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Posts posted by NaramSin.2693

  1. Yes there are servers in NA that do a "next level" spawncamping, one I directly experienced was a 2 days long spawn farm done by mag, thet took almost everything in the other side, keep, the 2 towers and camps all upgraded to T3, keep full of sieges to cover other open filed siege, and various zerg and roamer groups farming everyone spawning by the gate, they destroyed any siege in front of the gate but was impossible from a treb (just for example) to destroy the one was hittinghim from keep (I suppose maybe due to "higher ground" position of the one at keep) if we leave aside the ethic part of doing this (btw it's a war and every server choose how to waste time camping or wasting bags keeping spawning from the waypoint for no reason instead going somewere else) the problem i saw and i agree with the original post is that this is not balanced and surely open to be abused as it is now, my2c

  2. > But if you don't see the difference between *"enemies standing nearby one of 3 exits"* (and NOT spawncamping/spawnkilling, because they can't) and *"building siege equipment in zones that are designed to be normally not accessible by enemies, while being able to shoot back at them from those safezones"* then I'll need you to explain to me how these are similar concepts, because currently I don't get it.


    I'll try to explain:


    one side have a defensive structure with no limitations with a range of x to hit you

    You have a defensive structure with many limitations that you can't use a t a range of x and you can't hit what is on the other defended structure.


    One player have the whole map and you have just one corner with 1 (one) access, you are not in a similar situation in an open field, every map has strategic points and accesses but you are in open field, here you are in a corner with a barrier in front of you, you can't hit the enemy and they can throw everything at you just because your only access way are camped by a pletora of enemy sieges, you can't flank, you can't come from behind etc this is only due to the topological design of the map that is just a square, could be nice for a flat earth enthusiasti but from my personal point of view this is a great gift to the other side, there are limits that are given just to the weak side.


    And this is not good for the game experience, you are giving a great advantage to the strong side, for this reason they do spawncamping for hours, maybe the only way is that the third side start to react and engage them from behind but this is not always possible. so in this case you have really a deadlock.


  3. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > I see you're interested in talking in absolute hypothetical theories, but I'm not sure what value it has here. Anet is allowed to "change something, sometimes after years", because some ideas and concept may naturally change

    > One way or another, he can wish for something to change, but there's absolutely no need to dress something as "a bug" or "bad design" when it's neither of those things.



    they were all bugs, not theories, they change and balance things everythime someone focus their attention on a possible flaw in the game, and sometimes they fix it or not depending on the priorities, i don't want to list here all the cases, but trust me they were always bugs or bad design from the beginning, btw we are talking about something different from this topic you can open another thread about what can be considered bug or not, could be interesting to discuss.



  4. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > Overally this is neither a "bug" nor the case of a "bad design". Seriously, people should stop using "bad design" as a term (and main argument) for "something I dislike".


    It was said the same in the past for things that, sometimes after years, Arenanet (finally) changed, even the spawn camp at the time allowed to build siege inside and was changed for a reason, maybe it's time to change again due to the evolution of the game since then or depending on player abuse of game mechanics, so sometimes is better to take in consideration things that are "the status quo" at the moment and ask yourself if really they are well designed, a game that think to be "perfect" will never evolve and it is dead.

  5. > @"nargilli.6987" said:

    > There are many design problems with spawn corner in WvW, as it is implemented now one server can spawncamp for hours the others because they can reach without problems the spawn gate with people (not mentioning ranger's pet that can go even further) and range kill everything , if you place siege in the keep in front of the spawn you can siege the spawn gate so every siege deployed in front of it to counter the spawncamp can be destroyed, and even better you can't build any siege out of sight in front of the spawn due to the "Siege Deployment Blocked" and even if you succceed to do it at the very limit, any treb that you build at spawn can't destroy the other treb at keep that on the contrary can always destroy you (higher ground?), so you can put tons of siege in front of the keep to target tha spawn, but at spawn you cant place any siege to counter properly also due to the "limit to how many siege weapons can be placed within a certain radius", remember at spawn you have less space in front of the gate, this cause hours of easy spawnacamping impossible to counter even because you need a Map Q blob to break the spawncamp, and most of the time you can't even enter the map due to the recent nerf/restriction on map limit, if you even try to use Champion Commander Siegecrusher he do not even try to take back the keep but do a wide path to try to reach one of the side tower.


    Well there are many things that are not balanced, you can use the conquered keep as a higher ground and defensive structure were to build sieges like trebs having a safe spot, othere trebs at spawn camp are always in open field so no higher ground or safe spot. you can't use spawncamp walls, also the space at spawn is reduced so you can build just few siege (limit on the number in a certain area), at keep you can spread the siege plus you can place a pletora of open field siege just in front of the spawn gate with an heavy cover from behind at the keep, virtually away from any siege from spawn camp, the treb at keep wall can hit your treb in open field but at the same distance your treb can't hit the one in keep even with maxed masteries.


    It's also easy to control the only 3 exits from spawn that are visible and covered by keep sieges, you are virtually at a corner.



  6. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > @"Alik.9651" said:

    > > Actually, I need a clarify that do A.I. build count as bot? such as necro minions + auto GS#4


    > As long as you are at your computer when doing it you are not breaking any rules.

    > If you are away from your computer when doing this then you are violating rules and could be warned or suspended for it.


    > That said a good portion of players will just report you on sight whether you're afk or not just for using this farming method.

    > So long as you at your computer though and can respond to any whispers you get from potential Anet employee's who are checking to see if you are afk or not you should have no problems.


    Right, botting is quite different from hacking in this case and they should be investigated in different ways.

