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Posts posted by Blair.3796

  1. I'm not sure what exactly just got added in one of the recent "New Build" required updates, but the game is ~~not currently playable.~~ prone to crashing. Was doing fine this evening, over 3 hours with no crashing. Then, a few minutes after a "New Build" notice popped up and gave the 2-hours until restart warning, the game crashed. Error code reads, "timePercent >= 0.0f".


    I reloaded the game and tried playing again. About four or five minutes after loading in, the game crashed again with the same error. I booted back up and started playing again. This time the game crashed after only about three or four minutes. The error code on the third crash displays, "val >= -0x001FFFFF". That's three crashes in twelve minutes, including reboot times .


    EDIT: Game now seems to crash during or after periods of heavy group traffic. The first three crashes were all when running with a skill group in Auric Basin. My most recent crash ("timePercent >= 0.0f" again) occurred after killing the Chak Gerant, once the lasers destroy the wall.

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