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Posts posted by Vindicus.2130

  1. > @Vayne.8563 said:

    > > @Vindicus.2130 said:

    > > PoF gives you the tools early to deal with all of the terrain whereas HoT took a long time and much more effort to get the mastery points necessary to navigate its labyrinth of z-axis quagmires; and even then was still more frustrating than fun because no tool exists to make the maps less convoluted.


    > Which is why PoF doesn't feel like it has a sense of progression, and so many people have finished leveling everything but the Griffon over the first week. There's good and bad in everything.


    Sorry, but fighting terrain offers me no sense of progression. If you didn't constantly have battle the z-axis in HoT it's just as fast to progress through as PoF. The only thing, imho, currently holding back PoF is the lack of meta events. Anet needs to create rewarding replayable content on the PoF maps then it's golden.

  2. Well, when the price of mats dips, the value of the gold you already had has gone up, and the value of the new gold you acquire, while being a lower numerical value is worth about the same as what you were making before. This doesn't apply to things with fixed prices like vendor bought mats, griffon mount etc. Some things don't follow the ebb and flow of mat/gold influxes such as fractal boxes which are considerably more valuable today than they were 2 weeks ago, even though their price hasn't changed.

  3. Yes it's a(nother) major problem with rifle. For me it doesn't even say obstructed on the screen, it just doesn't hit the target, the bullets just poof into thin air. Then I stand up and can hit the target from the exact same position. I give up on rifle (and thief in general) until there's a major overhaul.

  4. Is there a way to switch targets with phantasms more frequently than every 20 seconds with IA? Open world is a chore when I'm relying on a 16 and a 24 second cooldown to kill each mob on the screen. Tedious, monotonous horrid design that they die when their target dies. I know this complaint stretches back to 2012 from hundreds of posts that google found.

  5. The lack of piercing or ricochet proved to be the biggest problem for me with rifle. Yes the DPS is low, but it's really just unplayable without pierce imo--not to mention the beyond horrible mobility of the spec..no just, no. I took my rifle deadeye into a couple T3 fractals just to feel it out and it was pure pain simply trying to hit the target I wanted to hit. I'll never step foot in with rifle again. I think a good middle ground rather than shots piercing everything in their path is that they pierce everything in their path until they reach your marked target. That way you can generally hit what you want to be hitting, and everything behind it is still safe from pierces.

  6. I was able to get 25k out of deadeye rifle + d/x by farming dagger autoattack while malice built for DJs on rifle. I was able to get 33k out of my unoptimized scourge farming scepter/torch. Got 27k out of my firebrand but didn't really know what I was doing tbh, just mashing buttons.

  7. I've struggled to find anything worthwhile to do in PoF. Bounties are really bad for the time investment, hell you spend 20% of what you make on the bounty just porting back to the board. The best thing I've found is buying 5 keys per day per character and chest farming, hoping for the roll of 10 chests which can be worth a couple of gold. It's also quite unrewarding on average but I'm out of ideas. I want to be in PoF but I find myself just returning to SW/HoT or fractals and ignoring PoF already.

  8. Scourge is the best necro has ever been in PvE as a DPS class. I have heard it's good in PvP too but don't know firsthand. In terms of soloing difficult mobs, scourge is probably worse than both core and reaper because you sacrifice shroud for the dps increase.


    Both Scourge and Firebrand are top contenders in the DPS dpt currently. Scourge does more DPS solo and FB does considerably more DPS in a group setting. I can almost guarantee FB will be nerfed, at least ashes of the just which is responsible for its huge DPS increase in a group setting. Scourge may or may not get hit with the nerfbat. I don't feel like it should but I also wouldn't be surprised because in all of GW2 history I can't recall a time necro was actually in a good spot in PvE, so I think it being strong currently is a glitch in the matrix. As always, Elementalist is your best bet if you want to be safe atop the hill of godhood.

  9. > @LeSavage.1359 said:

    > Well, ele and guardian are classes with lowest hp pool - they are more glassy, so it make sense their dmg is higher than others. guardian The high burn dmg ticks ppl are talking about are from tome of justice active- which last for 5-8 spell cast, so those ticks last a couple of seconds then it goes on cd for 30 sec.

