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Posts posted by Tolsis.3518

  1. It's the mists - random incursions of weird stuff would be great - basically expand and dial up the mercenary element would be fun as well - lets have ferocious storms, sudden shifts of terrain - time-warps etc. Shake things up a bit. See what players can come up with / take advantage of.


    > 1. Try pressing backpedal as you press the Play button. The C button disappears because pressing Play puts you on the first ring. You need to reset and press play while holding S and as soon as you see the C button, press it and hope for the best.

    > 2. Happened a few times to me, it has to do with the hitbox of the rings. It's wonky.


    Mate you're a diamond! thank you xxx

  3. i have recently been grinding the wvw for weapons skins - starting to love it again - was delighted to see new wvw skin etc - really feeling good about the game - then i saw new reward track is 200 GOLD and felt like I was being CHEATED. I am angry now and feel bad about the game.


    200 gold?! you can f*ck right off, mate - and you can do it for FREE

  4. On behalf of one of Tyria's greatest entertainers, I would like to draw your attention to a grave and egregious miscarriage of justice.


    **Kookoochoo the Incredulous** has been incarcerated in a cell barely large enough for him to stand up in, hundreds of feet up a rock face in the Labyrinthine Cliffs. It is not just to imprison an aquatic individual in this way - it's torture. Kookoochoo should be released into the custody of the nearby Quaggan community, who are best suited to provide him with the support and care that he needs.


    Please help us to get justice for Kookoochoo; register your support for this campaign by contributing to this discussion thread below.


    Thank you.



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