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Posts posted by brannigan.9831

  1. > @"Les.4872" said:

    > > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

    > > Guys do you understand I am talking about mid-low ranks?


    > Yeh man. Even 1-3-1 is especially strong in lower ranks because even if you lose mid, a good player at far can force enemy rotates to them and make room for another mid retake. Also the likelyhood of the enemy team sending people far when their home is contested is very slim in lower ranks. But same rules as before so both strategies work still. Depends on your team really. You dont want to go mid if you have say 2 mesmers or 2 thieves on your team. So Improvise!


    But its not a good player going far without speaking up prematch more often then not in low to mid ranks. Its often not even on a side point specialist. Also, contesting middle 3v4 without dieing also requires a certain skill level. My opinion is in solo queue its much safer to just split 4 to 1 unless everything is discussed before hand. All these things you and others pushing 3-1-1 involve everyone having a certain skill level and coordination where in a lot of cases it doesnt exist. Also, I dont feel what a lot of you are saying about 3-1-1 plays out in actuality record wise in solo queue. Would be interesting to track my record based on opening splits. I would bet because of the poor matchmaking and the tendency to load one side with better players the opening split is meaningless most of the time.

  2. > @"bravan.3876" said:

    > The issue is that he doesn't use energy sigils on both weaponsets and adventure rune on his onebutton spam hard to play pp deadeye during he whines about every other class he meets in pvp, otherwise he would be unstunnable too.


    Also knows every spot on the map to stand where movement skills won't reach because of los map glitches so he can pull of his 1 button magicianry. Without doing that he wouldn't be able to kill a ham sandwhich. This guy shouldn't be offering balance on tying shoes.

  3. Not to be rude but what are your credentials? Usually to be sought after as a teacher you should have some accomplishments. Im sure you do but like what are they x amount of top 100 finishes? Finishing in the top 250 every season I mean anyone can finish in the top 250 a few seasons? being part of teams that have won tournaments? I think you should tell people instead of saying Im an expert let me help you so they can decide if its worth there time. Not knocking people trying to help but just being willing to help is not automatically a good thing. I could offer Stephen Curry to help with his jumpshot but the main problem there is he is better then me.

  4. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > Power Reaper really isn't in that bad of a spot right now. The biggest thing holding it back from being top tier is mostly because Scourge is heavily run and hard counters Power Reaper. Like if there were less scourges and Reapers had a way to consistently disengage from fights gone poorly they would be an incredibly dominant spec. As of right now they're solidly B tier.


    Power reapers are easily picked out and killed especially at the beginning of matches when they have no life force.


  5. Im going to defend A-net for once and make two guesses which could obviously be wrong. People complained when the break between seasons went from 2 weeks to 3 weeks so they made sure it was 2 weeks this time. Patches are every 2 weeks and there was a patch last week. There will be some pvp balance changes in next weeks patch that weren't ready for the june 5th patch.

  6. It would help if the matchmaking was better I dont care what anyone says it sucks. Im no pro usually about 1500MMR range and when I complain sometimes you can't believe how often someone tells me they are completely new to the game they didn't understand what they are doing is wrong. Starting MMR of 1200 is a gigantic problem. Beginners should start out at the beginning which would be Bronze 1 MMR.

  7. > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

    > Spamming one button shouldn't work, but it does. There's no reason why a build that only presses 3 should be effective at ALL.


    > It's like a ranger being able to cast rapid fire over and over again doing massive amounts of damage per channel. It's skill-less.


    I actually agree with this. Its really something that should be balance dogma you wonder why stuff like this continually makes it into pvp in games. The fact good players can counter it is meaningless. Its dumb and its annoying. I kill pp thieves all the time 1v1 but every once in awhile Ill get sandbagged when my attention is elsewhere and its just not fun to die like that period. Games are supposed to be fun. A guy materializing out of thin air and downing you in a couple seconds from full health is not fun.

  8. They ban people all the time. Its certainly going to take more then a couple of appeals though they have like 2 people working on this game. If someone called you a bad name and reammed you out and your the only one that appealed that person I doubt they are going to get banned. They have very limited resources and they are not just going to take your word for it they investigate this stuff first and that takes time. Anyway is it really that hard to just block people. I've never appealed anyone for that myself I usually troll them until I get bored and then block them but I don't see myself as some kind of mini crusader for justice and truth as many do.

  9. To me anything over about a 100 MMR - 150 MMR skill cap difference is bad from the highest rated player on your team to the lowest or in the game really. I dont see why a 1400 range player for example would ever be in a match with 1600 MMR player. I want to see it for my own piece of mind. It would get rid of some toxicity. Its a sanity check and yes I want to be able audit your match making because I am a skeptic by nature and people make mistakes. Smarter people then your game programmers make mistakes all the time.

  10. If they wanted to be trasparent and believed in there matchmaking they would do it but they wont. The public company line against doing it would probably be well we don't want the lowest rated players in the matches taking abuse if things go bad in matches so we don't do it. But the easiest fix to that is to just show all the players ratings with no names attached after the match. The real reason they don't do it imo is we would be able audit there match making systems effectiveness more easily and what they have said about how it works in the past. One thing is for sure it will never happen. They dont want you to see you are getting put with people well below or above your skill level all too often.

  11. Guardian and Reaper. Guardian is okish now with the core dps (I refuse to play lamebrand so dont go there) spec but I miss plaing the pre nerf condi Reaper was one of the funnest builds I ever played. Sure I could play it now and probably do middling with it but don't kid yourselves its like 65% of what it was in the good old days.

  12. You shouldn't be so snarky you seem mistaken on quite a few points yourself. 1v1 is not really the main thing you should be doing on your thief. Also, you dont have to fight anybody you dont want to on a thief theoretically. Unless you get a very unlucky insta sandbag by an add you can just run away if the odds are bad or you cant win. Something tell me you deserve some of the abuse.

  13. You pretty much nailed it. Its like a crazy person come up with a lot of this stuff. So much skill gets wrung out of the game with all this automatic op stuff. The CD shouldn't have been increased on some of them in the latest balanace pass the traits should have been completely changed to something different for pvp.

  14. To certain builds they are certainly a pain in the ass because it only takes a few seconds for them to kill anything and if you don't have some sort of active defense or way to get to them immediately you have to run away or if you can't you'll be killed. And lets be honest there are mostly bad players left at just about every rating level. Luckily I play a build with tons of active defense and mobility so they are mostly free kills if I dont do something stupid.

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