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Posts posted by elrin.4750

  1. There is a solution to a dead map, and that is to rework the event. Even if OP is able to finish the event through whatever means, that does not solve the issue for the other players. Of course there are solutions like asking map or guild for help.


    The best solution tho is for Anet to rework the event, since that is the only way to fix the dead map issue for existing and future players.

  2. This has been complained multiple times since the very beginning, I myself have a post about it with screenshots. This is not limited to Aviators or Bobbleheads, but ports are also used. I know I have been ported in a wall one time while trying to open a chest.


    This is an easy fix for ArenaNet. Check if you are trying to pop an item or port near a chest and not allow it, and show a red message saying "You are not allowed to use item blah blah near a chest blah blah".


    Why ArenaNet have not done such a thing is a mystery.

  3. Long and unfun. Dragon Stand is long but still fun even with repeats, but Drizzlewood is just a chore.


    The terrain on Drizzlewood is just horrible. Mounting and unmounting is just exhausting, and Skyscale does not alleviate the problem of terrible terrain. If this was an open field where you can zip around with the Beetle/Raptor/Jackal I would probably enjoyed it more.


    Also, Knockbacks are totally unfun.


    I can't be bothered with the chests at the end since I hate looking at the minimap to look and parachute and loot and rinse repeat. Exhausting and unfun.


    I did the whole meta once since I was intent on seeing it. Now if I see red lines all over the map, I just don't continue. 2 hours of Drizzlewood just zaps the energy out of me.


    Finally, those snipers are just annoying. I can't think of a good reason why there are there other than to annoy players.

  4. gw2 client has an old engine, probably tweaked and retweaked. core tyria maps have great performance, because they kept it simple and the engine is capable of handling those maps very well. unfortunately, the news maps have become complex with complex assets and map design.




    i think the map designers, modelers, artist, whoever needs to be reminded: "hey guys.. remember we have a very old engine. keeps the map simple and keep the polygon count down.." :)

  5. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Does it cost less to rent someone else's servers, than use your own? I've no idea.


    well i think anet used to own their servers which were located in dallas, and now they are renting amazon servers which are in the east coast.


    before the move to amazon, lag not related to latency was rarely an issue. after the move a lot off issues were high ping times for oceanic players, which are still manageable for the players. however, these past few months it seems the bottlneck is on the servers themselves... which suggest either 1) bugs on their server code.. or 2) they are renting cheap servers and those servers are unable to handle the load.


    personally i think the move to amazon was one of the worst decision they ever made. it made financial sense obviously, but it is a big slap to the face on overseas players, a total disgregard to their playing experience.

  6. There is no way Anet can justify time-gating, there is just no way. I don't think there is any explanation from them that will make players say "Oh, that makes sense.". NEVER.


    Players will always rush content. Time gating does prevent them from rushing the content (they will still finish it in the least amount of time), it's just an annoyance!


    I myself try to rush the first few days, because I know if I don't then it will be harder and longer than necessary since the map is going to be empty in a few days. So I try as much as possobile to finish everything in the first day (when it is the most fun) rather than later.

  7. ArenaNet made a business decision that basically screwed over-seas players playing on NA servers, that is the real problem. Unfortunately this is an issues that will never be fixed permanently. This will happen over and over (and over) because Amazon is terrible. Maybe you will get a few days where latency is stable, but I can gurantee you 100% that high latency/lag spikes will be a recurring problem.

  8. Game not dead but it is not as populated as I wanted it to be. A healthy game especially one that is global should have a lot of players in all areas, not just during peak NA time, even during seasonal events. A have on many many occasions been on dead maps, especially on meta events like AB or DS. These maps have people wanting to play the metas but due to lack of players, can't. On world bosses, I always see the same people over and over. LFG? empty most of the time.


    My personal experience basically is that I feel the server has very low population. It might have A LOT of players, but I've never felt that.

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