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Posts posted by Nomalu.7152

  1. I hope that they buff clone spamming-shattering mirage and also make axe less clunky to use.

    1) Infinite horizon baseline. Our a buff to ambushes.

    2) Something that makes ambushes more reliable

    3) Axe 2 is too uncomfortable to use on some encounters.

    4) Illusiaonary ambush - needs a fix, cause a lot of time it teleports you out of melee range.

    5) Jaunt. Small buff to range.

    6) Really wish for some change to mirrors.

    7) Some stat distribution, so we don't need 2 signets in utility slots to dps.


    From the top of my head.

    But I think it better to have no expectations, than to be dissapointed after reading patch notes.


  2. > @Bod.8261 said:

    > > @Levetty.1279 said:

    > > > @Bod.8261 said:

    > > > > @LSD.4673 said:

    > > > > Scepter 2 negates an attack, dumps conditions on your target, and deals a nice bit of damage. It also instantly gives you an illusion to shatter.

    > > > > How can you not love it?

    > > >

    > > > It creates a clone, which overrides phantasms and is therefore bad for group PvE.

    > > > In PvE (again), there are less chances to block attacks.

    > >

    > > The problem is phantasms, not scepter.


    > Not really. If all clone summoning skills get the _Ether Clone_ treatment, "does something else when you already have 3 illusions", these could be used without the need to redesign essentially the whole class.


    The phantasm vs. shattering problem will still remain. I do agree, that the major issue is the contradiction of mesmer mechanics. Even if clones aren't able to override phantasms, we still won't use our shatters as it would be a loss of dps. Some changes to the class design are necessary - every now and then we get some change (intoduction to chronophantasma for example), that supposed to aleviate those design flaws, but I don't think it's the right way to go, as such way doesn't deal with core mesmer issue.

  3. > @Zoser.7245 said:

    > There are two categories, read the wiki. "Modifiers affected by Condition Duration cap" with its own formula and the "Modifiers unaffected by Condition Duration cap" with another one. This second one relative to the traits.


    Sorry, if I wasn't clear - that's the part I'm talking about. If this is true, I shouldn't have hit the duration cap for confusion. Or Master of Misderection isn't included in that category?



  4. Hey, everybody.

    Just wanted to ask, if anybody knows about confusion condition duration from this trait ["Master of Misdirection":](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Master_of_Misdirection ""Master of Misdirection":")?

    According to wiki condition duration from traits are not affected by the condition duration cap, meaning that is replacing base duration with a "new longer base duration", which is then affected by the condition duration. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition_Duration


    But currently on my mirage I'm already capped with condition, which shouldn't be the case, if I understand everything correctly.


    Can anyone, please, clarify this?

  5. Overall I had fun playing as a mirage, but still there are a few things that frustrate me. I really wish, that both core mesmer and mirage had significant changes made to them. I'm speaking strictly about **PVE**.

    1) **Mirage cloak **- sure first you need to get used to it, but even then sometimes you just lack movent to the side or to the back. I learned to compensate it sometimes with jaunt, but I don't think that it should be the way to deal with it - right now I feel that I must have jaunt slotted as a mirage. Anyway, I think superspeed should be integrated into mirage cloak, and not be a minor trait.


    2) **Ambush skills** - I mostly was running around with axe, but also used a scepter a few times. It seems that there is an internal cd, and in case you dodge twice in a row only one ambush skill goes off, which feels clunky.

    It is difficult for me to think as part of rotation, as I have dodge/mirror in order to use them. Also, sometimes, when you have to get out of aoe, you have to turn away from the mob, so your ambush skill is wasted.

    Right now, ambush skills don't feel impactful. I would understand if they were instant casts, then it would be "just an extra damage during dodge", but currently they seems just lackluster in terms of effect.


    3) **Mirrors** - I definitely don't like the current state of mirrors, as most of the times I either grab them by accident or use jaunt/dodge to get them or they just disappear, because they weren't worth it.


    4) **Shatter** - during the weekend I ran with clone generating build (deceptive evasion, deception skill create a clone) - but still was hesistant to use shatter skills during long fights, as they feel as a dps loss. Cry of Frustration, specifically, is way too weak for such cd. Also, F3 and F4 - I don't really understand why we should sacrifice dps to get utility/survivabily with rather long cooldown.

    Right I can't tell whether we're supposed to shatter as mirage or not. If yes - then shatters should be a major gain, if not - I think shatters should be changed to other mechanics.


    5) **Phantasm** - I really dislike the play style "spawn three phantasm and then auto attack" - this is really boring and unengaging. And phantasm currently doesn't feel like a part of mirage, rather than a nuisance for this elite spec. And at the same time it's a huge loss to shatter them. I wonder if phantasm concept should be reworked completely - cause right now there are conflcts "phantasm and shatters" and "clones and phantasms".


    6) **Clones** - I liked using axe 3 and illusionary ambush with a bunch of clones, at least it looked cool to me. Though IA sometimes spawned me away from the targeted mob. I don't know about whole "make Infinite Horizon baseline" - cause it depends how developers see the mirage playstyle:

    a) If clones are meant to be shattered, than it's a pvp trait. But it won't fool anyone, except new players.

    b) if clones are meant to fight alongside, then it should be made baseline - as there will be nice and cool synergy between clones and ambushes.


    7) **Utility skills** - well, to be frankly speaking I started with utility skills as deceptions. By the end of the first day I kept False Oasis as a heal skill, though I don't like the mirror part ( because I don't like mirror mechanic in general), Illusionary Ambush - as a gap closer/target switching tool, and Jaunt, cause it seems necessary due to superspeed flaws.

    Mirage Advance - cast feels way too long for a blink.

    Crystal Sands - seems weak and dull.

    Sand through glass - ok, I guess. But not really memorable.


    8) **Elite** - Jaunt. Right now I think of Jaunt as necessary addition to mirage cloak, if I need to get out of AoE. Though it's range should 600. In a perfect world - Jaunt would our F5 and speed of sand would a part of mirage cloak.

    It doesn't feel game changing for me. I'm pretty sure, that in group pve I will be required to use time warp/moa. Cause Jaunt right now doesn't provide great group utility or a major increase in personal dps.


    9) **Axe skills**:

    Axe 2 - long animation - very vulnerable during it. Clone spawn condition seems weird.

    Axe 3 - I like it, even if it's not really strong.


    10) **Mesmer's condition damage** - the thing I don't like it all, that in order to have good conditon damage I have to use two signets in utility slots( of midnight,and of domination. I don't like the general idea of sighets, and when I have to use two of them ( for condition damage and condition duration) - make me feel really restricted in my choice. I think, at least, bonus for sighnet of midnight, should be moved elsewhere.

    Trait options for condition damage are quite limited or mediocre. I wish for a set of traits in a couple of specialization, that have a synergy.

    Mirage - the only trait I trait like for conditon damage build -is GM Dune Cloak. Others feel lackluster.

    If Mirage is a melee conditon spec, in my opinion, its traits should complement it's playstyle in different ways. Right now, that trairs in this elite spec are for every possible game style, which I don't think is reasonable, as we get - Jack of all trades - master of none situation


    P.S. I really like addon right now, but I wish my favorite class had got some love, so we could be a good dps spec, that has a spot in raids and fractals. I understand, that we have a lot of utility, but some classes (e.g. guardian) still have high dps option despite of having good utility. I understand that it will take considerable amount of time to solve all the problems mesmer class has right now. But right now I'm not even sure if anet thinks, that mesmers have problems - it would be great if we could get some sort of feedback regarding that.

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