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Posts posted by DarkFlopy.8197

  1. > @"AlexndrTheGreat.8310" said:

    > > @"DarkFlopy.8197" said:

    > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > >

    > > > I think it fits thematically that a Soulbeast just reaches this level of understanding with _one_ pet. Not having a bunch of pets he can say "yeah, I have a bunch of soulmates out there I can fuse with". Because it is exactly this, they are soulmates. This should be something unique, something that you have to focus really hard on to achieve with someone.

    > >

    > > so how about this:

    > > you choose with which pet you want to be able to bond with (right click its portrait or something...), lets say you marked pet #1 then allow soulbeasts to swap to their other pet in combat but they CAN'T bond with it because it was not marked as a pet they will bond with before they entered combat.

    > > i think this is much more fitting that way you use both pets and only bond with the "special one".


    > i think you’re just overcomplicating it now.


    > This change follows Anets vision of elite specs and follows the same path other nerfed elite specs took. It’s a big change and it will take more than a week to feel normal again. Yes, it sucks we got nerfed, but it’s better for the overall health of the game. Every other elite spec that got nerfed is still more than fine


    hmmm true.

    perhaps later on we will feel normal again, about the overall health of the game... im not sure about that because this patch brought a lot of immortal and highly sustainable builds out there and its kinda making the meta not very fun.

  2. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"DarkFlopy.8197" said:

    > > im going to start with a question here:



    > The same point eng/eles have their weapon swap available OOC. Or the same point you can hot-key swap build templates OOC. For convenience. Glad I could help o/



    > > its like telling deadeye "one of your skills makes you crouch down while performing it... so now you can't crouch (use that skill) unless you are out of endurance so it will sync well with restoring endurance".


    > wat


    i dont know man im annoyed by this change, i cant think straight lol.


    > @"Ashkew.6584" said:

    > just use second pet for plasma or stealth out of combat, or you get a pet that helps you better vs a condi matchup and a pet vs a powermatchup and swap to the one you need


    i have been using siamoth for years so thats absolutely my best option, but you missed the idea... the "just use second pet" you suggested wont work because **YOU CAN'T USE THE SECOND PET IN COMBAT** so out of combat its not relevant.


    > @"Kodama.6453" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > I understand the points. I just don't like them. I also disagree with this change fitting thematically. But, that's my opinion.


    > Why don't you think they fit thematically?

    > The Soulbeast is someone who has reached such deep understanding with his companion that they are able to fuse into one body. Basically the ultimate form of bonding with your pet.


    > I think it fits thematically that a Soulbeast just reaches this level of understanding with _one_ pet. Not having a bunch of pets he can say "yeah, I have a bunch of soulmates out there I can fuse with". Because it is exactly this, they are soulmates. This should be something unique, something that you have to focus really hard on to achieve with someone.


    so how about this:

    you choose with which pet you want to be able to bond with (right click its portrait or something...), lets say you marked pet #1 then allow soulbeasts to swap to their other pet in combat but they CAN'T bond with it because it was not marked as a pet they will bond with before they entered combat.

    i think this is much more fitting that way you use both pets and only bond with the "special one".

  3. As soon as the balance patch hits, first things being said and being changed in ranger are......

    > Soulbeasts, long standing without a tradeoff, are now receiving theirs—they lose combat access to a second pet and must choose carefully which pet they're going to be bonded with in battle. We're also enhancing several core ranger traits and some select weapon skills that we felt were on the weak side.


    > * Soulbeast: Soulbeasts can no longer swap pets while in combat. Entering and leaving beastmode with your pet now counts as a pet swap for the purposes of the Clarion Bond and Zephyr's Speed traits.>


    So... i want to discuss this.

    im going to start with a question here:


    so, what i am going to do with a 2nd pet? literally since the patch hit i have NEVER hit the pet swap, 90% of the time i couldn't because i was in combat and the other 10% of the time it was absolutely not needed to do so.


    again im asking, so what is the point of having a 2nd pet if i can't use it unless its outside of combat?!

    its like telling deadeye "one of your skills makes you crouch down while performing it... so now you can't crouch (use that skill) unless you are out of endurance so it will sync well with restoring endurance".


    what do you think about this "lets just push something so it will look like we are working on balance" change?.

  4. > @"Krispera.5087" said:

    > I'm glad to see people playing with MH Dagger and less meta OH like Torch. You seem to do very well with A/T, but do you think A/Dagger would give you more breathing room with Evade ? Or you used OH Torch for the area denial and fire field ? Since you use Ambidexterity, I was just wondering.


