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Posts posted by Nereikia.3507

  1. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > People from around the world play Guild Wars 2. For most of them, the game is not presented in their native language.


    Dear Gaile Gray, i personally don't care about Russian localizations in games, but could the devs PLEASE introduce the Cyrillic script support for our guild and group chats? Latin letters do not suit us, your Russian playerbase, like, at all. Almost every Russian-speaking player i know feels the same way. It's still quite painful, even after 5 years! **Please, let us communicate comfortably in-game.** :'(

  2. So that person used **total** numbers of Gw2efficiency accounts (and /r/GuildWars2 's subscribers) to count


    > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > estimates of the **currently-playing** GW2 community


    > So, I estimate that GW2's **current "active"** population to be around 3.3 Million.


    And then, when ppl pointed out that he/she didn't understand the meaning of those "subscribers counts", the redditor added another obscure statement:


    > **EDIT2:** as many of you have pointed out, people tend to never unsubscribe from subreddits, and that almost nobody would unregister API keys from GW2Efficiency. both of these are true. we're already seeing the effect for GW2Efficiency: when i made my first post over a year ago, GW2Efficiency was giving me a low estimate compared to subreddit subscribers; now, it gives a slightly higher estimate. however, the remainng metric, unique visitors per month, isn't affected by "dead" subscribers, and it currently gives a similar estimate. unique subscribers is vulnerable to temporary spikes around major releases, but that will resolve itself within the next month or so.




    For God's sake! :p :#


  3. > @"nekretaal.6485" said:

    > I hope so. The "leeching" meta where 70% of the Zerg farms champs while a minority does all of the event completion work needs to stop.


    > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

    > Yeah, the "let's drag out the event so more champions spawn" attitude , while understandable, really doesn't help the content feel fun or intuitive.


    What are you talking about? For example, Palawadan is mostly about defending spots in the area, thus the champs are an important part of the farming process, and "normal" mobs go down in like 1-2 seconds after they got spawned, sometimes even champions do. The champions are valuable source of various stuff in PoF: from mats, spirit shards and recipes to some collection weapons. If you dislike ppl farming Amala's champ minions in GH for another 2-3 minutes (omg, such a waste!), please just say it straight as it is, don't come up with some mysterious "70% of leechers".


    Metas are all about farming, and that stuff should be efficient. Otherwise, Istan would become deserted just like the other PoF's locations.

  4. > @ReaverKane.7598 said:

    > Well, MO said NCSoft had no weight on the decisions or the pricing. So yeah, **defeated your argument**.


    Not really. I think that atleast one important fact is out of your sight dear sir. MO himself _IS_ one of the high-ranking executives of NCsoft West (according to this page: [us.ncsoft.com/en/about-us/](http://us.ncsoft.com/en/about-us/ "us.ncsoft.com/en/about-us/")), so your whole statement in other words would look like "Well, an executive member of NCSoft **West** said NCSoft had no weight on the decisions [of the part-of-the-NCWest-holdings] or the pricing [of NC Soft West products]", which wouldn't make any sense. What MO meant is that _the Korean office_ of NCSoft Corp. didn't affect the decisions of its NA subsidiary, i.e. NCWest, and that's just how all those subsidiaries of the kind work in general, i believe.


    And if that page is still actual, you can learn that MO's patron in NA is Yoon Song-Yee, the wife of the current NCSoft CEO, if i'm not mistaken. And that person obviously can have an influence on [various] things related to gw2, because Anet is NCSoft after all, whether you like it or not.


    P.S. Made this post just to clear up some weird concepts about Anet/NCsoft relationships.

  5. Well, i respect ppl who work at ArenaNet (NC West) and make gw2, but i just can't appreciate a message that is explicitly related to some 'damage-controlling' PR talk rather than to players' concerns. I'm so sorry for that, to be honest.


    > @"Mike O Brien.4613" said:


    > Individual sale is a mechanic that works with a few, flashy skins. Using a grab bag mechanic gives us leeway to create skins to suit a wide range of player tastes while **offering a lower price per skin**.


    So, following that brilliant logic of yours, dear mr. O'Brien, one might think that when you locked the Fallen Balthazar Outfit behind the black lion lootboxes, you offered it at a significantly lower price, compared to other outfits, because the key costs only 150 gems. Such a good deal!


    And that logical trick is not the only 'flaw' of this message, unfortunately.


    P.S. Sorry for my poor English.



  6. My lil message> @particlepinata.9865 said:

    > I personally think we will have to wait for the Q4 earnings report to conclude things. Q3 is only 1 and a half week of Pof from release.


