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Posts posted by Deihnyx.6318

  1. Hello,


    Can we maybe have someone look at the daily fractal schedule? The time required to finish them all can be wildly inconsistent every day.


    I mean, today was Deepstone + Siren + Shattered Observatory + Sunqua, all arguably some of the longest fractals at all once.

    I'm not saying to remove them of course, but if they could be split up a little more evenly throughout the days it would get a little more consistent, the last 2 days for example were mostly quick fractals.


    Thanks :-)

  2. - Tengu playable

    - Kuunavang - Check

    - Elite Dungeon-like mode that would focus on exploration (Not raids) like Urgoz/Kanaxai/DoA were in GW1.

    - Ritualist

    - More events in WvW. Drop a vale guardian in the middle of SMC, that kinda thing :D or some weekly rotation on effects (similar to what you can get with fractals, but meant to change the gameplay a bit, no garbage like slow down or social awkwardness)

    - Mount-enabled WvW map (keep ONE of the borderlands mount-enabled, leave the rest as is)

    - Bonus: POLYMOCK ::disappointed:

  3. Bump.

    I was trying to buy specific tracks on Apple Music and it's missing quite a few.

    - Core game

    - Season 1 (Battle of the Breachmaker typically is missing owo)

    - Super Adventure Box

    - Some raid battles

    - Holiday events


    Also no soundtrack from GW1. Back then there was a Battlepack or something that had pretty good sounds, would be great to find them again.


    At least Core game / Season 1 are a must. Battle of the Breachmaker is severely underused and I don't think you can even hear Part 3 anywhere in the game to this day (no it doesn't play in the Nightmare fractal).


    I know there are on soundcloud, but it's nice to get a album format of them, also helps supporting the game & composers

  4. > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

    > It won't rebound fast as the traks are repeatable. Things like t3-4 stuff won't. T6 claws never will. Some things that you trade in like thick leather orich ancient wood slight uptick. The only way this stuff rebounds is the episode after the next or they add new huge sinks for what's dropping here


    Do you remember T6 farm of powerful venom sac when HoT came out?

    It will eventually be fine. It might just take a while, though.


    But eh, it's a charr war, claws everywhere is fine :D

  5. > @"Leevett.5186" said:

    > It's something I've been thinking about and I would like your opinion.


    > I started playing 2 months ago and got about 300 hours of play, and 2600 AP. I have the expansions and completed the HoT, got Raptor too. I really like GW2 and have fun playing it,

    > but now I'm a little aimless and want to play other single-player games (like The Witcher and others) that I've never played before, and honestly, you can't focus on an MMORPG and Single-player at the same time, even quarantined.


    > So, the solution I see is to take a break from GW2, what do you think? Have you been through this situation? If so, what kind of break would be best? Still do the daily (2 gold and Tequatl / Anomaly) only or stop for once?


    > Thank you! Because when the quarantine is over, I will have to dedicate myself to IRL activities and I will definitely have little time to play the single-players I intend to play.


    I've had a couple long breaks in the past. Mostly after accomplishing long term goals.

    So far, Anet always found a way to bring me back. This time it was announcing XP3 (and Cantha especially).


    Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 remains the only MMO I play (and will ever play cause I don't want to let myself suck into another story) and I don't see that changing soon, unless they really mess up. But breaks are important, and this game makes it easy. No subscription and all.

  6. "Proof Kill requirement is bad, instead you are required to carry".

    The KP requirement "problem" doesn't exist in a vacuum. It is there because some people outright lie about their experience, skill or knowledge of fight mechanics and end up being a waste of time for other players.


    I never put any KP requirement but typically, when you advertise for T4 fractals, there is an implicit requirement: have 150 AR.

    Even then it's not always respected, or you have people who have no clue about what aoe and dodge mean and will get in contact with whatever is red and get downed 10 times a minute (looking at you, Bloomhunger), something you should have learned in T2 or T3.

    Well sorry but after spending half an hour rezing the same people, it sometimes makes me want to add a KP req.

  7. Overall it was a great episode. I will definitely replay it with voice acting.


    However, for me the story had the effect of a mini "Game of Thrones" / "Three Houses" as I really really liked the Steel Warband. They all had a personality and playing their instance day after day for weeks with Forged Steel kinda gives you a sense of familiarity. I was actually hoping they were going to be part of the new cast in the long term.