    > I went against one in PvP with a Soulboon version, but same pets. He/she was very good, tanky and do lots of huge damage. Porcine Maul does a lot of damage and Siamoth gives those boons from Consume Plasma. I was on Druid and I had a difficult time against him/her. Splitblade damage caught me off guard so many times against MH Axe rangers, I have yet to ''unsplit'' ;) in my head that it doesn't do terrible damage in PvP/WvW.


    well, the torch was being taken over an offhand dagger because of the simple reason of being able to leap in it and give myself a fire aura and burn whoever touches me, same goes to my pets when they charge, another reason is like i wrote in the description of the video you can replace Protect Me for Vulture Stance if you want to be more aggressive and there is nothing better than an enemy standing or being knocked down on your fire field while Vulture Stance is active, free might for you, free poison on your enemy :)




    I want to know whats going on with soulbeast, like did the devs got all confused with their stuff and gave up midway of soulbeast?

    like i dont understand why some of the skills that we share with our pets do effect us in BM and some dont...


    for example the minor trait [Pet's Prowess] - "Pets move faster and deal more damage on critical hits. (Ferocity Increase: 300, Movement Speed Increase: 30%)

    While in Beastmode, the player gains up to 150 bonus ferocity and 25% movement speed bonus.".

    or for example : [Pack Alpha] - "Your pet is more powerful, and their skills gain recharge reduction.

    Pet Power Increase: 150

    Pet Precision Increase: 150

    Pet Toughness Increase: 150

    Pet Vitality Increase: 150

    Pet skill Recharge: 20%

    While in Beastmode, the player gains up to 80 attribute bonus to all primary attributes."


    or all the shout skills that do give the player while in BM the buffs/behaviors the pet supposed to get.


    how come the heals are not being like that as well? all the heals say "Heal yourself and your pet", so how come when we enter BM, this is not acting like the same?

    im not saying give us 200% heal while in BM, im saying maybe 150% instead, if it was 5k then let it be 7.5k.

    i dont get how unfinished the spec is its like the devs got lazy in the middle of the spec development and just said **** it and left it and moved on.

    the last balance patch was more like a "here take a few more damage to your pets, to help your SOULBEAST VARIETY OF PLAYSTYLE"...

    the spec is about merging with your pet and using its abilities in battle and tapping out in need of it, not keeping it out all the time, 90% of the pets in the game are 10/10 useless.

    drakes even in PVE will be the most useless pet possible, Moas? Spiders? Birds? Bears? Devourers?

    ppl will rather take smokescale + gazelle or everything that is not from the above.


    Seriously arena net, you ****ed up with druid by actually making it support (no its not dps spec, when pets do all the job it doesnt count as anything, its like a minionmancer but dumber) and giving necros scourge which you claim its support but it does more dps than any spec of ranger.


    since release of the game i was hoping something will happen, hope is failing and i assume many other ppl already lost their hope.

  6. Hey guys,

    so im still fooling around with my soulbeast and i made myself another build that i can play that grants me the sustain that i wanted and still do ok-ish damage for melee,

    now please notice this is the defensive version and i am working on the offensive version which its damage will outmatch a regular marauder.


    any feedback is welcome but please take in consideration that this is a SHOWCASE not a montage, im like the worst player ever so dont take anything in this video seriously,

    its here to show what the build can do with AVERAGE potential.



  7. > @Colly.4073 said:

    > Agreed with Dragonzhunter!


    > Not to disrespect you or the build but a lot of the fighters in that clip where garbage


    i agree, look at the comment above, i dont see a need to write it over and over.

    also take in consideration that its really hard to find good ppl roaming nowadays, you mostly find those zergers that are there just to do achievements or

    just ppl that still learning the game/class.

  8. > @Zantal.4798 said:

    > I have fought against you (same skin same combos If I remember correctly) about 3-4 weeks ago (and we were vs piken square)


    > you cleansed the first 3 stacks of fire I put on you.


    > Then you couldn't cleanse the really big 14 stack that killed you.


    > But yeah, all the other idiots died to your combos really easily.


    i guess you didnt fight this build because i only started using it around 14th November,

    also i never said this is the best build ever exists, i never claimed that im a top player and no one is matching to me,

    also this is not a montage clearly ppl still have this weird fetish for thinking everything is competition i clearly stated at the start of the video

    that this is not showing any skill or competition its meant to show what i made and what you can do with it,

    if i wanted to show how cool and awesome my ego is i would go and make a 20min video with random dubstep music with 5min intro of my char walking in slow-mo.

    but thanks for the feedback anyway.

  9. hey ppl,


    so i was curious about trying out soulbeast as celestial since after all being a soulbeast allows you to become either condi or power and even both,

    therefore i went and created me a celestial soulbeast build where i can be power and/or condi on demand and need in the fights,

    i was surprised how well it worked for PVE too (im doing fractals)


    any who have fun ppl!

    you are welcome to share opinions


  10. i like how the gazelle is majestically running after the enemy all the time and never hits, its rare that it ever hits the enemy or even reaching the 300range, while fighting you need to put some emotional music, give a good focus and closeup on the gazelle and there you go, a prefect cover for a wild life commercial lol.

  11. > @Sedlina.1097 said:

    > > @StickerHappy.8052 said:

    > > > @DarkFlopy.8197 said:

    > > > Hello once again ppl !

    > > >

    > > > today im bringing you Double The Oink, i used my Siamoth for years and i never had a chance to use the Pig as well, well today its on! soulbeast allowed me to use both Siamoth and Pig in one build without completely going suicidal!

    > > >

    > > > a reminder about my montages:

    > > > im not a good player and i dont consider myself one, my montages are only to show the capabilities of the build that is shown in video

    > > > and to encourage others into playing something different once in a while.

