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The one to Rule.2593

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Posts posted by The one to Rule.2593

  1. > @"coso.9173" said:

    > i think strikes qualify as expac like features. it's a new system that didn't exist before, isn't that what an expansion brings?



    That's the problem, they never clarified what exactly they meant by that. And since we have no actual roadmap most of the vets are left to wonder about if these features will ever come. Expac like features means something different to everyone. For some that will be enough. For others it will be a snore fest. The fact that things like this were focused on over things like elite specs is what has people upset. I think most of us see promise with strikes, but i personally don't have faith that anet will pull it off well and it will probably end up being a glorified world boss for 10 people.

  2. A game that receives updates more than 3 times a year would be a good start.


    But as primarily a pve player:


    Raids and fractals need to be released far more often than 1 a year.

    They need to be harder as well. people should not be clearing new raids 2 hours after release. combined both of these issues are causing the pve scene to stagnate.


    We also need new elite specs to shake things up again.



  3. It's not that people were expecting an expac, it's that anet in april said that since they were not doing an expac, we could expect expansion like features within the living story episodes. ( Elite specs are the only thing common to both expacs that we have not gotten in living story) so people were expecting things such as elite specs to at least be confirmed that they are being worked on. For them to fix the bugs and balance issues in pvp that have existed for more than a year. For them to confirm that they are still in fact working on raids and fractals, for them to actually say " Here's the alliances feature we talked about but never delivered on" Instead we got the infamous " It'll come soon" line that's been repeated for 3 years now.


    People are upset because this revealed that anet is in as dire straights as they appeared after the layoffs. We want to know wether to continue to invest in a dying game.


    All coupled with the fact that arena net hyped this up like never before. It was more hyped than both POF and HOT and the only other time they made an announcement like this was to announce HOT and all the content that came with it. Understandably people were expecting more and I think you knew that. Being intellectually dishonest as if you don't know why people are upset does nothing to help the situation either.

  4. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"Cameron.6450" said:

    > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > if its required by the community to give up time for special training instead of learning on the fly, I'd rather miss out. Sometimes the fun for me involves failure and learning so I can earn myself a sense of accomplishment.

    > >

    > > That aspect of failure and learning as you go is what training raids essentially are though, just with a couple of players who know what they're doing to help people figure out mechanics. The term "training" is just what has fallen into common usage, for lack of a better term. Really what they are are just raid squads where the kill is not expected within a few pulls. An experienced group would expect to only take a few pulls max to get a kill, which means you don't get many chances to see different mechanics before the boss dies and the group moves on. Joining a group with 9 highly experienced players just means that you'll most likely get the kill lying on your back for most of the run, which is not what you say you're looking for.


    > ok so "training" is basically just winging it and Learning on the go with a guide?


    > I don't mind lying on my back, its apart of learning.


    > right... Thanks ☺


    the problem is, raiding requires a different mentality. I get that you don't want to have to set aside time to find 9 others to go with. I get that people want to skip the failures and go straight to successful runs.


    The fact is as raiders we all had to put in our time and we all had to sit through hours and hours of wipes to get to the point where we were competent enough. For us that is the enjoyment we get out of the game. Improving ourselves and being better each and every time. I understand that there are those who don't care about such things or are motivated by rewards, but that's not the right mentality for raiding.


    the rewards are just the icing on the cake for us. The true reward is seeing ourselves and our friends grow as players.


    If that isn't something you enjoy, raids just weren't meant for you.

  5. This holds true for all of wings 1-4. Naturally they will be the ones people complete more as well since it has legendary armor as a reward. A lot of the reason you don't see high participation for pof is there's simply no reason to run pof. Ring isn't nearly as good as an entire set of armor. So why bother with the harder wings?


    Either way lets say you lose 10% of the playerbase. Is that acceptable for you when the playerbase is already at an all time low? If so, then no amount of discussion is going to change anyones mind as we are going to fundamentally disagree about what is healthy for the game.

  6. > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

    > > @"The one to Rule.2593" said:

    > > > @"Erzian.5218" said:

    > >

    > > > To, dr: Gw2 has great gameplay and well-designed content but not enough of it (especially not if you don’t enjoy gathering items in open world pve), eso has worse gameplay and worse content but the content can still be fun and, contrary to gw2, new content comes regularly.