    I get why they did it story wise, but I can't help but feel that one, they got dealt with way too quickly and more importantly that "the commander" has simply chosen the wrong allies. I hate pretty much all the legion imperators (except the flame one, he's chill :)). The opposite side has Bangar, which is just as bad as Smodur, but at least the Steel Warband followed a leader they loved and didn't strike me as people who would have killed their own. They were a group of underdogs I was very thrilled to follow, maybe in parallel to the commander's story with more visions.


    So, while the mixed, bitter feelings were probably intended (and in my case worked really well), I don't know that I will care much about what happens next as it "doesn't feel good" to be playing the commander right now. Certainly hoping Ryland gets revenge. That somehow the commander swap sides. But since Jormag is involved I don't see that happening either. Don't want yet another Braham drama :D

  8. I don't really see what "killer feature" they could bring to XP3 if it's not for the Tengu, and Cantha is the perfect place to introduce them.

    -Maybe- revamped water combat for Bubble. But then again, Bubble could be in the Abbyss and the Abyss was walkable in GW1, so I don't think they'd bother with water.

    I also doubt a new, good WvW map would be a killer feature for many.

    So I choose to believe that they're still gonna bring them with their own personal story or something.

  9. The point is to get players to try everything game, and as a player who initially hated wvw, being forced to do it made me join a guild and I started enjoying it more. This is what Anet tries to do with Gift of Battle.

    Of course, it would work better if Anet would be more committed to improving WvW. Especially after we had a preview of what WvW could look like with the latest map. But eh, other story.

  10. 100% agree.

    RNG by itself is fine. We need rare, expensive items.

    But RNG + timegated (once a day) + Account bound is just the worst design possible.


    Remove one of the 3 limitations. If you want to keep RNG, make a slow, guaranteed grindy way to get them (like the spoon). Or make skin versions sellable on TP.


    Same problem with Drakkar set now. Same with TT (although at least TT only has 3 skins...)


    Even raid rewards have a token system. Why the hell isnt it the case for the dragon hoards?

  11. It is impressive indeed.

    Just imagine if they would rework WvW maps to be that good.

    Flying mounts? no problem, add snipers if they get too close to forts

    Vehicles, tanks, all of that.


    I really hope that XP 3 brings a WvW map that gives new possibilities. Seeing this map. Damn. WvW could be so much fun if some of its mechanics were applied to it.

  12. This post is confusing.


    First, You're accusing a whole community to be toxic while using toxic language yourself (like "noob" isn't a word I'm used to see in friendly communities)

    So I suspect your behavior may not be fitting what you're trying to promote.


    Second, there are "experimented" toxic players AND there are "newcomer" toxic players as well. Asking for KP has nothing to do with toxicity.

    People who ask for KP in Raids or CM usually went through the whole training themselves, sometimes spending hours or even days on it (at least that's what I remember from VG) just so that they can get the experience of the fight. It's their right as a player to want to play with players with similar experience. Anet doesn't really provide any way to prove that experience other than KP. You know what happens when groups don't ask for KP? Inexperienced players try to sneak it and ultimately end up wasting time for everyone else. How is that fair?

    If players want to learn, they are welcome to lead groups themselves and go through the same training we all did. Some guilds are also dedicated to help. They are ways.


    There will always be people that don't play nice, and it seems that you had to deal with some people. But most groups will not doubt you like they did. They will give you a chance. I've done tons of end content and literally never had to deal with what you're describing. People are generally nice.

  13. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

    > > > @"aaron.7850" said:

    > > > > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

    > > > > Not against it, but would be unfair for those of us who already paid for per-character templates.

    > > > > How would that work for us?

    > > > >

    > > > > However, I would def want more than 6 templates and better integration with PVP, I can't get in queue outside of HotM without something funky going on.

    > > >

    > > > There is a thing called Steam sales and a lot of games go up to 75% discount sale, for many companies these sales represent a huge boost in revenue. Its called business and pro-consumer tactics. I dont cry and complain when a game I bought at full price goes cheaper down the road.

    > > >

    > >

    > > That is not the same thing. Sales are expected. A change in pricing model is not.

    > And yet GW2 core is f2p now, and HoT is free with PoF sale.


    Fine. GW2 core went f2p years after its release, with very strong limitations. People who bought the game still got access to additional content no longer available (or not in the same form), free LS, historical achievements, etc.

    This does not compare to something that was just released a few months ago.

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