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Posts posted by SkyCakeLight.3750

  1. Mostly Skyscale. It's the most flexible. The Griffon is probably the most fun, however. I find with the Skyscale that jumping (and not flapping) then double tapping its air dodge into a restore of your endurance to do it again to be the quickest way to travel a majority of the time. I'll ride the Raptor when I'm in a group of other people riding the Raptor just because it looks nice.


    They're all bound to their own hotkeys. Since I don't have to deal with the little menu on the hotbar, I'll sometimes ride a mount just because it's fun and I don't have to finagle anything to make it happen.

  2. Just some initial thoughts. At the point of typing this, I've completed the new story, taken a base, defended a base, and have done various map events such as escorts and others.


    The map is amazing. When I heard about "WvW but in PvE", I was excited. I love large-scale meta maps that you don't just mindlessly zerg. Verdant Brink being one of my favorites. I can see Drizzlewood becoming my new favorite quite easily. But, I'm concerned about the longevity of the map. This probably on my mind since I enjoy Verdant Brink so much and we all know how difficult it can be to get people interested in that map. It it takes too long people (sadly) won't bother with it unless the rewards are extra good. I'm not a rewards driven person. Mostly just something on my mind and something that was considered when designing what I would consider one of the most ambitious maps.


    Taking a camp is a lot of fun. The more enemies the better!


    Really, my main issue is the story. I actually always liked GW2's story despite the criticism. I still remember killing Zhaitan with my group and Fear Not This Night playing. The fight wasn't great, but I had loved everything up to that point that it became one of my favorite moments in gaming of all time. The story has gotten more "epic" since and has had its ups-and-downs. Enjoyed all of it! Certainly better than Battle for Azeroth's mess of a story that makes no sense.


    >! Until you ruined Smodur. I have a Charr as my forum icon. Iron Legion is my favorite and my main Charr's legion. I'm the type of loser to type into /say, "Woo, go Iron Legion!" during Grothmar Valley events. I'm so disappointed in Smodur's character. He was always headstrong and kind of annoyingly arrogant. But, I've always liked him enough! After completing the new episode, I can't stand him. You made him short-sighted, stupid, and increased his already kind of annoying (but fitting) traits up to 11. This is the first time in the entirety of GW2's storytelling where I would legitimately suggest that I don't like it. Also, Crecia and Rytlock need to go on an overnight date or something to get this weird tension out of the way.


    Overall, really enjoying the new content. Aside from the story for the first time.

  3. > @"Kulvar.1239" said:


    > This ! Except for Charrs. Turrets are already Charr themed.



    I would love new and updated turrets for my Charr Engineer. The Charr turret in the OP looks so cool. Something like the Glyph system from WoW would be so nice for this in GW2. That way it would be optional and available for all races. But, probably more effort than it's worth. Optional racial gyros would be amazing, too.


    I'm pretty much pro-any change to Turrets. I used to play a lot of Engineer in Warhammer Online. It was fun to not only be able to build useful turrets (only one at a time though), but also useful structures that had various affects. GW2's Engineer is a lot of fun and have several things going for it. Building is not one of them. I really like your new Supply Drop to Assembly Turret suggestion.

  4. I voted for the Female Sylvari but it was a very close second for the Female Asura. Jennifer Hale does a great job at really delivering that "classic" Sylvari curiosity while not letting it completely define the character. It's very clear, forward, and direct. Easy to appreciate and easy to tell she's been doing this for a long time!


    However, the Female Asura lines are the meanest ones in the game. Yet Colleen delivers the lines without a trace of of it being unnatural. It's just how Asura are and you can really get that cultural influence in her telling someone that they'll leave a dumb corpse. So well executed that it never breaks the reality that Colleen has probably never said that before in her life whereas an Asura would grow up saying stuff like that.


    Kate Miller did a great job, too. She had to voice a giant cat! Not an easy feat I'd imagine. I think if Charr lines were more interesting (not her fault) then she'd be higher on the list.


    I think as a race though, Sylvari came out on top. The game honestly has pretty great voice acting!

