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Posts posted by eLfocus.8961

  1. > @"Razor.6392" said:

    > Plasma beam is the only thing that still does damage in that build.


    True... and the arcane blast is just sad 1k crit on that ferocity boost? But that build is the only reason i still play the game, it is what it is :)

  2. > @"expandas.7051" said:

    > Hey folks. Bags with Pandas is recruiting 50 NA GvGers to cross the pond and farm EU. We'll be moving after relinks and raiding Saturdays and Sundays at 10AM PST (EU prime time) for 2-4 hours. If you think you're up to the challenge, shoot me a message! Cheers.


    Don't forget to join Desolation linked server.



  3. > @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

    > With supposed mirage evacuation from meta and so many viable semi or directly bunker builds ...actually i would dare to say that FA builds are playable now in ranked. Still no big hopes for core build but at least fresh weaver should be less stressful.


    Yea indeed i feel ranked less stressful since *meme* build is gone now :)

  4. Yea it's alright in WvW but in Pvp it does not fit anywhere at all. Full zerk 11k HP so you can be able to deal some decent dmg, We need a way to remove boons or steal boons. Every class has that kind of trait/skill or w/e.

  5. > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

    > Huehue, I saw you bursting some revenant today again and again. :tongue:


    > I don't like FA weaver though. I liked the core one, where you had to set up the burst, bait dodges and stab. FA weaver is just smashing air attunement as fast as possible and staying on no-port spots (yes, I know I am overexaggerating), so I am happy it's gone.


    > However, if they'd change Fresh Air to have an internal CD and instead increase focus' defense a bit (like making some more skills castable behind you and reducing some CDs), I'd be in for that. It would reduce the noobfilterness and give it some breathing time in highest ranked games for kiting revs and thieves.


    Yea mate but that burst requires me to go all in eart/aire into fire/air/air and i leave my self totally vulnerable. I just would like to know if there are any changes to be expected, mainly in defensive scenario. We got nerfed enough !

  6. I Just wanna ask why does everyone overuse that class , it's a bit broken but that doesn't mean u all have to use it to climb up this is not the way ! I meet minimum of 2 mesmer enemies at all of my games 1.6k+ it's just ridicilous with other words clone fiesta

  7. > @"smashgodlight.6584" said:

    > Hi everyone

    > So I've been playing GW2 since the release back in 2012-2013 with the same PC ( I know that might sound like my pc it's old and crappy bout am trying not to buy something else for gaming for the time) So I used to get up to at least 40 FPS in a non crowded area and in a crowded area I was getting up to 20 FPS ( World Bosses big events like SW and now the Domain of istan)


    > Lately though my max FPS in a non crowded area it's 20 and in a crowded area it's 5 FPS which makes the game unplayable ( I can't even move to the right direction or cast the skills in the right direction)

    > Before I mention my PC specs I want to say that whenever a new driver in Nvidia comes out I download it to check it out and this time was pretty terrible. Also based on "game debate" (not really believe that) but I should be able to play the game in high settings but we all know that the game is not very well optimized.


    > So here are my specs (Laptop)

    > Windows 8.1

    > Processor: Intel core i7-4700MQ CPU 2.40GHz

    > Nvidia gt 740m 9 as i said with the latest driver)

    > 8 GB RAM

    > Now I know the game with new expansion new content and all that it' getting bigger in terms of space so currently it's almost i think 35gb


    > Anyway what am trying to do it's to find a way to increase my FPS. Also I would prefer not to download any extra programs to do that ! So if you have any suggestions at the settings in-game I would like to here them so my settings are currently medium to high ( I know some shadows or reflection are not really the best so i have them off and am focusing on player modeling and environment). So any suggestions would be appreciated !


    Can u contact me ingame i will try to help :)

  8. > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

    > Stop saying that Mirage is OP cos this is stupid and this is why:

    > 1. Mirage can't hold a point.

    > 2. Mirage can't one shot.

    > 3. It's more or less like a thief good in roaming and +1 but slower than a thief only can compete with a thief if you play sword and if so the condi damage is minor.

    > 4. The good skills have long couldown's like torch 1 and 2 and torch 1 is so ez to be evaded with the sound effect so all you need to do is to wait 2.5sec and dodge or just move away especially the mesmer is slower than chrono(+25% speed).

