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Posts posted by tenryuta.2014

  1. > @HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

    > Revenant

    > - Renegade elite causes a pact airship to fly across the battlefield, it throws out a searing-cauldron granting a large blast aoe with good damage and a pulsing fire-field (range 1200) for 10 seconds - if upkeep is at 100%. Again elite-elite, so you won't be able to use the legendary for 2 minutes. If upkeep is lower, for every 10% of upkeep, you spawn a charr engineer with a different attack:

    > 10% - charr with a motar, shooting a motar shell that causes a pulsing fire field

    > 20% - charr with charrzooka, rapid firing rockets at the target

    > 30% - charr engineer throwing a barrage of grenades at the target

    > 40% - charr-tank rolls over the enemy

    > 50% - charr-tank shoots a motar shell on the enemy

    > 60% - charr-engineer opens a ghost-trap (see AC P2), releasing an ascalonian wizard to cast an AoE (blue fire) on the enemy

    > 70% - charr-engineer opens a ghost-trap, releasing an ascalonian commander with a trebuchet

    > 80% - charr-engineer opens a ghost-trap, giant graveling appears, engineer runs away, graveling digs and spawns below the enemy, causing a large aoe knockdown

    > 90% - charr-kid spawns with a slingshot, projectile bounces between all enemies 10 times, causing one stack of confusion on each impact and causes a blast-finisher on the last strike


    a 300 year old charr summons a 3(?) year old creation of people said legend never met?


    > I have to admit, it looks very very werid. But this would be at least unique and createive instead of the giant copy-cat we received. In its current state it is a mess and if it wasn't for the facet of nature and this ridiculous ferocity ... complete this sentence on your own, the result is always horrible.


    most if not all classes have copy cat aspects to them, many an mmo "template" around a formula for people to use to rek or be rekt(im lookin at you bad browser mmos... and chinese mmos :# ). and i just so happen to like my ferocity/healing build :p , and i rarely if not never use facet of nature :p


    i skimmed back and forth above the ren elite bit... you could just delete the rev if you want something "that" different from whats available. and skill 1 on weapons is meant to be auto for laziness, so isnt your rifle idea a copy paste of deadeyes.

  2. > @CptAurellian.9537 said:

    > Bringing heroes is most likely possible, since we already have such companions in the story, but I seriously doubt trying to bring _useful_ heroes is worth the massive effort it would take. Creating an AI that knows when to properly jump, dodge and CC is probably close to impossible. Besides, this is a MMO. Find other people to play group content with.


    copy paste HoT ai's to heroes, easy

  3. > @Mako.4137 said:

    > Ive heard that a lot of people enjoy it, usually people who havent played Rev much previously who were attracted to the renegade elite spec. Nothing wrong with that. But its not got as much to it as other elite specs, and its certainly not as polished.





    hyper kitty combo A(power/crit): vuln kitty>hyper kitty(elite)>dimension kitty(f3)

    hyper kitty combo B(that other one... condi :# ): bloody kitty>vuln kitty> dimension kitty

    [insert any cool thingy of choice beyond this insert]

  4. > @Burtnik.5218 said:

    > By reworking the class, remove the bandaid fix called wep swap, ele and engi gets away without it, rev can too if a proper work will be put into him. starts by adding F2-5 keys for general utility such as stunbreak, condi clear etc to base rev. 2 extra utility skills per legend are needed as well. Main problem is energy system atm and the fact we have to swap instead of being able to actually adapt to a situation and stick to a legend which we need at x moment.


    so you dont use renegade then i take it, it has a stun break, on my favorite skill no less: darkrazors daring, which also interrupts alot of CC mordrem making them standing derps, and its only 12cd, which is great(please dont ask me to solo an elite/champion giant frog or vinetooth, im heavy on power and support not flatout OHKO that- ahem some classes can do :p ), condi clear is the divine power of the stoner(she has a name i guess ;p ).


    no wep swap would destroy many a revenant to either stick to ventari or stoner if melee or mally and jiro for ranged ruining the whole build it how you want that gw2 is known for. random anon user:"but we want shitty updates like skyforge ascension did, its like so awesome that its ff14 with gods and space stuff". also engi has as many as 5, yes 5 kits/wep swaps possible at once, thats 30 possible skills with only 5 buttons, ele has 20, more if weaver, and temporary more if using conjures(which still suck if your sword and run out of frost bow/fiery sword).

  5. > @Kiroshima.8497 said:

    > Personally I'd like:

    > 3 Legends equippable to match the 3 traitlines.

    > Energy for utilities only.

    > Only 1 weapon set.

    > Weapons only have cooldowns, no energy costs.


    > At least 1 legend should be a "Melee Kit (Dwarf probably)" and 1 should be a "Ranged Kit (???)" in order to make sure that no matter what weapon you choose, you can cover your other range category with a Legend choice.


    > Legends don't reset energy to 50, instead invoking adds 25 energy. Legends have independent cooldowns (you can burst 50 energy by invoking twice since you have 3 legends). Similar to attunements but instead of changing weapon skills, you change utilities.


