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Posts posted by ezd.6359

  1. Mirage without evades is like a warrior without full counter or a thief without stealth attacks. Half of mirage mechanics come from "mirage cloak". Mirage - is useless trait line now, it just makes mesmer even more vulnerable. I will miss you my mesmer :anguished:

  2. From "low population" and "300 pool" i expect to see not exactly same 1-2 ppl in my team for 6 matches in a row. But this match making makes such things real! If it is random, they must be in another team 50% of time. I see such things pretty often. Once you start winning, match making puts someone to your team who helps you lose. Again and again. Exactly same person in your team.

  3. > @"Interpretor.3091" said:

    > This post is literally why I quit playing.


    > Playing since beta and this is just another fluff post with vague promises, “this is our top priority,” “this is our number 1 priority,” “we still don’t feel comfortable giving any specific release date or information, but this is all very important to us, please keep buying gems in the meantime.”


    > Insulting honestly, whoever is in-charge of this kitten should really quit at arena net and go be a politician because they would be great at it. All bull and fluff.


    I just read subtitles, if i dont see anything about builds templates i just skip whole article. I just can't take it serious. It is 7 years since release, but still no builds. Even obvious things like changing pvp build while playing pve still not implemented. It says a lot about how do they care about PVP.

  4. I just want to say - with last patch arena.net killed all fun in pvp. We had too much defense skills before patch, over9000 boons which pop instantly from every move, so it became impossible to track it. Now i feel myself a bot. I try to find a window between engi skills, while he stays in center while dropping bombs, all boons, instant condi clear, reflect projectiles or just running around almost unkillable.


    How can it be fun? Hey, arena.net, tell me any reason to waste time on it?

  5. Mesmer is only profession which can press F1 to destroy clones.


    P.S. To those who will rework mesmers... consider give mesmers more hp, 1hit=10k damage skills, passive endure pain and a pet which will hit enemies for 5k hp and take condi from me, condi cleanse every 5 seconds, 1200 radius AOE knokback then i will be fine.


    P.P.S. I think we need more topics about mesmers. I think everyone is entitled to have a personal one!

  6. I don't think i'm very good player, but i can say why i don't want to play more than for 1 daily.


    1) Cheaters - arena.net does not care

    2) Afkers (1 afker spoils fun for 9ppl) - arena.net does not care

    3) "I need only gold so i don't care, i will stay afk on close" - arena.net does not care


    When you have 3/5 of matches with someone who ruins your game intentionally and you just wasted 2 hours of your weekend to get nothing but negative feelings, there is no point to repeat this experience. Thanks arena.net for assistance.


    PVP is not fun!

  7. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > Some interesting data:


    > 29.7% of the players who placed in the top half of gold (1350-1499) finished the season in plat or higher. Highest Finish: 1843

    > 7.5% of the players who placed in the bottom half of gold (1200-1349) finished the season in plat or higher. Highest Finish: 1802

    > 1.1% of the players who placed below gold (0-1199) finished the season in plat or higher. Highest Finish: 1680

    > Lowest placement to hit plat: 686


    Well. Usually just after placements i have lower rank than my previous season. I think others see the same, my observation. If not, tell me i'm wrong. So i think we should not count 1350-1499 here, since they are plats from last season. Then 92.5% of gold or lower do not reach plat. Sad.


    Can you check 1350-1499 again and tell us who was plat in previous season? Compare with this season list.

  8. > @"Crinn.7864" said:

    > > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > > 5 blinds which are essentially 5 1s invuln frames

    > >

    > > Does this mean Thief Pistol 5 is a invulnerability field?


    > If you can get someone to actually stand in pistol 5 then yes it kind've is.



    1) It pulses. It will work vs may be half of warriors 100h blades, rest will hit (and kill you).

    2) Many classes can clear condi or apply resist.


    To the build. Blind/Invisibility will not make you immune to damage. While you have 0 condi clear, you will die from random AOEs from any source.

  9. > @"James.1065" said:

    > I don't know whose wallet you filled to get that, but I have the opposite problem.


    > I have been playing ranked for the past 4 seasons and each time I work myself up to gold level 3 and occasionally hit plat 1 and then hover around that level. The annoying part about this is that regardless of my final rank at the end, when the new season starts I ALWAYS start at silver 1 and must waste the whole seasoning climbing back up again to my former "previous rank" in top ttier gold -.-


    Same here. Wasted all this season time to climb from middle silver to plat. I lost 8 of 10 matches during placements because i had totally uncarriable teammates.


    Funny thing is i spent so much time because my win rate ~50%. It does not matter my current rating is silver or plat. Matchmaking works! It forces win rate to 50% no matters what i do ^_^

  10. Luna.6203, i started this topic from explaining why it is not possible to stop attacking for mesmers as example. Also, with almost permanent resistance blind does not work. Also, don't forget mesmers have 2 evades like all others, you can't dodge shield bush, eviscerate, rampage and all other warrior's stuff that hits for 7k+ with only 2 dodges.


    At this moment fighting warriors is not worth time spent even if you win vs him.


    > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > Still cant believe people still crying to nerf SB further in late 2018... Seriously, try to stow weapon/bite/predict when the war will use the full counter.


    Try to read topic before answering then?

  11. > @"Tsume.3490" said:

    > > @"ezd.6359" said:

    > > > @"Tsume.3490" said:

    > > > If you have problems as mesmer with your clones, don't spam clones? Destroy them when SP is closing in or as a ranger, put pet on passive. You both can go invisible and > just break out of the combat.

    > >

    > > Don't spam clones as mesmer? Destroy phantoms? Did you ever play mesmer? You just say "dont use profession main mechanic". Seriously?


    > Well, I only suggested how to avoid external AI (such as clones, pets) to proc FC. Sometimes sacrifices has to be made.

    > I ain't going on forums and open topics about how mesmers are op and can one combo kill you without having any time to react at all and to nerf certain skill(s). I for one, develop a tactics on how to beat such mechanics. I play against mesmers and learn from my mistakes and what to look for. Same should go for you. Learn how to play against SP and you'll be fine!


    > FC is fine. One nerf was needed but now sits in a fine position. As I said before, played AS and VERSUS SP. Didn't have much problems with full counter. Learn and adapt mate.


    > edit: You are asking to nerf and possibly make it useless enough to remove it altogether from the game and then spell breaker elite spec is no more. Would you be fine with nerfing mesmer skillls to spawn a clone every 20 seconds? That's what I thought.


    Once again - you did not play mesmer. Mesmers burst is easy predictable. Also:

    1) You can not stop phantasms (white clones with personal skills). They do damage from mesmer's weapons. If you say nerf FC=remove specialization, then don't use phantasms = remove half of mesmers weapons abilities and some utilities.

    2) "Destroy clones" is actually "hit" enemy.


    When i say "nerf" i don't say "remove". Just need counterplay for mesmers and others who can not stop abilities like rangers pets. Let me daze warriors before my phantasm used its skill then i will be fine, i will sacrifice my F3 and may be take mantra with daze. Also, i think it should not be unblockable and not AOE, only those who actually hit warrior.

  12. > @"Tsume.3490" said:

    > If you have problems as mesmer with your clones, don't spam clones? Destroy them when SP is closing in or as a ranger, put pet on passive. You both can go invisible and > just break out of the combat.


    Don't spam clones as mesmer? Destroy phantoms? Did you ever play mesmer? You just say "dont use profession main mechanic". Seriously?

  13. > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

    > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > I just wish they would fix the kitten bug where warriors look like they have perma-full counter. Super annoying to fight when they bug like that.


    > This is about the only thing they should fix with it. Its SUCH an easy thing to avoid. If your AI is triggering FC, then you brought the wrong profession to the dance.


    And your advice is "leave the point" right?

  14. Luna.6203, I do not complain about other abilities. If arena.net thinks warriors need condi clear - give them a skill, if they want to give them another block skill - ok. But they give them heal+condi clear+reset cd+boons+apply condi to enemy+unblockable+unevadable+unbreakable easy to use with low cd. It is too powerful.


    Leave excuses, you know many warriors just go far point from start of the match because they know they will effectively prevent capturing far at least but also can grab a kill if his enemy will not leave, if they meet 2 ppl they can effectively waste theirs time. All know i am right it is not because every warrior player is better than regular mesmer or thief player, but because of warriors mechanic.


    Thieves can run to far point, but they can't always win duels, and most of time they will not stay on the point capturing it. Same for mesmers, they can fight on far, but they can capture it only after duel. Rangers can run to far, they can def the point, but it is rarely they can kill anyone if they play tank. Guards can capture the point, but they will die when they will waste all of their defense abilities. Etc. All classes have tradeoffs but warriors.


    1) It should not clear condi, to let players kite warriors

    2) It should not be unblockable and interrupt on proc to let ppl fight in melee


    Direct damage enemies must have an option too. I don't know what it must be. May be CC skills should be able to stop "full counter" with penalties for warriors.

  15. > @"Kumouta.4985" said:

    > just endure the first time and don't rely on ticking dmg when you think it's not on CD anymore

    Like i said it is not possible in most situations when warrior player can chose the moment. What do you mean "endure"? He is attacking you while you are running around without attacking? Then why he will waste the skill? The problem is - you can't react in many cases if you started to you use your skill already. While he just spam everything then only one proc forgives all his fails.


    It seems it designed around "hard to use, but big reward", but in reality it is not hard to use for a normal player.

  16. It should not reset anything or give resources, it should only work as shield. Or you need to rework its mechanic to add counter play. This "after a successful Full Counter" is successful almost every time WARs use it. In active combat you can't even stop attack some like phantasms animation unstoppable at all. Success or not is fully relies on war players instead of his enemy, so wars can just spam everything spam blocks, stuns etc, then just use full counter when they see a phantasm - then repeat. So fighting wars is waste of time literally.


    1) It should not be unblockable when it procs

    2) It should be interruptable by CC skills (it should counter only pure damage skills)

    3) It should not reset skills


    In current state he has unlimited skills, condi clear, heals etc.


    P.S. I don't talk about stuck animation, you know.

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