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Posts posted by AoTsuki.8675

  1. > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

    > > @"AoTsuki.8675" said:

    > > > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > > As for me raid should not give pass is not have some values achiv

    > > > for example 5k - win 1 open

    > > > 10k - wing 2 also open also

    > > > .....

    > > > sad that any who **realy want** can start raid per one week after account creation.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > What does it matter how fast they start if they can pull weight? What does achievement points have to do with player skill.


    > that's indeed a very odd comparison. the acchievement points rather show that u do acchievement stuff often, mostly kitten content. that can be old accounts, you just gather these points automatically by time. not few of these aren't based gods exactly tho.


    > outside of that, raids and Wvw are the main "endgame content". better gear is part of easier and better performance there, the LI things are to filter "bad pugs" out, i'd guess. i also find it a bit too uncomfy searching for raid groups, so i feel you a bit, but it is not really undoable if u really try. just look for guilds and groups that are focused on raiding


    Oh you misunderstand me, I do raids every week no problem, I just don't get other guys' comment about it, as in, achievement points mean jack shiet here so not sure what the reason to filter by them is.

  2. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > As for me raid should not give pass is not have some values achiv

    > for example 5k - win 1 open

    > 10k - wing 2 also open also

    > .....

    > sad that any who **realy want** can start raid per one week after account creation.




    What does it matter how fast they start if they can pull weight? What does achievement points have to do with player skill.

  3. > @"dani.5680" said:

    > Impossible for new players to get in a new raid! All require 150+ LI and all training require ascended so you are in a farming space of over 3 months for ascended gear just to get in the training! Then 1 year to get those 150 LI! What the hell is going on?

    > Most of training guilds take you on weekends if they are free, if not, not!

    > So as a new player you have to farm 1year to be in a LFG? Thats stupid isn't it?


    Just gather 10 people and go in, raids don't even require ascended gear (having at least ascended weapons IS a noticable DPS boost though and ascended trinkets, rings and back are very easy to get for map currencies like the bjora stuff), you can go in with exotic items.

    You will however need someone with commander to make a group.

    Ask in LA /m if someone experienced in raids has an hour to explain some stuff, if not, read up boss explanations on wiki . That's it. You can then train for any amount of time you wish.

    I feel like you are asking for a "successful" raid though so I can only recommend starting a guild.

    Doing PUGS is not only the least reliable way to do raids but also the most miserable.

  4. > @"Wolfb.7025" said:

    > If there are guaranteed drops they will end up being trash anyways since everyone will get them.

    > Dhuum already has a chance for a 400g chair drop which is unique for that encounter, even though i've beaten dhuum 40+ times i've never got it, but like everything else, if the chances gets increased, that chair wouldn't even reach 150g.


    > If you don't consider the rewards worth the effort you can also skip dhuum/qadim and go for the rest of the clears. The reward "itself" comes when these are the only bosses you haven't cleared on the week.


    The "if you don't like it don't do it" approach is not a solution. Raids are not even close to any other way of making gold in this game they should at least have cool loot.

  5. Can final bosses of the hardest raids get SOME guaranteed loot?

    I am so damn tired of getting shafted by the RNG.

    Imagine doing Dhuum for weeks and leaving with an exotic + token every week, this crushes my soul, I'm sorry for ranting but this is ridiculous for the level of diffculty this boss is.

    Same goes for both Quadim versions.

    Please just make it worth the time it takes to kill them.

  6. DPS is not as important as knowing mechanics, just do around 15k dps and you are fine, anything above that is a welcome bonus.

    Reaper is really easy and has useful boonstrip as well.

    Check some builds, go to training grounds.

    If you do 25-30k on golem you are good to go

  7. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > Not sure what people are arguing about. The math can easily be done for all content.


    > Raids when cleared as full clear in say 3-4 hours yield a total of around 130 gold, IF everything is factored in token wise and NO value is assigned to possibly ascended gear and NO additional high value infusion drop (which is rather rare).


    > This gold is made up of:

    > - around 60 gold liquid gold from direct gold reward (this will fluctuate by based on which wings are bonus wings for the week and amount of bosses there)

    > - another 10 liquid gold for doing the 5 challenge modes (introduced rather recently)

    > - 150 magnetite shards and gaeting crystals (value is around 12s per magnetite shard, and around 18s per gaeting crystal if converted into infusion for sale), so another 18g + 27g

    > - average of 50s - 1g per exotic per boss, so another give or take 20g


    > So the total gold is around 135 gold per week (125 gold without challenge modes, which most player actually do not run weekly). For a full clear of 3 hours, this results in 45 gold per hour (41.6g). For a full clear in 4 hours, this results in 33.75 gold per hour (31.25g). For a full clear in 5 hours, this results in 27 gold per hour (25g). Suffice to say, most players do not full clear, and even less do so in less in 3-4 hours.