    Even if for botting you use an hack program usually farming bots are ethical problems (even if a great number of them could slow the map but is similar to a blob of players in a map, it's a different engine performance problem) hacking in competitive scenarios is a direct problem with you and your gameplay, to be precise here you must take in account PvP bots but the problem is not different with a player or a bot that use hacking "features", the focus is on hack in competitive scenarios, as improper teleportations, damage reduction, flight etc...


    So the problem is that reporting someone that use hacks, in competitive scenarios, for "botting" just give the wrong information to the devs but at the moment there is no other way and it's really a nonsense to wait that someone could have the time to read your report and check that a player it's using hacks, could maybe be usueful for botting (but from this practical point of view it is not) but for hacking this is not a decent scenario, they should be investigated in a different way, in my opinion there is a way to do it automatically on demand, is what other systems do in other fields like avionic systems or electronic warfare appliances that use other method ssince years.




  7. > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

    > too much things to "detect", it wil not overload the "subroutines"? im not insighter of GW2 engine, but im programmer, its common people think that everything can be throw under a "detection routine", but this is a very performance complex issue.


    Good point, this is correct, any conditional branch in the code o even a separate "thread" as proposed will slow the engine and change the algorithm complexity in bad ways, for this reason sometimes it's a better idea to let a different program to try to recognize a "bad" pattern from the player, with this intention in the past they added a sort of "spyware" that searched the clients for known hack programs, but this was a littlebit borderline with privacy terms..


    In this case a report for "botting" (since until now do not exists a report for "hacking") could be the right non intrusive trigger, if for example the client could log a window of 5 minutes of selected "significant"commands (and here they must select the proper commands for this indicator) for the investigation on report trigger it could be sent to the separate system that could deeply investigate the pattern without affecting real time gameplay.

  8. > @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

    > This solution would prove problematic. Imagine being on a queued map (pretty common occurrence, at least on my home server) you start rebuilding a wall and something glitches so that you end up inside the wall. If there is an automatic rule that logs you out, not only are you removed from WvW, but now you have to wait the queue again to get in. On a reset night it is not uncommon for me to wait an hour+ just to get into the least queued map. If this were to happen . . . wow that would be a bad case of unhappiness.


    Exactly, as I said due to many bugs in game you can accidentally go "off-map" or be stuck into walls just using a skill or a mount or whatever thing you use, and being disconnected in competitive scenarios as wvw and pvp will cause you to re-enter impossible queues due to the recent limit on map population and you could wait for hours just due to a bug, not mentioning raids or fractals of high level for example, automagically disconnecting someone is definetly a bad idea (as the red area in game instances for example)


  9. > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > Just a suggestions, for the automatic detection in cases :

    > * Player is under map

    > * Player is inside other objects


    These situations are very common in the game due to bugs so it will not be a great indicator and will be a real problem, especially a system that constantly checks every point you propose will slow down (again) the game itself.


    All hacks are implemented on the client side but it is the server level that manages the result, so perhaps a flag raised by the "report for botting" function could cause the server to keep log of the server-side answers to the client which could be analysed by another server "offline" and if the analysis report gave a "warning" you could start with the ban or suspension of the account.


    In this way the system will be loaded only on request and for a short time and the impact on performances will be lower.



  10. > @"Mokk.2397" said:

    > I'm seeing a lot of thieves recently covering hacks with stealth. Only tonight I rapid fired a thief that stealthed straight inside a wall. When is ANET going to address this rising problem . Or is going to take going to several gaming magazines and reporting the problem you are ignoring to them.


    I'm starting to think they doesn't care, I created a topic with the same question about hacking and I was banned for a period from posting, seems they just want to hide the problem or at least not having this topic present on official forum.

    Said that it's not easy to manage this problem since most of the tools are external tool and they use the layer between client, dx and the game server, so in the past they used a piece of code to track every other program users run along with the game, but this is, let's say, a borderline method so solving this issue need a lot of effort, time and money but the actual situation it's at the point that maybe this effort is needed.

    We hope btw they do something soon.

  11. > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

    > All botters and hackers paid for the game and if they buy gems then they are immune to banning due to anet loving the $$ over caring about pvp.


    To be precise botters buy gems with gold made in the wrong way against company policies and ethic rules it doesn't seem that good for the company


  12. I sent many videos, and report but nothing, i was even banned from the forum just because i pointed out the problem, seems that the policy is to just ignore the problem and to intimidate everyone who talks about it, so yes, just do not talk about it, the problem really do not exists..

  13. > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

    > It happens sometimes; nerf, balance, overhaul etc.

    > If you see a skill not working as it did, first is to check the description of the skill, then your build, your gear,... before incriminate devs, bad game design etc.

    > Especially when you have downloaded some mo of an Update, this is the first correlation to do.


    The problem, was not, the changing of the skill, the problem was that they changed place to 2 skills without resetting things, i can check what you want but why change the place to a skill you didn't nerfed with a new one causing the player to automatically commit suicide doing nothing else that press a healing skill???

    don't you see something ridiculous in this? you stand in your home instance, just press 6 and die in 1 minute doing nothing, well maybe someone did the wrong thing with the code, maybe the same person that messed up the revenant skills the next patch, and btw they succeed to fix it at the end....just my 2c

  14. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > I just checked your dishonor history. You've got dishonor for both match abandoning and missing queues every day this month. The way the system works, when you get dishonor in a short period of time, your dishonor penalties get progressively longer.


    When there will be "dishonor" for bots, hackers and so on? i understand that missing queue it is an outrageous and very serious violation of the game rules, but maybe porting, flying, never die (when you can't do it really in the game with your profession) and so on it could also be considered a slight violation of the rules... don't you think?

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