    > > >

    > > > have fun!

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > Feedback is always welcome!

    > >

    > > I really wanted to use dagger in a power build, correct me if I am wrong do the dagger sometimes crit for like 2k? atleast in your video. Also, how strong do the Pig BM skills hit?


    > The pig skills are some of the few F1 and F2 skills of beastmode that

    > a) do what their tooltip suggests

    > and

    > b) have a decent power scaling


    > Their scaling is not as bonkers as the gazelle F1 and F2 skills. But they are 'worth using' while in beastmode


    i would have loved to use the gazelle but the pet itself feels so slow, it almost never reaches the enemy, its attacks are so slow and they will almost never hit (animation is too slow and long) and the charge is buggy so most of the time it will either not hit or the distance is suddenly shorter than described in every cast.

  12. > @StickerHappy.8052 said:

    > > @DarkFlopy.8197 said:

    > > Hello once again ppl !

    > >

    > > today im bringing you Double The Oink, i used my Siamoth for years and i never had a chance to use the Pig as well, well today its on! soulbeast allowed me to use both Siamoth and Pig in one build without completely going suicidal!

    > >

    > > a reminder about my montages:

    > > im not a good player and i dont consider myself one, my montages are only to show the capabilities of the build that is shown in video

    > > and to encourage others into playing something different once in a while.

    > >

    > > have fun!

    > >

    > >

    > > Feedback is always welcome!


    > I really wanted to use dagger in a power build, correct me if I am wrong do the dagger sometimes crit for like 2k? atleast in your video. Also, how strong do the Pig BM skills hit?


    the dagger is not a high power weapon, i believe sword might be better, also im not using a ferocious pet and still doing good dmg with it,

    the BM skills of the pig are really useful and strong in my opinion. (notice where im using F1 i can reach high numbers up to 6k i believe, it travels from 1.8k no crit up to 6k crit depends on the toughness of the enemy)

  13. > @borya.2964 said:

    > > @DarkFlopy.8197 said:

    > > Hello once again ppl !

    > >

    > > today im bringing you Double The Oink, i used my Siamoth for years and i never had a chance to use the Pig as well, well today its on! soulbeast allowed me to use both Siamoth and Pig in one build without completely going suicidal!

    > >

    > > a reminder about my montages:

    > > im not a good player and i dont consider myself one, my montages are only to show the capabilities of the build that is shown in video

    > > and to encourage others into playing something different once in a while.

    > >

    > > have fun!

    > >

    > >

    > > Feedback is always welcome!


    > You managed to pick the best traits lines (for wvw roaming) to create, indeed, a wierd build. The self regen / protection optimization (with a non boon duration build) is more specific in your build rather than the double porcine pets in my opinion, the same goes with the stances use. Melee, regen/protection, stances, even dagger MH are more specific, your love for porcines blind you i guess ^^.


    both procines are useful and been chosen for this build, siamoth can grant me plasma which with moa stance i gain 66% duration for all the boons it grants me, beastmode grants me a "some kind endure pain" a charge and a nice double hit attack, same goes for the pig just that it gives healing but his items are good as well, egg grants me about 2.5k health instantly and the healing seed grants regen which can be increased with moa stance as well.


    also the pigs give what i need, the siamoth grants me toughness and vitality in beastmode (notice my low armor and quite ok-ish health) and pig grants me vitality and healing increase (25% when fighting 1 person, 50% when fighting 2 and so on)


    also the regen + protection been chosen to deal with the condi meta we have today (i find a lot more condi ppl than power ppl when roaming) and for surviving better in an outnumbered situation where in wvw it happens all the time.


    this is not a build for dueling if anyone asks or guesses, its made for roaming and outnumbered situations + its my own fun desires of what i want to play are implemented there.

  14. Hello once again ppl !


    today im bringing you Double The Oink, i used my Siamoth for years and i never had a chance to use the Pig as well, well today its on! soulbeast allowed me to use both Siamoth and Pig in one build without completely going suicidal!


    a reminder about my montages:

    im not a good player and i dont consider myself one, my montages are only to show the capabilities of the build that is shown in video

    and to encourage others into playing something different once in a while.


    have fun!


    Feedback is always welcome!

  15. > @Puck.9612 said:

    > > @DarkFlopy.8197 said:

    > > Rock Gazelle location : https://imgur.com/WxCMoHi

    > > Map : The Desolation, Joko's Domain waypoint



    > Anyone know how to get to the top of that cliff?

    > I made it to the wp and have run around for about an hour trying to find a way up.


    you need to use the Springer i think its called (that rabbit mount) when he has mastery 3 (high vault) and start looking for rocks to jump on until you get up.

  16. Jacaranda location :



    Map: Domain of Vabbi - BOTTOM LEFT SIDE OF IT (left from Necropolis Waypoint)


    Sand Lion location :



    Map : Crystal Oasis - middle right of the map right above the point [Kusini Water Hole]


    Iboga location (SOURCE and credit : sevenDEADLY.5281) :




    Map : Desert Highlands - Southwest from Highjump Ranch Waypoint

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