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Posts posted by Kaybosh.5183

  1. Hello my friends,

    I've decided to make a post to ignite a discussion about a problem that i believe will soon appear in the thief community regarding deadeye's balance in WvW.


    Deadeye,a lovely specialization,waited so long for a pure ranged class with no pets/bullshit,it deals good damage,enough mobility to deal with catch/run situatians, all that combined with a table full of utility provided by the core thief.The spec has a very decent **counterplay** as long as there is a little knowlege about its mechanics.

    The issue that i currently see with the specs spins around WvW, even with all the counter play and all the weakpoints, deadeye is a strong spec in the right hands and right situations,many will get crushed by it, one shooted right as they exit spawn points,commanders will be sniped by DE partyes,GvG focus party will pick apart targets one by one,and so on.Looking beheind at similar situations with other specs, i believe most people will complain instead of trying to deal with it and so,eventually the developers will give the axe to our dear deadeye,forcing it out of roaming/focus-party/dueling meta.

    What do you think people, what are your thoughts ?

    Mike Floryan





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