  5. Looking forward to the new map. Pre-RIBA Silverwaste was my favorite map and I hope the new map gives a similar feel to that. Almost never go there since RIBA became the way to play SW.


    The bear shaman armor looks nice. Here's to hoping it doesn't end up like Raven's Garb. It would be nice for there to be more culturally themed armor that isn't flashy. Raven's armor may as well not exist at this point.


    Edit: Kind of sounded pretty negative. Not my intention! Excited for the next part. Thank you. Made this post pre-coffee.

  6. I really enjoyed Engineer from Warhammer Online. Still play it sometimes, even!


    - It had great AoE. Usually called "fluff damage" since it was difficult to kill anyone with grenades. But, you could very easily make the enemy team weaker and cause trouble for their healer in SCs. It was fun seeing all the numbers! Really satisfying.

    - It had deployables that were very useful. Barbed Wire morale for a slow, turrets that were actually fairly strong, a healing station that was too good when it stacked, a magnet to pull goons. That's something I think GW2 Engineer doesn't do well.

    - High range and single target damage if you went down that tree path. You could snipe someone before they even saw you! It was fun to pop goons on walls with it.

    - It was also rather bulky for being a DPS character and I really enjoy bulk over being a glass cannon.



    Another class I've really enjoyed in the past was Doctor in Star Wars: Galaxies. I used to have a reputation for being an ATK Doctor and won many friends for it! Still remember someone giving me a free med droid and several people on the server losing their minds from being upset. Young me got pretty upset about that, but most people were cool with it. Doctor doesn't really have a place in modern MMOs since it was entirely a social class. But, I do miss it!

  7. Probably going to catch some backlash for this. But! I hope that the new stat combos aren't difficult to obtain. Makes zero sense to me that a meta power build can buy a full non-crafted Zerker set for relatively cheap but a meta Condi build is going to have to jump through some hoops and/or pay out a lot more gold. Runes can make that even worse and again tend to favor Power. They've made improvements by expanding the selectable stats and just adding more selectable stats in general. The whole system could probably use a revision to normalize acquisition across the board, but that is probably a bit too much.


    On that note I also hope for more runes!

  8. Engineer with Necro being a close second.


    Engineer is always my go-to fantasy in a game. Warhammer Online's Engineer class was one of my favorite classes of all times. I love the AoE and I love set-up playstyle. I still hold out hope that turrets will see more love or that we'll even get new deployables. Even if they are a PvP balancing nightmare. Tend to like explosions in games and the new Explosives reworked traitline has been great. The explosions in GW2 sound and look like little pop firecrackers, but they still get the job done.


    Necromancer is generally my second go-to in games without Engineers or a "main alt". I've always enjoyed the playstyle of the "dark casters" when they sacrifice HP or have a more indirect playstyle. Like a Black deck in Magic or some kind of graveyard style deck in deck builders. I like being able to load up conditions then having a couple of options on having to deal with them. Whereas on other professions I'm just trying to make sure I have a form of cleanse on my build, on Necromancer I'm deciding if I want to eat them or send them. Corrupt them! Epidemic is my favorite skill in the game even after they gave it a cast time. So satisfying to get a big Epi off and seeing all the numbers.


    I enjoy playing most of the professions to some degree.

  9. You described the Berserker Elite Spec for Warrior. Literally headbutts enemies and goes into a fit of rage. Can comfortably go Power or Condi. Slap on some Marauder gear and I'm fairly confident you'll have what you're looking for! I will say that the downside is if you play the BannerSlave Zerker meta build, it is very button spamming and could potentially hurt your fingers. Outside of that, I wouldn't worry about it. I have a Spellbreaker (the other elite spec for Warrior) that has a very slow and satisfying build.


    In any case, I think Zerker is your best bet. I would even suggest Spellbreaker to be a fun swap for you which will be nice since they're both Warriors.

  10. The normal version lets you bring part of the SAB world with you into the rest of the game world! It's a virtual world in your virtual world. The colors are different and they do look a bit different to make it look like you're wearing VR while in-game. The (Off) version will let you use the skin without seeing the additional affects. A picture in the spoiler!


    >! I got this picture from reddit:

    >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/XyaPgpL.png "")


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