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Posts posted by Reincarnated.1754

  1. I got fed up waiting, not being able to use my app. on the new maps.

    So I have made my own tiles for the missing maps.


    It would be nice if someone from Arena Net cold take a copy (contact me) and put them on there server so, every one else could benefit from them.


    Done floor 1, Zoom levels 3 to 7 for:

    Thunderhead Peaks, Dragonfall, Sandswept Isles, Fahranur, the First City, Domain of Istan, Jahai Bluffs, Domain of Kourna, The Key of Ahdashim, Bjora Marches, Grothmar Valley.


    Done Zoom Level7 for:

    Darkrime Delves, Forging Steel.


    They work fine for me.

    I took a screen shot of the areas I have done



  2. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > That "guy" is a woman, namely me. ;) And yes, Intel, but I am certain there are similiar settings options for AMD, no?

    Sorry I didn't know this was you: http://coderbag.com/Programming-C/Disable-CPU-Core-Parking-Utility


    To all.

    Sorry for not coming back sooner.

    I have been doing some testing.

    I tried my old drive that had an early instalment of my computer on, to compare things.

    (I nearly lost my documents folder doing this, but got them back, that's why I haven't been back till now {sweat and perspirations gone})


    btw, my motherboard is ASUS M4A67TD EVO


    With the old drive there was some improvement, but not as good as I remember it when the drive was In use.

    Obviously when I booted from this drive it updated windows and GW2. (so there is, in my opinion, something in the changes between then and now, that has made playing GW2 worse)


    As there was some improvement and I have not been using this old drive for anything else yet, I decided to do a test.

    I reinstalled fresh install of windows on the drive, let windows update all drivers.

    Then installed GW2.

    In graphics settings hit the auto detect.

    Changed reflections to Terrain & Sky

    (Changed shaders to high after screenshot was taken verry slight change)


    Screenshot is with no other player near me.

    In combat with others my new FPS is 15 to 30.


    I know in computer terms, my system is old, but with the system I have, I would expect better with just GW2 installed.


    My Conclusions:

    It's a CPU thing.

    Anet don't care.

    More people are now getting animated Armor. (Legendary) (there is a reason pets are removed when numbers are high) this increases the CPU load. (the good thing about early versions of GW2, was it had few types of skins it had to load)


    I am going to do a fresh install on my main drive when I have a few days free, when I feel up to it.

    15 to 30 FPS I can cope with, after all 25 FPS was the frame rate when I used to go to the cinema :)


  3. > @"Optimator.3589" said:

    > I don't mean this question to be insulting, but is GW2 the only game running so poorly all of a sudden, or is this a general system slowdown? It is possible that you have some sort of malware or bloatware slowing things down. Over the years, I've reinstalled operating systems for many people who had mucked up their systems by installing all manner of browser toolbars, "computer optimisers", and the like.

    Not insulting, I have seen other peoples computers :)

    Don't Play any other games.

    Only use "Microsoft Edge" it hasn't been out long enough to be hacked as much as the others.

    Only install programs from original creators (checked), or those I have written my self.

    I even try to remove the shite MS Keeps adding to the data collection OS (Cortana) :)

    Done a full scan of my system.

    > @"Ray Koopa.2354" said:

    > I looked at your settings. Some tips from my experiences with a Phenom X4. Some of these settings _should_ only affect the GPU, but they turned out to stress my old CPU aswell. Some are pure GPU optimizations, just in case.


    I'm going to ask my son to help me with your suggestions.

    > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > 1. Configure Windows 10 properly. There is so much crap running in the background that you don't need and is clogging your system performance.

    > 2. Adjust your graphics card settings (forgot how the successor of AMD Catalyst is called).

    > 3. Adjust your in-game graphics settings. Particle effects and player model count (as well as reflections) do not need to be max'd.

    > 4. Make sure you have unparked all CPU cores and that you have set the correct number in the Windows settings ([look here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/450083#Comment_450083 "look here")).


    1,2,3. Trying to find them out. :)

    4. I looked at the page about un parking CPU cores, the guy talks about Intel CPU?





    Thanks again guys,

    I'm going to ask my son to help with the above.

    If that fails, I do still have an old SS drive in my case with the operating system and GW on before I upgraded to my current SS Drive and had this issue.

    All was acceptable when that drive was running, so if swopping out these drives fixes the issue, then I will do a new install of windows on the current SS Drive.

    This of course is a last resort.

    If that don't improve things, ………A…t……kit…ns…………s..t……th……fan………

  4. Thankyou guys for all your comments.

    First, upgrade is out of the question, Retired old man, don't have income for new machine.

    Have been playing guild wars 2 since it came out with this machine,

    Never had verry good FPS, but was in range of 25 to 35. which was ok.

    This problem is in last few months.


    I have played with these settings, and nothing makes any difference.



    Here is a few more settings





    My Graphics card never breaks a sweat, never has.



    I have no idea what all this means, may be someone does ;)




    > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

    > Once you eliminate everything else, today, the bottleneck for GW2 performance will be a single thread, and that thread handles (among other things) character model placement. This is why the advice to ramp down the number of displayed character models is given, and sound: it reduces the work done on what is otherwise the blocking point for many users.



    SlippyCheeze, you mentioned something on sound.

    I fried my sound chip on my motherboard a little while ago.

    I replaced it with some old card I found kicking about in a draw.

    Could this be the problem?



  5. Hope others like this idea.


    I was trying to find a quick way to find out how long I have left to do the current festival achievements and had an idea.


    When you look at the Daily Achievement section in the Hero Panel, it shows, Time remaining.

    ![](http://img.techpowerup.org/171026/capture261.jpg "")


    It would be nice to have the same in other timed Achievement categories.


    ![](http://img.techpowerup.org/171026/capture262.jpg "")


    If you also think this a good idea give the post a thumbs up to get the devs attention :3




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