    > >

    > > I don't think Eso's content is worse. Quite the contrary. The gameplay is only slightly worse than gw2 which is saying something as it has a lot to live up to with how good gw2's combat system is.

    > >

    > > Overall though, questing/leveling/balance/ gear is all handled better in eso imo. It has some of the best quests in any mmo out there.


    > Eso has great content, better than gw2 potentially... However the server performance along with how animation cancelling works absolutely DESTROYS the game. Great questing, good looks, good writing, good skills but an end game that is ruined by the technical issues.


    Yeah i just downloaded the game the day of the announcement so i'm not at endgame yet, I guess i'll see soonish.

  7. > @"Erzian.5218" said:


    > To, dr: Gw2 has great gameplay and well-designed content but not enough of it (especially not if you don’t enjoy gathering items in open world pve), eso has worse gameplay and worse content but the content can still be fun and, contrary to gw2, new content comes regularly.


    I don't think Eso's content is worse. Quite the contrary. The gameplay is only slightly worse than gw2 which is saying something as it has a lot to live up to with how good gw2's combat system is.


    Overall though, questing/leveling/balance/ gear is all handled better in eso imo. It has some of the best quests in any mmo out there.

  8. > @"JpDelano.2580" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > @"JpDelano.2580" said:

    > > > it seems obvious your timmy pimple face

    > >

    > > Wait, are you complaining about other people being toxic, while being unbelievably toxic yourself? The irony.


    > wow, omg, like totally tubular.




    Found the target audience anet was seeking with their 3 months of nothing 2 hours of gameplay style updates.

  9. > @"Greg.7086" said:

    > > @"The one to Rule.2593" said:

    > > Good thing they announced the fact that we could but some t shirts and funko pops. Who needs content when we have those?


    > Thats so true mate. If I can get my hands on a "GW2 Mankini" for when I go to Ibiza with the bois, I'm gonna wear that all day on the beach.


    I'm rather hoping for gw2 speedo's

  10. that's also not realistic in a community that's comprised mostly of adults who work and have lives. We set aside a few days to raid and clear them all within those 2 days.


    there's also over 30 open world maps where people can press 1 on and experience more story. I don't get your point.


    Without hardcore guilds like snow crows, who's gonna make your builds? who's gonna test benchmarks? Who's gonna make your guides? Who's going to help new players get into the harder content?


    I don't think you appreciate the gravity of the situation either. It's not just the raid scene. Wvw hasn't received a meaningful update besides the warclaw in 3 years.


    Pvp scene is next to dead as they don't balance it enough and that bugs have been in the game for more than a year are still there. More maps and swiss tournies won't fix the low pvp population.


  11. that's not a good thing. games die without a more hardcore endgame scene. Even at release there were dungeons which were the only content i found enjoyable as it was the only thing that required any thought about skills and positioning other than pressing 1 while watching netflix. Anet has allowed those communities in every game mode to stagnate. No one is going to stick with a game that releases " press 1 to win" maps every 3 months.


    Strikes won't fix any of their problems. People will play them until they realize they will get 1 blue as a reward then never touch again.


    I've stuck with them this long even through rough patches as I had hope but now i just feel as if anet doesn't care about my wants and needs as a player anymore. I'm just tired of defending them.

  12. > @"Westenev.5289" said:

    > > @"The one to Rule.2593" said:

    > > > @"Westenev.5289" said:

    > > > How would throwing a title onto CM's or making harder raids help raid activity? The way I see it, the problem with raids is that the casual player thinks the content is already too hardcore (JOIN A TRAINING GUILD IN THE RIGHT TIMEZONE, WATCH HOURS OF YOUTUBE BEFORE TRYING, FIND A 100 KP CHAT CODE, PERUSE AN EMPTY LFG ASIDE FROM TWO OR THREE RAID SELLERS - ain't nobody got time for that after school/work). Throwing a single-use title reward to hardcore raiders probably won't fix that.