    Pre-purchase started on august 1. Don't lie to yourself: the only reason q4 can be better is due to those rng-lootboxes, even ncsoft admitted that indirectly in their report.


    But the thing is their money is none of our business. What really makes me sad is how bad PoF (and the current state of the game in general) is. That's a shame.



  7. Ok, good for you.

    To be honest, It's not a big deal to 'find yourself enjoying' an obsolete location like Orr with a warrior, a glider and mounts (you mentioned a ride?). I hate to tell you but when Orr's maps were relevant they could (and _did_) easily become quite a painful experience for many of us. Would you call your post the Atrocity of Complexity then? Just kiddin'. :p

  8. > @Ariurotl.3718 said:

    > I'm completely fine with how they are at the moment. The "corrected" version makes them look more human, which is the opposite of what should really be done. Literally all complaints here use the human-looking Norn females as a feeble crutch of an argument that just doesn't hold any water


    I'm sorry, but it seems like you've completely missed the point of this discussion. Whatever (or whoever) Norns are, they obviously have _human bodies_, and we think that their ingame models are (a)poorly done and (b)need more customisation options (both shapes and textures). Let's have a look at Braham, for example, because you can see his image just on the right side of this particular page at the moment, which is kinda funny, isn't it? He's a young athlete afaik, which is in line with his anatomy on some beautiful official concept arts (dispaying, among other things, his gorgeously muscular chest):

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/Mf7K9My.jpg "")



    — but in-game Braham instead has a generic swollen ~50-150 y.o.-ish :# norn body (which is the only possible appearance for player models atm, even if you can apply some minor, unsignificant changes). And if you can't see that body under Braham's fancy outfits, or refuse to examine thoroughly your own character's physique, i have a pic of my norn's weird chest (what's that? lil boobies?), so please 'take a look':

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/TqB4kXg.jpg "")


    And that's just a tiny part of what is a problem with norn males' anatomy, textures and animations.

    If you like it like that, well, good for you, dear, cause you already have it! And some ppl here simply ask for more diversity, which doesn't mean we want them norns look 'more human', no way. We want them look 'less ape', for Raven's sake! :p I mentioned norn females just for comparison, to define a 'good work'.








  9. > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

    > 1) A dedicated dungeon team that works both raids and dungeons would be nice. Seriously. Re-tool some old dungeons to use modern mechanics and add one or two new dungeons to the PoF maps. Not asking for a lot here...


    *cough* REWARDS. Who wants to experience 'modern mechanics' if you still get old and outdated skins with useless stats and other junk stuff? Srsly.




  10. Agreed.

    Well, 'adjusted chest muscles' still look terrible, imo. Norn males need complete reworking, even sexual dimorphism cannot justify their appearance. I mean, yes, they do look like some stereotypical professional fighters who have undergone hormonal therapy or something in their forties, with all those massive trapezoids, flat buttocks, worn out faces and suggy tits, but hey! If norn women can be young, handsome and blossoming, why can't we have some eye-candy models for our norn men? C'mon Anet! It's not fair!

  11. I chose 'none' because this kind of poll is useless, imo. If you asked ppl to rate WoW on the Blizzard forums, or made a poll asking some blowflies' community :p to choose food #1 for their larvae ;) , you would be able to predict the results (opinions) with 99,98% accuracy from the very start. So, what's the point?

  12. > @VoxShatterfall.5470 said:

    > I'm getting really bad vertigo when I mount, dismount, start movement, stop movement, and turn around on the raptor mount.


    > Does anyone have any suggestions?


    Well, you'll probably get some useless suggestions (ppl on the forums advised me to use ginger pills and some shitty placebo/scam bracelets) but here's all you have to know: If disabled Camera Roll, minimized Motion Blur option and maximized Field-of-View and Camera Distance don't prevent your vertigo, the game settings have nothing to offer you ATM.



  13. > @Morfedel.4165 said:

    > For some reason, I am getting motion sick with the new expansion. In fact, I think its when using mounts. I've had this problem all the time with first person shooters, but never with GW2 until now. Anyone else having that issue?


    Welcome to the club: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/gw2/Major-Concern-Mounts-and-motion-sickness


    It's been a month, but still no clear response from Anet. All we got is some obscure promises during the Guild Chat. A-a-and an option called Camera Roll, but I didn't preorder PoF (because of MS), so I know nothing about that feature (tbh, I doubt whether 'roll' has something to do with 'momentum' and other stuff mentioned in the "major concern" topic). Ppl say it doesn't help much anyway.


    Seems like they don't care. Yep, that is frustrating.

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