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Posts posted by Skielsthear.6913

  1. I have 100mbps cable internet hardwired to the modem. I am using a i7 9700k at 3.60GHz, with 16GB of DDR4 3000MHz RAM. I have an RTX 2080. I get an average of 112 FPS in this game, and even get up to 30-35 FPS in large world boss fights, or WVW.


    I am experiencing that ever-present issue of super high ping, and have recorded it at over 5 and 6 THOUSAND.


    I, like others, am getting the error code 7:11:3:202:101 and do not understand the cause for it. I, like others, have checked with my ISP, to see if there is a brownout in our service area, or to check if there are other disruptions. They've confirmed there is no issues in their realms, and to check if other programs are similarly impaired. It only appears Guild Wars 2 is affected. There are multiple instances in which the lag from GW2 has actually kicked my modem offline for hours at a time.


    To me, this feels like some sort of DDoS attack that is affecting the GW2 servers in general. That can be a way to explain this rather random scenario, and why not everyone has such issues.

    To better secure my own account, I re-upped my 2 factor and changed my password just in case something does fall through eventually.


    Hope this can get sorted out, as I miss being able to play in long stretches. Good thing I picked up archery again, as it helps to have something else to practice in the meantime. :)

  2. I might have found a slight bug. I don't know why, but I logged into GW2 in Malchor's Leap, and fell under the map. Luckily the ultra-massive water table caught me, so I decided to explore how far it goes. I am about 27,500 units underneath Pagga's Waypoint, and the sunset looks beautiful.


    Imgur since I have no idea how to show images on this forum, no matter how much HTML I learned in college. :/ https://imgur.com/a/PyNFBTM

  3. Okay, this has been happening for the whole time this episode has been out now, but if there are ANY more than 1 person in the room killing the Veteran Graveling Stalker, the plate almost never drops. Also, if anyone has the plate that was dropped and refuses to leave the room, the plate never drops again. This happened tonight in the map I was leading for both metas. I had been assisting new folks with getting achievements, completing events, and when we got to the tomb raid part of the day, the Purple Room Graveling took 35 minutes to drop a plate. There were folks trolling and griefing the entire population by not leaving the room after their plate had dropped, forcing all of us to have to wait. Light Of Deldrimor only lasts 30 minutes. This makes the final room completely worthless, since the serpentine jewels are locked in the LOD-required chest. No LOD -> no chest. And before all the jumpers-on lash out with "use a mesmer with a portal," that should NEVER be the go-to resort for anything that can be done alone. As it was, there were no mesmers online until well after our LOD buff expired. Since the plate took way too long to drop, I lost out on my daily jewels, the achievement collection for that room, and most importantly, lost the respect of those I was leading trying to help them get their achievements started up. You cannot re-up the LOD buff, (which would help out IMMEASURABLY in this instance) and it is only once a day that you can do anything, even if you were to procure a new plate from the Trading Post. I hope to see a fix in which the graveling drops a plate client-side much like the Ley Energy bundles in the "Stop the Inquest from acquiring Ley Energy" current events. That way everyone who needs tomb raider can be able to get their next step with minimal issue.

  4. This achievement is just plain infuriating. The mobs spawn way too often, are near impossible to kite. The veterans you need to kill show up way too late to be of any use to get the crystals charged. I have spent almost 17 hours across 4 different classes trying for this achievement, and it is a massive headache. The mob mechanics need to be slowed down; stall the wave spawn from the last one being killed by at least 15 seconds. Each and every time I try to burn the vet down inside a crystal, I get a couple mobs spawning right by me, and they die first to the burst, even though I have targeted the veterans, causing the crystal to charge and nullify the achievement. Only one video seems to exist on YouTube on how to do it, and even then it is impossible to replicate due to the nature of the random mob spawn locations, as well as Aurene's rogue AI wanting to demolish everything in her path. I would almost go for a "Call Back" special action for Aurene, much like the Ranger's "Return to me" F3 skill.