    > >

    > > - you can watch like a 10 min vid per boss, i don't think that's outrageous.

    > > - LFG activity is low because anet doesn't do anything for months and lets content stagnate for months even with glaring problems.

    > > - If you're the kind of player that uses chat codes to fake kp, you'll likely get kicked for trying to join groups expecting to get carried. It's very apparent when someone doesn't know what they are doing.

    > > - harder raids will appeal to raiders more as they can't just blow through the content in 2 hours after release. The general skill of raiders has grown and we constantly crave a challenge.

    > > - If you don't want to join a training guild, make your own progression groups and learn as you go with others. That's more fun than going with randoms anyway.



    > You don't have to convince me; I'm happy to pretend raids don't exist out of spite, and laugh at the current perception that "there aren't enough people interested in raids" in one of the most populated mmo's on the market.


    > But that wasn't what my post was about. What I'm saying that the current "git gud, study moar, join a guild of strangers" mentality will turn off a lot of "casual" players who often use these excuses, since the entry barrier can seem excessively high if you don't have raider friends (or, well, any friends to begin with...). If you want more casual players trying raids, someone needs to break down these steriotypes - not throw more titles to raiders who probably don't want or need them.


    I mean the point of my post wasn't to convince you not to raid or pretend that raids don't exist out of spite. If asking people to watch some vids of the fights is too much, id argue that maybe gaming in general isn't their cup of tea. It takes literally 0 effort to do so in your free time.


    People get kicked for faking kp because instead of being open and honest about their exp they lie and try to pull sneaky stuff like that. I'd much rather a newbie tell me he's new because chances are i can teach him relatively fast and there's no false expectation that we won't have to carry someone through it.


    My point is that for those of us who do regularly raid, the rewards aren't all that wonderful some currency and maybe an ascended drop isnt exciting to those of us who have 15 sets of ascended. I don't care about titles personally i would want more monetary rewards than 2g for a CM kill as that takes considerably more effort than anything else in the game.


    As it stands currently there's no reason to do CMS once you have done them once.

  13. > @"Westenev.5289" said:

    > How would throwing a title onto CM's or making harder raids help raid activity? The way I see it, the problem with raids is that the casual player thinks the content is already too hardcore (JOIN A TRAINING GUILD IN THE RIGHT TIMEZONE, WATCH HOURS OF YOUTUBE BEFORE TRYING, FIND A 100 KP CHAT CODE, PERUSE AN EMPTY LFG ASIDE FROM TWO OR THREE RAID SELLERS - ain't nobody got time for that after school/work). Throwing a single-use title reward to hardcore raiders probably won't fix that.


    - you can watch like a 10 min vid per boss, i don't think that's outrageous.

    - LFG activity is low because anet doesn't do anything for months and lets content stagnate for months even with glaring problems.

    - If you're the kind of player that uses chat codes to fake kp, you'll likely get kicked for trying to join groups expecting to get carried. It's very apparent when someone doesn't know what they are doing.

    - harder raids will appeal to raiders more as they can't just blow through the content in 2 hours after release. The general skill of raiders has grown and we constantly crave a challenge.

    - If you don't want to join a training guild, make your own progression groups and learn as you go with others. That's more fun than going with randoms anyway.

  14. > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

    > just don't play necro/scourge/reaper

    > no matter what you spec there is a class that can and will do it better

    > damage? HA what a joke, necros are not supposed to be allowed to do damage

    > healing? Druids do it better in every way

    > boon sharing? yeah no, just no

    > the only thing we are allowed to be is boon corrupt bots AND NOTHING ELSE, that is how anet sees necros


    I mean flat out wrong. Scourge actually provides more healing per second than druid and has access to a ton of barrier to mitigate damage entirely in the first place. Heal scourge has single handedly made matthias and many other raid bosses a joke because of barrier/transfusion/insane amounts of condi cleanse. My group runs a heal scourge as an offhealer because it's flat out better than double druid.


    Necro benching at over 30k how is that low? Sure it's lower benchmarks than other classes at top end play but i can count on one hand the number of times i see players consistently able to pull off even 30k so all in all, doesn't matter. Their damage is fine.