    > Invocation traitline adjusted to work like Arcana (generalist traitline, affects legend swapping cooldown/energy restoration). Other traitlines refocused to work within their legends with 1 row dedicated for multi-legend synergy.


    that would suck, legend kits would make things bad, ie; i renegade ranged and melee because of how good it is(atleast i think its good :'( ). the legend itself is the kit, an inversion of engi kits for the heal/uti/elite. engi is the only kit user unless you count conjures and banners as kits(please dont, they have cooldowns on them that exceed the use time, double conjure doesnt count when someone can take the second, leaving a sword ele screwed if he can only hit something ranged). destroying that level of customization would destroy what makes revenant a revenant


    resetting energy on invocation is not great either, we would be OP if a herald could cast nature/darkness/strength/chaos, burn out, invoke to jiro/malmal, spam some utility, repeat invoke spam invoke spam.


    the traitlines are fine as is, and there are more than enough "use x legend for this trait" around, salvation for example is meant for ventaris, but could be used with herald and renegade easily, devastation for jiros but can work with anything.


    my question to all is: does soulcleave have an icd because i often drop it for others to boost burst?

  6. to be honest ventari is kind of a spam heal in my power/support mode, and if im going to swift someone id use glint(i dont anymore). i dont use stoner or the emo because i dont tank(can be done with kalla when you have near 100% protection uptime, and 3k defense :p ), and i dont condi so mallyx is out :p .


    theres little need for a second condi summon when we have 1 of everything else, and since they can be rekt, boon stripping might be unnecessary vs break bar destruction(darkrazor can handle many bars, and stops many a mordrem/frogs from killing everyone the way they do normally), and soulcleave is potentially the highest burst skill ingame if the right people keep multi hits at the ready(not sure if this is true but 5x 5+ hit skills at 400+ siphon is quite high to me).


    i use something similar to this build for easier understanding(gear is pretty far off though): http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQJAssnXMvNSum7JRZzVlst5rSY3cWJ4beskFNlqdBCgI4vHPylctJiiqA-jhBFABIp8zm9HKU9nrUCmmeAAeAAAA-e

  7. > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

    > So far, the only thing that's really good about Renegade is that it fills out the Rev condi build with a viable second weapon/legend that it previously lacked. But, both the legend itself and the shortbow feel weak enough that I rarely swap to them and just continue to use M/A and Mallyx, and to make matters worse the F skills are in competition with the weapon and utility skills and therefore not that useful.


    > Altogether, it's kind of a problem and a no-brainer why Renegade tends to be considered the worst of the new elites.


    i avoid condi like the plague




    we can peak 250% CD quite nicely, and im off to go broke from retweaking my gear again:(

  8. > @maciora.9542 said:

    > > @Nilix.2170 said:

    > > The concept of the Photon Forge is that light itself is your weapon. It's malleable and can take whatever shape you want it to take. The Engineer utilizes lots of different weapons so being able to shape different kinds of weapons with the forge is pretty on point for the profession. Restricting such a variable weapon in a profession that uses various unconventional weapons to only having Sword-like abilities sounds so... wasteful.


    > But you could be like JEDI. I think this is the best reason to do it.... Imagine being like JEDI (I am serious here). Enough said - if you want variety just stick to the core, but there should be option for total unification (hammer almost did it - hammer with potions) - now JEDI with potions, this would be the THING.


    i think they were going for green lantern, in a taimi researched kind of way.


    and now im just waiting for the pf skin pack to release(please please please happen soon>:D)

  9. > @"Lotus Bane.9387" said:

    > > @Lighter.5631 said:

    > > > @"Lotus Bane.9387" said:

    > > > You should only be overheating if you're traited to do so. Otherwise it is nearly the same as a normal engineer with kit swapping. You don't swap to the tool kit and start auto attacking with your crowbar the whole time. It's just resource monitoring.

    > >

    > > but forge auto attack is too good


    > Nah, what's too good is #3 and #5 lol. More like addictive actually.


    i prefer 3 and 4 myself>:D

  10. > @minion.1987 said:

    > play reaper still hate the 3 and 5 on it though would play a hybrid of reaper and necro if i could. still try to make scourge regret putting condition on me by using 1 corruption ability. i also don't have pof yet.


    big ol' stab is awesome, and the variant "come over here!" is essential as a break bar skill when you cant use something else

  11. all top row traits for scourge, i forget what on reaper... and i have 2 necros so i can have both elites, however neither uses utilities from the elite lines, theyre both using minions like good necros should>:D, and maybe the scourge elite ghastly fart or whatever its name is:P

  12. they could easily turn minis into partners and increase their size when active, ai scripts exist for all of them already(minus a few historical characters), and an auto disable when more than 3-6 players are present would prevent easy(er?) victories during high population times(radius of 3000-5000?). this would also make minis more sought after for those of us who want more out of them, than say, a tiny creature passing by that a twitchy fingered player would think is a pocket raptor.

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