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Posts posted by WolfsFang.2301

  1. I have only played charr in my 2.5k+ hours I have put into the game so I am not sure if this question applies to other races. I really liked my warband and would like to see more of them. However after the personal story it feels like everything attached to it was just forgotten and thrown away. Is the story so far ahead and/or are these early personal story elements not relatable in the current GW2 story? Could we see our personal story decisions somehow playout into the current story, may it be even in a small way?


    I guess my real question is, will we ever see something related to OUR personal story? I love the current lore but playing hero all the time is starting to get drawn out when almost every game is doing this.


    > > @"WolfsFang.2301" said:

    > > > @"JokerM.6021" said:

    > > > This event is a scam. 1 basic mat x3 is just stupid

    > >

    > > Should look up the definition of "scam" is.

    > >

    > > The amount of people crying over extra free loot is insane. If you dont like it simply dont do the events. These are not made to please everyone. These events are perfect for someone who is trying to make their first legendary and need the large amount of lower end mats.


    > If you count this as a large amount of mats, I don't know what to tell you


    Yes I do, I just keep gw2 in the background while playing other games and just alt tab to gw2 when a boss is about to start. Free easy mats for me. Beats running around farming.

  3. > @"JokerM.6021" said:

    > This event is a scam. 1 basic mat x3 is just stupid


    Should look up the definition of "scam" is.


    The amount of people crying over extra free loot is insane. If you dont like it simply dont do the events. These are not made to please everyone. These events are perfect for someone who is trying to make their first legendary and need the large amount of lower end mats.

  4. > @Arcaedus.7290 said:

    > In this thread:


    > Most people: Please, small nerfs to full counter to balance it in pvp/wvw.


    > Some of the people: Idk how full counter works, but it's kinda op, pls nerf.


    > Warrior mains: Hurr durr durrr, stop spamming your skills, full counter is fine, l2p scrubs.


    This is so fucking true. The people who are complaining about full counter are the ones who spam skills. Literally all they need to do is not spam every skill off cool down. Learn to read animations.

  5. > @Darknicrofia.2604 said:

    > > @WolfsFang.2301 said:

    > > > @Darknicrofia.2604 said:

    > > > Full counter is HoT launch DH traps that also provide resistance, slows on top of daze and are also unbloockable.

    > > >

    > > > On a 8 second cooldown.

    > > >

    > > > DHs survived 8 straight nerfs to ToF, Warriors can survive equal toning down of FC.

    > >

    > > You have to trait into the slowness and resistance, but nice try lol.


    > And DHs had to trait for slow and daze on traps that have 30-60 sec cooldowns.


    But they don't despawn so you could leave them on a point as protection.

  6. > @Zsoak.5409 said:

    > > @WolfsFang.2301 said:

    > > Power warrior isent dead, it's just not viable in raids and t4 fractals. I have been playing through PoF using my warrior, switching between berserker and spellbreaker.


    > Being capable of doing 1/2 or in some cases even only 1/3 the damage other specs can - translates as pretty dead to me


    And that only matters in raids and t4 fractals, everything else dies quick enough. Power berserker has enough burst for open world content.

  7. > @Dralor.3701 said:

    > Dagger damage is too low but don't expect any love for rifle or bow. Anet only wants warriors to melee.


    I'm ok with that, however if they want us to melee they need to increase the damage. I feel like PS warrior can be phased out just based on the early DPS numbers from other classes.

  8. Couldn't agree more, the weapons need way higher coefficient to be meaningful. I really don't know why anet has a sudden condi fetish but it's getting really annoying as someone who doesn't like to play condi builds. ATM this is the only new spec I have unlocked (for PoF) and I feel like it's the weakest in pve. I want to play it and like it, but then again I don't want to play it just because I feel weak or have no sustain.

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