    Boon sharing- Okay fine, necro wasn't designed around the concept though so i don't care.


    The only aspect of necro i'd change a bit is maybe a bit more damage on scourge, but even then, condi scourge is still in a decent spot.


    All in all, necro right now is in a better spot than it has ever been in.

  15. Furthermore this " but they are selfish dps" is also nonsense. So is literally every other dps class. DH brings no party buffs and hardly any utility unless it's for niche use. theives only basi venom, power holo nothing, power chrono nothing, weaver nothing. Neither power or condi SLB use spotter so again nothing. The only one that brings much of anything is maybe condi renegade( kallas fervor and soulcleave) and quickbrand in some encounters( is actually OP and will most likely get tuned down in the future)



  16. See the issue is people worry too much about benchmarks. I play reaper regularly in both my static and in pugs. Yeah i'm not hitting 30k dps most of the time. Usually around 20-23k, but how often do you ever see people hitting 30k target dps? almost never. You're talking something that literally only the top 1% of players do.


    It may be bottom of the barrel for those players, but for the vast majority of people that is not their experience with it. The notion that they are bad dps is just nonsense at this point.

  17. > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > > @"Antycypator.9874" said:

    > >

    > > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

    > > > I don't really think that doing VG once is the same as "getting into raiding". VG is one of the easiest and especially most intuitive raid-bosses due to the little pre-event where you already learn the mechanics of the encounter.

    > >

    > > I don't think VG is one of the easiest bosses. VG has many mechanics (teleports, greens, seekers, split - one of the lesser guardians is vulnerable only to condi, there are orbs damaging players, floor is also deathly). These things cannot be ignored (exept greens, but it's easy to fail). More things to care = higher chance to fail.

    > > For comparison Samarog has only 4 different mechanics: CC every 10%, 2 encounters with lesser bosses, greens and players have to avoid waves. It is not too much. Failing mechanics at Samarog isn't that punishing.


    > I disagree. You already learn VGs mechanics in small doses during the pre-event whereas at Samarog, you can still kitten up if you don't know how the few mechanics he has work.


    honestly VG is a good example of what people can expect getting into it for the first time though. escourt and wing 4 for trainings are too easy and too unrealistic

  18. > @"Fenom.9457" said:

    > I’ve had mixed experiences, totaling out to a negative feeling surrounding trying to get into raids. But I want legendary armor with uniquely legendary skins so badly that every few months I try again (pls anet generalized PvE armor set. Or fractals). I’ve had nice groups that have nothing to say to me and we just do the boss, usually successful after a few tries (I’ve killed 13 bosses in all this time). And I’ve had fun on release days failing at first encounters. I find release days are most of my best experiences because it’s easier to find the nice people who aren’t judging or instantly kicking me. But I’ve had many bad times where I get instantly kicked - sometimes they refuse to even give a reason and sometimes they say I’m not good enough. Which would be fine if I sucked and had joined an experienced quick run, but since I’m not incredibly experienced I don’t do that. They’re kicking me out of casual runs for not being a veteran. How do I learn if nobody gives me a chance, I feel? And then there’s the groups where I don’t get kicked right away but somebody is nonstop telling me to get better and telling me exactly what to do - for reference, when I join a raid, I’ve already equipped the optimal build and know the mechanics of the boss I’m fighting. It’s about time I try again. I’ll probably find nice people and get a kill or two, then have a few hours of rude people, then get turned away for a few months


    I mean this usually comes when people don't know the ins and outs of their class as well as they think they do. You can be a druid and just heal and you'll still be doing a bad job because you also have to focus on keeping up the groups might stacks.


    You can be a dps but if you don't know when to use your skills or why you use them then chances are you'll be low dps. For instance when I was learning reaper i didn't know that you are supposed to use your ticking damage skills like GS4 and 5 and well of suffering Before going into shroud. since when you're in shroud you proc the soul barbs trait and do 10% more damage. this applies to those abilities above as well.


    If you are a chrono but have bad boon uptime it affects the entire team and is a drag on the team.


    I can go on, but I think you get the point. It's important to know the ins and outs of your class before going into a raid.

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