  5. That is just unacceptable. In a map that has a high population, to get an event to fail is almost impossible. When it does fail, the crystals are destroyed almost instantly by people who don't watch map chat, or have no idea that others need it as well. For about 4 hours each day, I try to get the event to fail. I ask in map chat, local chat. I pop my Commander tag and try to guide others away, and to instruct them on what the achievement requirements are. Either I am ignored completely, with a "lol ur dumb" reply, or I am listened to; we get absolutely no progress on the defense, and it fails as required. However, once the event sets up for the retaking, the 10 soldiers are immediately freed without anyone having giving others the courtesy of getting in a hit or two for credit.


    I understand; achievements are supposed to be challenging. But when an entire map is ready to assist, are all grouped around you, and the achievement requirements are stolen by some random runarounds who don't care that they are robbing others' time and effort, it gets incredibly frustrating. I pride myself in-game for being a mentor, a commander, a person who helps others out, be it in classes, skill management, combo fields, attribute choices, Hero Points, Dungeons, Fractals, etc. I want to be able to help others get this, and perhaps the amount of imprisoned could be increased, or the amount to be freed decreased. In any case, thank you for your time. I do appreciate the time you put into the chapter. It's just the completionist in me that is irked by this.

  6. The northern map meta seems easy enough to work with once you get the special action skill with a handful of people using it together.


    The southern map meta seems REALLY overbalanced, seeing as you have to guard each node from attack. Unfortunately it would appear that the scaling is way too harsh, as having any more than 5 people at a node to protect it makes the mobs super-level, often 3 levels above. Not being able to effect repairs yourself, and having a key piece of a few different achievements gated behind the event's success, seeing it fail over and over again for 6 hours tends to rub someone's nerves a little raw. What is the proper makeup of a group to get the event done, and how many people are supposed to be there for it, if not the whole map, or even a small squad?

  7. Thank you all for the insight with my issue as well as all of yours. I did wait at the Narthex 2 hours in a row, and no event popped for all that time. When the defense arrived, there was no Wizard. I left that night, came back on over 20 hours later to a defense event that also had no Wizard. I was a little irritated, but stayed there still, idling and watching videos on other achievements, when at 30 minutes another defense came along, this time with a Wizard. I put the LFG up in squad, had about 27 people join almost instantly, and when we successfully killed him, about a dozen or so folks linked the respective items they needed in Local and Map chats. I felt rather delighted and relieved that my own ordeal was over, and that I was able to help a lot of other folks because of what you all had suggested.


    Thanks, all.

  8. Getting more than a little bit annoyed with the Catalyst part of HOPE. The Gift of the Catalyst requires the soul battery be charged with the Legendary Risen High Wizard's soul.


    The issue? The High Wizard does not spawn with the defense. You have to get a new, fresh map instance in order to get the Assault phase event to get him to spawn. I know that there are a few events that got updated with the necessity of the legendary component drops to spawn the particular enemy required.


    I've waited a few days, each time waiting 2 hours for the defense to pop, since you almost never get a new Orr Map instance unless it is on daily achievements, and even then it is rare to see more than 2 maps running concurrently. I have tried a few times, unsuccessfully, to spawn a new map instance by taxiing people in to force an overflow. I really would love to complete this legendary, and want to get it done. I only have the Catalyst part left. All other parts are waiting on this. Any help or tips would be appreciated.

  9. In the point of the story where you need to go into the rift, after doing the protection of the NPC and subsequent running away, the maps kill boundaries never update. While trying to follow the "bouncing glittery ball" it flashes "You are leaving the playable area. Return to the instance or be killed." Since the map shows a big green arrow, and the kill planes very far away, I ignored it, and took one more step and died. I then tried again, thinking it was a bug that may have cleared itself. Even the NPC's chatter was muted even though you should be able to hear them clearly. About 15 times of this, I finally stood still and waited; the event wound up killing my character anyway, since it was a chase.

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