    > weaver on the other hand require some good micromanagments because of dual element switching, if weaver had dmg of a lets say- warrior, why would anybody play it, but on the other hand warrior is a lot more durable. if all classes would have similiar dps, it would be extremely boring


    You can't justify away the DPS disparity. But let's live in that fantasy world for a minute anyway. If they're balancing around HP pools, why is thief, the other guardian/ele level HP class parsing around 30k with its best spec? 20k less than guardian and ele.

  10. Melee does just fine in WoW even though there is ranged vs melee dps parity. Why? Because they have plenty of gap closers, CCs and defensive options. Ranged in GW2 often doesn't even get to play as ranged (in pve) because you need to be close enough for boon share, so there's literally no reason melee should be doing 100% more damage than ranged, other than PvP reasons. I'm sure we've all seen pve game balance ruined in the name of pvp balance before, and it's precisely what we're seeing here.


    Not to mention, at least for me, the condi meta is getting old. It's been in place for almost 2 years now and instead of more power builds becoming viable with PoF, they actually just solidified the condi meta even more. Imagine if you logged into WoW and you had 9 character slots to fill, 8 of them were forced to be affliction warlock and 1 a fire mage, that's GW2 in a nutshell.


    Also, as I said before, outside of T4 fractals and raids you could play a build where you forgot to allocate your traits and you'd be OK. For casual play any build works, though the builds that work best for high end content will generally perform best in all content at least with some modifications.

  11. > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > @Vindicus.2130 said:

    > > I think PoF is high quality mapping and the mounts are excellent additions to the game, but I, too, am struggling to find anything to do in PoF now. The maps already feel devoid of other players also. I generally only see one or two people in a map over an hour long period. I did a bounty train for about 2 hours yesterday, that was about enough of that for a lifetime. Not super fun and worse, not very rewarding. I have repeated a few maps worth of HPs each day, but after that I find myself back in LS3 or HoT usually, even though I despise HoT maps. Pretty disappointing. I really hope they add some kind of events that feel rewarding to partake in soon. Right now I feel like I bought 4 unique mounts + the extras from ulti edi for $80.


    > Gems still have their value whatever the content.

    > At most you could have wasted 30$.


    4 unique mounts +** the extras ** from ulti edi for $80


    Anyway, I would buy PoF again because the mounts alone are worth the box price to me. If you try to buy a mount from a cash shop in another game, like WoW, you're looking at like $25 for a skin. PoF delivered 4(5) unique mounts with different dashes and skills. Worth it even if the replayability is underwhelming.

  12. Pros:

    -Mounts are the highlight for me (Need radial wheel selection, though)

    -Maps are very nice

    -Story better than usual

    -Gorgeous artwork



    -Balance worse than ever, some specs doing 25k others doing 50k+

    -Replayability, besides bounties, what is there to do now?

    -Condi meta continues, will it ever end?

    -Maps feel devoid of players already (likely due to con #2)


    TL;DR Mounts alone are worth the $30 purchase price, they're that good.

  13. I think PoF is high quality mapping and the mounts are excellent additions to the game, but I, too, am struggling to find anything to do in PoF now. The maps already feel devoid of other players also. I generally only see one or two people in a map over an hour long period. I did a bounty train for about 2 hours yesterday, that was about enough of that for a lifetime. Not super fun and worse, not very rewarding. I have repeated a few maps worth of HPs each day, but after that I find myself back in LS3 or HoT usually, even though I despise HoT maps. Pretty disappointing. I really hope they add some kind of events that feel rewarding to partake in soon. Right now I feel like I bought 4 unique mounts + the extras from ulti edi for $80.

  14. Do not play this game hoping to be competitive at all as a ranged spec. It's the most anti-ranged game of all time. You are expected, nay, required to be a **melee condition** spec these days if you're to do anything beyond casual play. The one exception is staff ele as you can play power and mostly at a distance and are desirable in fractals and raids. Of course this is all horrible design, but it's the truth that some other sugar-coaters won't tell you. "Play what you like" is not valid feedback for GW2.

