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Posts posted by PhantasmBeserker.8269

  1. Hm. Well I got an old-ass Macbook and I'm a little shocked at the news. I don't care if people call us 'crying Mac players' for god's sake I was happy to play this game because it let me play it as a Mac user. Yes I know Apple is the real wet blanket here, but this is making me sad honestly. I loved playing WvW with my friends, and my laptop is simply too old to do the Windows thing. I've spent lots of gems on this game too so uhm...yeah. Not to pull the entitled card but I'm quite upset.


    Like someone else said, for 8 years I felt happy knowing I could just log in whenever I wanted and could just play my game and now all of a sudden I'm pushed out.


    But I do know it's Apple's fault, I really do. I just gotta...think of options. Sigh....let me start by informing my guildmates first.

  2. > @Edwin.4329 said:

    > > @DoktorScience.8674 said:

    > > Not sure if this is the best place for this, or if I should make a new thread, but... "Use scrolling gestures to change direction" is not working as I expected it to while mounted. When standing still on a mount, scrolling gestures won't change the mount's direction (but A and D still do) and when unmounted, pressing A or D while moving makes you strafe rather than turn (useful for looking around while moving,) but while mounted A and D still turn so I end up double turning and getting disoriented.

    > >

    > > I'm not sure if this behaviour is intentional or not, but if it isn't, a fix would be great. I'm getting used to just using WASD while mounted, but it would be great if I didn't have to switch between WASD and gesture turning.

    > >

    > > Thanks!


    > Also having this issue. And it is really annoying.


    > Secondly, performance is still beyond poor. My FPS, even with the lowest settings on graphics, sits at around 3-5 and occasionally stops entirely. With the old client it was about 30. I was hoping that with PoF it might have been addressed but it clearly hasn't and, now support for the 32 bit client has been withdrawn, it makes most of the game unplayable. PvP is out, WvW is out, Raids are out, etc. I've posted about this before but there hasn't even been any mention of this being looked into, despite plenty of other people having the same issue, so I have no option but to leave more negative feedback, as much as I would rather not.


    Same with me, guys. The camera goes everywhere, really messing up my fighting and mount skills. It really makes playing hard. Without the 32-bit, which was also a disaster for me, it makes WvW and PvP completely unplayable for me. And my performance is still poor, I'm lucky if I can hit the 7 frames. Omg, why is MAC always like this. :(

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