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Posts posted by Mutisija.5017

  1. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > However, I hate their hunchback while standing and walking. It makes no sense.


    imo it makes a lot sense since they are not 100% bipeds. it makes a lot less sense to give full human-like biped posture and anatomy for something that is not full biped.

  2. > @"yoni.7015" said:

    > > @"Slartibartfast.5416" I play with people who do not speak English that well. They rely on being able to copy what they see in chat so they can translate it.

    > >

    > I can’t really believe that in 2020 there are still people wo can’t understand English good enough to play a video game.

    > I am no native English speaker but because of school, watching movies and series in English I never had any problems understanding the English ingame.


    you do realize that not everyone has the same opportunities to gain same skills as you? you do realize that there are places where offering english studies is not a standard at all, and all movies and tv series are always dubbed? also this is 13+ game, do you expect 13 years olds to have already mastered second language well enough to understand english fluently enough to not struggle with relatively story heavy game, and interact with other players in chat?

  3. all in one bundle would be real nice (or even some "hey, this expansion stuff you are purchasing isnt all of it, press here to add the rest of the currently available story content to your purchase for this price" thing). i often try to get my friends join the game, and i have found that its really discouraging for them to discover that even after buying expansions, they still have to buy whole bunch of separate stuff to get all of the story. it would be easier and nicer for everyone involved to be able to press purchase button once, and be done with it.

  4. removing the hearts from the map completion sounds nice and appealing, because everyone loves to get stuff with less effort, but in reality its kinda bad idea. technically it could be made work without causing lot of damage for pretty much everything from economy to leveling and content pacing, but it would require some major rework and rebalancing for many mechanics of the game. at that point it would be easier to just make guild wars 3.

  5. while i am not a game developer yet, i have been studying video game development for several years, and large port of our teachers work in video game industry. and i can say pretty certainly that while this is nice idea, its not realistically possible.


    anet is not a huge company with tons of resources and staff to spare, especially not after having to boot out large portion of their staff. they really do not have the manpower to focus on yet another large project without the quality and staff suffering, or having to put current projects in ice. they have already enough to do with icebrood saga and end of dragons.


    stuff like this would be good idea only after current big projects are complete, and they do not have any other upcoming big projects scheduled. in other words any massive projects like this are unlikely until gw2 is "complete". only think i could realistically see them doing is updating the graphics of older maps to match newer ones, as long as they do it slowly over time.

  6. i personally think the work you need to do for the mounts is reasonable.

    sure, there is little grindiness, but it never really goes overboard (except maybe for the money you need for griffon), and is really well within what falls under "just putting effort into getting it". it definitely makes you work for them, but isnt that the point of earning nicer things in game?


    none of the mounts you have to work for are required to play the game. they all are basically nice extra reward for those who do put extra time and effort into the game. they are nice to have, and definitely makes moving around less tedious, but you do not _need_ them. i really cannot think of many ways to reduce the grinding without either basically handing them out for everyone who bothers to click few buttons, or just switching one type of grinding into another type of grinding.


    only part of the collections i find unnecessary is the amount of money you need to pour into griffon. the only reason why i got past that part within reasonable time, is that i happened to get lucky with black lion chest. basically i got some valuable dye i didnt really want, so just i sold it to cover the griffon costs.

  7. > @"kettering.6823" said:

    > > @"Mutisija.5017" said:

    > > only afk farmers i really want to get rid of are the ones always see hanging out at that one specific heart quest area. i hate all the other tasks for that heart, but i cant just kill bunch of enemies in order to skip all the unpleasant tasks thanks to these farmers hogging all the enemies.


    > which one? is it the ghost heart near the wall with the cannons in Iron Marches? I always saw farmers there...


    yeah, that one.

  8. > @"Cronospere.8143" said:

    > They should give a warning not to use the lvl 80 booster if you dont have an lvl 80 already. Because you miss out on a lot (IMO)


    seconding this. it seems like very tempting and quick way to skip having to put any effort into the game, but its not really something that should be used unless you know what you are doing (and its kinda frustrating for everyone involved to have new players with virtually no grasp of the game's basic mechanics wandering around elona or heart of maguuma)


    also speaking from personal experience (completed the game normally with one character, and slapped a booster on my second character): the booster makes completion of the central tyria map and unlocking the elite spec stuff overwhelming and crushing especially for new players. normally you would rack up good chunk of the map completion while leveling and following the personal story. with the booster you will inevitably be left with mostly untouched map, and basically no hero points to spend on the new shiny elite spec.

  9. > @"Jagblade.4627" said:

    > The skimmer was never intended to be used underwater and there were even lore reasons for why it wasn't a sea creature. This was just kind of a patchjob for people who wanted an underwater mount without designing brand new content around that. I'm happy we got anything at all though.


    i might be misremembering, but i think that in the anniversary stream they talked about that they were actually originally thinking about making them underwater mounts during, but ended up scrapping the idea because of some technical reasons. the original concept was like a mount that could dive underwater, but the hummingbird skin was made with assumption that they arent gonna change mind about skimmer diving.

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