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Posts posted by SluggyJ.5783

  1. Hi,


    I have been playing Guild Wars 2 since launch with 3,083 hours played across my characters with 12,820 AP.

    I have three characters that are "RAID" ready with "FULL" Ascended gear, one from each weight class (Light, Medium and Heavy)


    I main a [Thief](https://gw2efficiency.com/c/Sin%20Jut "Thief") That currently has Berserker gear while i was playing the Deadeye for POF (Did not like it very much).

    My Second is the [Revertant](https://gw2efficiency.com/c/Tori%20Jut "Revertant") That currently has Marauders Armour with Berserker trinkets running Renegade.

    My Third and favorite is the [Elementalist](https://gw2efficiency.com/c/Sandy%20Jut "Elementalist") currently with viper gear all round running a sword/dagger weaver build.


    With 2 legendary weapons and full Ascended for each weight class and not much else to do, I decided it was time to get into raiding, I have been trying to get into raiding for sometime now, however finding a Guild that would take a NOOB like me into raids is becoming a challenge. I have participated in some PUG raids runs without success :(


    I am hoping that my difficulties finding a raid guild that will take me in has come to an end. Although I do understand that my lack of raid experience is working against me.


    I am able to do raids most nights of the week, but would probably only commit to about 4 nights a week.


    Thank you for your Consideration


  2. Thanks for the input, did some more and Jana you are right, back n the day (a couple of years ago it used to so as an extra 100% crit on top of what you already have) the way it works now is you first hit from stealth is a crit and for 2 seconds on revealed you get 100% extra on top of what you already have.

  3. Has anyone else noticed that [Hidden Killer](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hidden_Killer "Hidden Killer") is not activating when stealthed. I did extensive testing with this yesterday and not once was I getting 100% crit chance when using any stealth skils including "[shadow refuge](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Refuge "shadow refuge")", "[cloack and dagger](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cloak_and_Dagger "cloack and dagger")" or "[sniper's Cover](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sniper%27s_Cover "Sniper's Cover")"

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