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Posts posted by Napo.1230

  1. Seriously i dont get it, its basically rooting you to die while condis still tick away and offers a ridiculous attempt at sustain.

    If they made it give you a lesser glint heal when attacked in crystal hibernation or removed some condies/resistance it could have been way better.


    Why do anet hate revs specialisation weapons?...cough shortbow cough.


    Will it ever be fixed?

    Can it be?


  2. > @"LINKAZZATORE.8135" said:

    > > @"Napo.1230" said:

    > > How about just make walls safe to stand on....delete the siege for all I care it does nothing with the amount of aoe a blob brings to destroy it.


    > so you can build 8 acs on there and camp them without ever actually fighting another player? (because they'll never remove sieges)


    > entertaining content.


    Actually no i said delete the siege and make walls safe to stand on.


  3. > @"Kaiser.9873" said:

    > > @"Napo.1230" said:

    > > Its hard for me to feel any sympathy sorry haha I literally quit playing revenant because of Necro (scourge to be exact) and how broken it is to melee with them. Rev is my all time favourite but it's paper atm so kitten you haha.

    > > Deadeyes cause me no problem on most classes I find them so predictable. My tips are listen for audio ques, abuse terrain and look for black powder and the very bright laser beam.

    > > The ones that trouble me are the ones who don't hide in stealth but use d/p to build malice and waste dodges.


    > So a class that hits like a sledgehammer from 1200 range is afraid of Scourge?


    Sorry I should have stated I'm not on about blob hammer rev. But small scale melee rev.

  4. Its hard for me to feel any sympathy sorry haha I literally quit playing revenant because of Necro (scourge to be exact) and how broken it is to melee with them. Rev is my all time favourite but it's paper atm so fuck you haha.

    Deadeyes cause me no problem on most classes I find them so predictable. My tips are listen for audio ques, abuse terrain and look for black powder and the very bright laser beam.

    The ones that trouble me are the ones who don't hide in stealth but use d/p to build malice and waste dodges.

  5. > @"Colly.4073" said:

    > Every time Gandara attacked our third Drakkar would take all our west side while we was trying to defend.


    > Drakkar doesn’t even fight they just run round the map taking all the wooden towers and camps.


    Don't forget 1.3x billion AC's even in t1 stuff and even in the open.


  6. > @"Eleison.2918" said:

    > Hey,

    > I am from Drakkar Lake and since yesterday Piken and Gandara are both pushing against us.


    > Ok, its WvW, but hey, is "this" Tier 1 WvW? Drakkar was a Tier 5 server month ago, we never want to rule WvW and now Piken and Gandra cant fight like real men? Are they soooooooo bad? Is this WvW? Two server pushing together against one server?


    > Both server united, side by side. This is not WvW like it should be.


    Your server and BB literally did this to gandara a few weeks ago......

  7. > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > > @"Napo.1230" said:

    > > Not to hijack but why are green/yellow sigils a thing.

    > > They're worth nothing.

    > > Do nothing.

    > > No ones build depends on them.

    > >

    > > Please anet just delete them or make them salvageable.


    > They are still useful for lower-level players. I've been rummaging through them for stuff my new alt can use leveling up.

    > But I would love to see a way to make rune and sigil clutter more useful/profitable, since it messes up your inventory space in high-loot-low-merchant areas..


    Ok then I'm probably biased as I use tomes 100% of the time, perhaps keep them for pve but for the love of god stop them in wvw.

    Or just make them stack then you can select it's stats if you want them.

    My ocd just means I drag and drop them if there's no merchant ha

  8. I soley play rev in wvw atm and yeah it's real tough but it's worth sticking with it because it has some plus sides.


    My advice is stick to herald/shiro and take cleansing sigil/legend swap removal, make smart use of staff 4 and you can even try leadership runs or lyssa (cheaper).

    I personally prefer more dmg orientated runes.

    The main thing is go full yolo either zerk or marauders and kill before your killed. I'm probably the only person who likes OH sword because a good 5 into 4 can really win as an opener.

    Mallyx is trash imo it does nothing except delay the inevitable and if you get corrupted it's game over.


    Positioning is key and you need to know your limits, you can beat condi but it is your hard counter atm so don't feel too bad.


    Trait wise it's what I'm running but I'm thinking of trying retribution over devastation but it's still early days.


    Be real careful about using sword 3 as you can get dragged into a real bad situation into shades/through portals etc.


    Rev really shines for me when you have someone with you especially someone who can cleanse or can counter the cancer. Soulbeast vs Necro for e.g.


    Keep up with the rev though it's great.


  9. I'd just stick to what's fun for you since your gonna get cheesed roaming regardless of what you play. Not being dramatic but the small scale is so broke right now.


    Try and play most classes and understand there weakness/flaws and you can be succesfull regardless of class.

  10. > @"TechAssist.4635" said:

    > **Seem to missed that you downgraded.. Ah well... Here is what I would have suggested...** =)


    > Try the following command line argument:


    > First, please navigate to your Guild Wars 2 folder. By default, this will be C:\Program Files(x86)\Guild Wars 2.


    > Right-click on "Gw2-64.exe" and select "Create Shortcut."

    > Rename this shortcut to "Guild Wars 2 Windowed."

    > Right-click on this shortcut and select "Properties."

    > Edit the "Target" line to include -windowed at the end. Note: Please make sure -windowed is outside of the quotes-- Correctly Formatted Example: " C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe" -windowed -- Incorrectly Formatted Example: " C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe -windowed "

    > Once completed, click "Ok" to save your changes.


    > If you get an error trying to save, your target line may not have the correct format. Please try Step 5 again.


    > Once completed, try starting Guild Wars 2 again by using this new shortcut.





    I was having this exact problem.

    This worked!!!


    Thanks alot

  11. > @"GottFaust.5297" said:

    > > @"Napo.1230" said:

    > > Interesting read I can totally see what you mean for big groups and might actually try it.

    > >

    > > My issue with renegade is I often small scale in wvw (I know I know go blob or go home)

    > >

    > > It just doesn't work :'(


    > Revenant in general seems to have issues with small-scale PvP in the current meta when compared to its contemporaries. When specs like daredevil, mirage, spellbreaker, and holosmith exist: not much else can really compete.


    Yeah this is true but atleast glint gives you some survivability.

    I'm not trying to be that guy who poo poos everything, I want renegade to work I want my money's worth like everyone else.

    Trouble I can't even begin to suggest how to fix it other than try a different legend.


    I'm definitely going to try renegade hammer build though!

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