  15. > @Sedlina.1097 said:

    > > @Wayfinder.8452 said:

    > > Stuff like this has been requested since launch. Will not happen.


    > for a good reason. the power damage of rangers has to be balanced around the existance of the pet. So the ranger's power dmg output has to be Formula: (other power class potential dps < minus > highest possible power pet dps) to attempt an equilibrium of balance.


    > Soulbeast offers the button to remove the pet.

    > Therefore it opens up the opportunity to change the scaling while in soulbeast mode (the limiting factor is not active - and the higher scaling disappears as soon as the ranger un-merges)


    > therefore it is valid to address the OP's point. We won't see another elite spec to remove the pet. Therefore soulbeast is the one and only chance to enable power ranger gameplay to break even with other professions


    I'm not sure why you're acting like there's such great parity between DPS specs that knobs must be fine tuned like you're suggesting here. In a game where we have some pure dps specs doing 20-25k and some doing 50k+, fine tuning and concerning oneself with the minutia of build balance seems unnecessary.

  16. Feedback: Rifle is bad. Real bad. In PvE. Anyone able to pull more than 25k dps out of rifle with unrealistic buffs? If it was 35k I'd take my knocks and carry on but 25k is just a really bad insult when we have specs doing 50k. Either rifle DE is grossly underperforming or most other (condi) specs are grossly overperforming. Anet needs to decide.

  17. I don't think it's so much the agro radius as it is how they have the mobs positioned across the map. It's almost as though they set up a grid pattern so that every point on the map would have at least a few mobs within agro radius. Sometimes I search for multiple minutes to find a spot I can stop and look at my map. If dismounted, fahgidaboutit; takes forever to get away from combat and back on your mount. Spawn rate in some areas is so high I can't keep stuff dead with full ascended zerker gear. Can't imagine people playing more defensive setups.

  18. > @Zalavaaris.5329 said:

    > > @Jinks.2057 said:

    > > > @Zalavaaris.5329 said:

    > > > > @Barzah.8019 said:

    > > > > Er...actually Deadeye rifle can outdamage pistol unload, and you can do it in 4 to 6 second interval. Many people still think that rifle is another straightforward weapon like pistol, just spam 3 3 3 3 3 and win the prize. When you use the rifle, you need to develop a certain rotation instead of spamming 1 or 2 button in order to achieve maximum damage output. Based on my experience, choosing between maleficent seven and quickness A.K.A be quick or be dead will affect the rifle skill rotation. Once you found your skill rotation, it will be easy for you to deal 13k to 31k damage per shot in less than 10 second.

    > > > >

    > > > > tldr; pick maleficent seven for damage output rifle, or be quick or be killed for quick burst that also work wonder on other weapon than rifle.

    > > >

    > > > Sadly that 31k hit has nothing to do with dps. It isn't the 31k hits that's the problem, it's that most of the damage is front loaded using DJ with 7 stacks. The rest of the time we are sitting ducks doing wet noodle damage. You'll never be able to take rifle into a raid until changes are made.

    > >

    > > Who cares about rifle in raids. Use DD and a staff or another class it's kitten PvE.

    > >

    > > You got a new spec and it's pretty kitten selfish of PvE players to expect EVERY new elite to be the BEST DEEPS FOR RAIDZORS.

    > >

    > > DE & Rifle in the grand scheme of the game is good. The importance of "meta" in PvE raids is something the dev team should never even consider in terms of game balance.


    > I care... and apparently a lot of other people do as well. The fact that you are separating yourself from pve players in your message makes me think you are exclusive to other game modes. Therefore you probably care for those modes balancing. If that's the case please read my op. This entire thread is about rifle dps in raids. You are OFF TOPIC


    You can safely ignore Jinks. Look at his post history. He's on some kind of crusade to make people think Deadeye is the bestest most amazingest most OPest spec. He died to a few in pvp and this is his attempt at retribution.

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