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Posts posted by Image.8630

  1. I particularly dislike the missions parts. Some of the mobs are crazy powerful mostly when you end up alone in the instance. My main problem though is that its badly done. You get a huge list of Achievements or items to get (like the numbered crystals) and when you try to do/get them you can't cause they are not active and it doesn't say that anywhere. Last chapter it says to do Exalted Missions... there aren't any and NO mention they don't exist (Many friends looked for them too). You didn't even start anything and you get frustrated by how bad it's done. NO info of all the stuff that don't exist but you are asked to get/do it. Even Wiki doesn't help. How hard could it be to either grey out anything not active or simply add a note: NOT AVAILABLE YET. And please PLEASE stop adding collections in story achievements.

  2. MADE IT WEEEE :) Got help from the Support staff, on Saturday night no less. =) Tks to the great Support staff. <3

    Finally figured out what was wrong, Darkrime is NOT a Mission but part of Living Story. So had to activate the Vision of the Pass Story to get access to Darkrime.

    TO anyone who can add/modify Wiki Fallen from the Summit page, maybe add a note that to access that AP you have to have the LS active.

    Tks again to everyone for the help.

  3. Well, finally redid Steel Mission again (Tks again Randulf for the proper use of the harpoon :) ) and when I got to the end all I was offered was to return to the pool. *cries* No entrance to Darkrine anywhere. This is starting to drive me insane. All I wanted was those 3 little missing page to finish Fallen from the Summit achievement. Even submitting a ticket is impossible. Cant log in there and have to do it anonymously. WTH is going on there! I give up.

  4. When you've been around for every Mad King events you have it all AND all the Achievements that gives points have been done years ago. I looked at the Festival Achievements today and they are all pretty much already done. They need to be reset/extended. Infinite in my book doesn't mean 5 times. Why isn't there anything for older players in the festivals? its all rinse / repeat now :(


  5. This is more bugging then a bug. During the LS when you do Obtain Eagle Totem, you get conversation bubbles right over your eagle self that completely hides you and the path to take. Can't the Talk Bubble be moved to the side / anywhere but right over you? It just made me miss a gate and almost the whole race. tks

  6. That would be great and would stop the annoying noise and light of ppl standing at Banks and going through 20-50+ of them ... I have to leave or get an instant headache each time. Wish ppl would go somewhere alone to do that. Seriously Anet PLEASE remove that sound and light.

  7. Did everyone forgot Ryland killed Almora ? !! I was hoping he would be a double agent but after that murder no way he can be redeemed. Dont get why commander doesn't tell Cre and Rytlock what Ryland did. No way I would ever forgive him.

    Still mad at Anet I was forced to kill Almora.

  8. > @"miraude.2107" said:

    > I'm surprised they didn't update the Hall of Monuments Portal Stone.

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hall_of_Monuments_Portal_Stone


    > It would have been a nice solution. They could make it like the Spearmarshal's Plea where it could take you to Sun's Refuge (once you unlocked it) or the Griffon Sanctuary. The same thing could have been done with the Portal Stone. Present it to Aurene after completing the story missions to have her modify it or something.



    That is the 1st thing I used when I read about the story... place was empty, I was completely confused. Tried it a few times , logged off.. and still nothing.

    Why create a 2nd Eye of the north instance? weird




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