    > 5. The only problem is that mirage is all around cos it's the most fun class to play was it in pvp or pve and mirage is good vs core builds in general but not the SD thief(so much evades and free teleports and spam-able unblockable ).

    > 6. Torment is not a good condi however the only good condi a mesmer can do is confusion forcing the high lvl players to disengage so they don't suicide using skills however the stupid players keep fighting and die and blame mirage for being op when the only problem is him being stupid ,so if you remove the confusion damage the condi mesmer in general gonna be useless and everyone gonna swap to power chrono if they are die-hard mesmers or just change the class .


    > and i will list here the real broken classes:

    > * The one shot power ele .

    > * The one shot core gard .

    > * Druid so much damage from the pets and so much heal and can hold a point vs 2

    > * S/D thief with the spam-able unblockable with 5k+ damage with crits with an evade frame what more you can ask for.

    > * P/P thief is op it the best version of deadeye and its not played in high lvl games simply cos they are ashamed to play it cos it's so ez .

    > * Scourge is lovley corupption is real in huge AOE's and the bariers make the scourge harder to kill more than a reaper if in good hands .

    > * ~~power rev~~ removed from the list till it show up on the next meta(due the public demand)

    > * The lovly FB support .

    > * The cute HOLO.

    > * The shy one shot power Mesmer (added due the public demand )

    > * The scary SB with perma resistance and double swing kill.

    > and more.....






    Are you serious ?? Mirage is the most broken thing created so far both condi and power are one shot beasts insane sustain and surviability for that high amount of dmg , just ridicilous !

  9. > @"Vlerk.4761" said:

    > > @"eLfocus.8961" said:

    > > > @"MailMail.6534" said:

    > > > Despite all the huff about Mirage, I STILL am seeing at least 5 Scourge/FBs in every single match.

    > >

    > > There are many simple ways to counter scourge tho what about countering condi mirage unless u are a thief? :D


    > I saw you getting farmed by a condi mes today!


    ??? :D

  10. > @"MailMail.6534" said:

    > Despite all the huff about Mirage, I STILL am seeing at least 5 Scourge/FBs in every single match.


    There are many simple ways to counter scourge tho what about countering condi mirage unless u are a thief? :D

  11. > @"shippage.1983" said:

    > > @"eLfocus.8961" said:

    > > So here is my other point if a scourge bursts u he is out of life force and defense so he is vulernable but there is no such a thing at condi mesmer he can engage and disengage whenever he wants + that disgusting daze and imobolize just cmon...


    > Idk if you're new but Scourge is absolutely NOT vulnerable after burst. They gain a lot of defence standing in their Shades and they have plenty to throw down if they place a bad Shade.



    I've been playing necro since i joined the game and im really familar with scourge atm but im not using it in pvp , playing fresh air weaver is the better choice for me

  12. > @"shippage.1983" said:

    > Mirage main here. Mirage is incredibly strong right now, but plat matches are still 2 Scourge and 2 Firebrand. I do think it should have a nerf to bring it in line with non-PoF classes, but it's not as bad as Scourge.


    > Mesmer usually takes the slot of a roamer and +1er with Portal. 2 Mesmers are not as effective as the unbeatable Firebrand+Scourge combo.


    > Firebrand counters it, and so does Druid. It's a skill matchup between Holosmith, Core War/Spellbreaker and Scoruge.


    > It hard counters Ele, Thief, and Revs currently, and literally any non-PoF class that I didn't list.


    > Chances are you need to git gud or play a better build.


    I don't have problems with power mirrage buddy i think it's fine the problem is the condition one applies too many stacks on confusion , torment , burning i can say even more than the scourge . So here is my other point if a scourge bursts u he is out of life force and defense so he is vulernable but there is no such a thing at condi mesmer he can engage and disengage whenever he wants + that disgusting daze and imobolize just cmon...

  13. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > Condi mesmers are really a thing?


    > The amount of enemy mesmers I've seen I can count on one hand and out of them only one managed to survive long enough and do so much damage vs my power mesmer so that one could call it a duel.


    > Is there 2+ condi mesmers per match in platinum or something? I'm only mid gold :(


    in plat + also in every AT u can see enemy team running 1 or 2 condi mesmers u can't either hit or run from that thing it's like a truck , simple words disgusting !

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