    > Additional benefits are:

    > - occasional ascended drops, which can not directly be sold but would technically result in less expense for gearing characters

    > - occasional additional minis which can either be learned or converted into shards


    > This does not factor for time spent mastering the content or getting to the state of being bale to clear raids this fast. Simple T4 fractals are both more accessible and will yield more gold/hour at less of a necessity/complexity of mastering content while being more repeatable. Drizzlewood Coast meta was near and above those gold/hour levels and easily farmed. Most players who raid on the level of full clearing like this do it because they enjoy the content.


    > Any player arguing anything else (say raids are over lucrative compared to other content, etc.), is either willingly oblivious to the actual rewards, incapable of simple math, lying or just envious of others or a combination of all those things.


    -"all CM's"

    -"3-4 hours"

    That's nowhere close to the time people do raids time in especially with CM's unless you live in a half an hour per wing wonderland.

  8. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > If they’re rich then it certainly wasn’t from doing raids. The rewards in this game are inversely proportional to the challenge to obtain them. The most brain dead content in the game is the most rewarding while the most challenging content is the least rewarding.

    > >

    > > Nah, apparently the theoretical gph of raids isn't bad at all.


    > It's fairly bad compared to other things in PvE such as SW and DF.


    > Let me put this into some perspective. The liquid gold that you get is 2G per boss. If you do a full raid clear, this comes to 64G if the bonus wing has four encounters. You can add another 15G on average for selling the random exotics. If you can clear all 7 wings in 3 hours, that's 20G per hour. Also note in my post where I stated that the "rewards in this game are inversely proportional to the challenge to obtain them". With this being the most challenging content in the game, the rewards should be much higher than the rewards from the least challenging content (open world).


    That's very generous and could be expected only of the best groups, I'd say average would be 9 hours for all wings and that already accounts for group being above average (it's not unheard of to be stumped on dhuum and quadim).

    3 hours for all wings is possible only for the best of players.

  9. > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > > @"AoTsuki.8675" said:

    > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > > > > @"AoTsuki.8675" said:

    > > > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > > > > > Aren't Raid people like, rich? What do you need more loot for?

    > > > >

    > > > > Not at all, you can start raiding in exotic gear. Only weapons are a noticable difference.

    > > >

    > > > So how much gold do you get per cleared raid wing? Loot and all.

    > >

    > > Uhhh like 2 gold per boss, 4 if it's boosted this week for specific wing.

    > > so that's usually 6 gold + 3 trash exotics and standard 1 green 2 blues and a boss token that does nothing.

    > > On occasion if stars align you get some random ascended thing from this raid.

    > > So that's 6 (12 if specific raid wing is boosted that week) straight gold per whole wing + some trash and rare ascended chance. (30 karma too but who cares about that).

    > > Oh and of course some petty amount of raid currency that is capped 150 per week.

    > > You can get more gold doing literally anything else but raids if that's your bottom line.

    > > Best case scenario is around 36 gold for wings 1-5 for example.


    > That doesn't seem so bad. Especially since you can sell the Exotics and get more money for them, or salvage for ecto and balls. That's pretty neat and useful for making legendaries.

    > That's i think less than Fractals per day? Depends i guess.

    > Besides, isn't the point of raids to get legendary armor?


    > And don't you also get Magnetite Shards and Gaeting crystals that you can use to buy Ascended equipment without crafting the grandmaster marks? That's a pretty big value right there.

    > You forgot to mention those, but those also count as loot you get because everywhere else, you're not handed ascended equipment. In Raids you can just buy it from Scholar Glenna for Magnetite shards and some cheapo gold. So if you factor that in to additional loot you get per boss, i think the overall gold value is significantly increased. Because you're factoring potential gold loss that you save from crafting asceneded (material loss and gold loss that you're not experiencing just by raiding).

    > Sure, it takes a lot of those, but you're raiding anyway, i'm sure you have some, or will get enough of them eventually to just buy ascended equipment.


    > So if you take that into account, i'd say you're getting pretty sick loot from raids, in addition to the gold you make per wing.




    I don't know man my soul is pretty crushed when we kill dhuum for 2+ hours and he drops an exotic and token box

  10. > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > > @"AoTsuki.8675" said:

    > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

    > > > Aren't Raid people like, rich? What do you need more loot for?

    > >

    > > Not at all, you can start raiding in exotic gear. Only weapons are a noticable difference.


    > So how much gold do you get per cleared raid wing? Loot and all.


    Uhhh like 2 gold per boss, 4 if it's boosted this week for specific wing.

    so that's usually 6 gold + 3 trash exotics and standard 1 green 2 blues and a boss token that does nothing.

    On occasion if stars align you get some random ascended thing from this raid.

    So that's 6 (12 if specific raid wing is boosted that week) straight gold per whole wing + some trash and rare ascended chance. (30 karma too but who cares about that).

