase a pc at the last minute.


    Hope this is not too much for rambles or vent out a bit from overwhelming. \o/

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