    Oh and of course some petty amount of raid currency that is capped 150 per week.

    You can get more gold doing literally anything else but raids if that's your bottom line.

    Best case scenario is around 52 gold for all raid wings in the game and assuming Bastion of the Penitent (has 4 bosses) has double bonus.

  11. For the love of all that is holy can wings 5-7 get better loot chance?

    I swear if I kill Dhuum again and get exotic armor piece and a token box one more time I will spontaneously combust.

    I could go kill a quaggan and get same loot bar the token which is already pretty useless outside of pugging which you do not want to do for content like this anyway.

    Please make raid loot better, I am withering, I am not asking for anything outrageous, this is common sense.

    I can even excuse wings 1-4 because they are not that hard but 5-7 has no excuse.

    People simply don't want to do something hard for a bunch of unid gear, exotic armor piece and some token.

    I refuse the believe I am the only one who has a problem with that.

  12. > @"Clyan.1593" said:

    > Same for me OP. I think I got a precursor drop in the second year, that's it.


    > Occasionally I get something, but never really valuable. No infusions yet.

    > I don't even have that rare staff skin which you can only obtain by a lucky drop.

    > And I have 4000 hours + on this game.


    > Guess we have to deal with it.


    To add to the injury I opened 2000 wintersday gifts and got nothing, friend opened 100 and got the snow diamond infusion.

    God damn it.

  13. Is there any internal luck system for accounts or something because I swear mine is cranked to -1000%.

    It is just unfathomable how unlucky I am in this game, people getting cool drops left and right, precursors, infusions from boxes, infusions from chests with fresh accounts with 0% mf etc. and I've been left wondering for the past 6 years when will my turn come.

    I'm sorry for this rant but I swear all my enjoyment is being sucked out of me, I can't even be happy for friends who drop nice stuff because it just makes me jealous as hell.

    Please don't tell me I am the only one, I am so frustrated with this.


  14. > @"polvere.2805" said:

    > What happened in pug ? I haven't pugged in a while since i have a static. This week due to irl things i was not able to join my static for the weekly clears so i decided to pug. Oh boy it was nightmarish. Some bosses are absolutely impossible for the average pug:


    > (I was playing as chrono in most of the encounters, either tank or off tank)


    > First of all, Deimos: i have been in various party of deimos this week, ages to full the whole group since it requires some particular roles. With one group i had to gg 3 TIMES in the first phase (yeah deimos was not even on the field) cause dps could not dodge his smash in the underground. YEAH 3 TIMES

    > I cant count how many groups had people happily walked into blacks, even in ranged strat. In some groups where i swapped to bs i was doing more dps than most dps.

    > Notice: in most of the encounters the group was 250li+.


    > Dhuum : have been in 3-4 party of 30kp+ , hard to get even to 50%, there is always the dude screwing up with greens (i usually take one green myself in order to at least have a sure one), or even worse, the dude screwing up with the bomb, killing the whole group by not noticing the afflicted. Oh i have seen a group where basically the whole squad decided after some time that walking in front of dhuum and facetanking his scythe was a good idea...(notice, they walked in front of him, dhuum was facing the right direction, tank was doing a good job)


    > Luckily i cleared Xera with static the only day i could play with them.

    > The only clean run i had was the W1 run. I commanded it and required almost 30 min to full the group (i was asking for a 250li ping plus some more after them in rapid succesion, just to reduce the proabbility of a fake pinger)

    > I will not go into details of the absoultely trash dps most pugs do (can't even reach 20 k personal dps which is not even that high), and the capability to NEVER stay in the right position.


    > DISCLAIMER NO PUGS WERE FLAMED (even though they probably deserved it)

    > I tend to be a cheerful person, i NEVER flamed a single person. If the group is not ok by my standards i just write, "sorry this is going nowhere" and leave.


    > Just what is happening in pugs ? All the good players must be in statics obv.

    > Now i understand why so many posts about "dps shaming" or "meta trash" or whatever complaint some people come up with for not wanting to invest 20 min of their life in gearing and learning a decent rotation and some mech on their main char.


    That's because raiders ask people who just want to start raiding for 250+ LI and KPs. How are they supposed to get that or learn if nobody wants them?

    It's the same as entry level job requiring 3+ years of experience.

  15. > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > I'd just make it so that when you used a dance emote while holding the moot it kinda levitated and provided a decently sized disco floor under you.


    This is also a great idea, the disco music novelty would still be a killer for me though.

    What is a chance that anet will revisit Moot?

  16. Ok guys, this is the greatest idea I ever had.

    Since Minstrel and Verdarach can play music... why not The Moot? Make it a music device that plays Disco music! It even has trumpets attached.

    Maybe make people dance when used along with creating disco floor under their feet?

    It would be the greatest update I have ever seen in this game.


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