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Posts posted by Sonork.2916

  1. I use Hammer as a fun weapon on DH for roaming/ganking/picks. Use Bow/Hammer and yoink people over, hammer circle around them, then dump traps on them while going to town with the hammer. Really good spike damage if they can't escape the circle and honestly, just fun to play. It won't win many duels or get you out of dicey situations, but it is really fun.

  2. Would love torch 5 to burn away boons on enemies rather than cleanse conditions on allies, solidifying it as a purely offensive offhand weapon. Also I agree with Runicblack, torch 4 really can't be used as a range attack, it cannot hit a moving target and will often miss a target just standing still, it's really inconsistent in hitting targets at any range.

  3. ***Easy Solution***


    Let stealth remain as is, remove revealed. Give all classes a few abilities that grant themselves a buff, a new boon, lets call it True Sight. True Sight allows those who have it to simply see stealthed players. Then thieves can continue their playstyle, still use all their abilities while stealthed, but have to be careful now that people can see them sometimes while they're stealthed.


    For zerg stealth just add a new 'super stealth' that only exists when a person besides the caster blasts a their stealth field. Super stealth will not be seen by True Sight.


    Thus stealth is still viable for defense but there is something people can do to counter it without removing it from the class using it, if only for a time. And zerg stealth won't be countered by it at all.

  4. > @"kash.9213" said:

    > > @"Sonork.2916" said:

    > > I have to use the action cam due to wrist issues, try fighting someone 1v1 spamming stealth and teleporting around using the action cam, it pretty much makes you want to kill yourself. GW2 has the worst implementation of stealth in any MMO I've ever played.


    > What part is hardest to keep up with, mostly targeting or landing something on the target?


    Both, and with the action cam you have to aim a reticle at their character to hit them with abilities, as well as targeting them normally. If you do one but not the other you just miss or your skill doesn't work.

  5. I have to use the action cam due to wrist issues, try fighting someone 1v1 spamming stealth and teleporting around using the action cam, it pretty much makes you want to kill yourself. GW2 has the worst implementation of stealth in any MMO I've ever played.

  6. I feel like arguably the most important buff in the game, should have a visual cue, so you're not trying to pick out from their buff bar. I'd rather just look at the character and know they have it via a visual, than scour the enemies buff bar to find out. I know the first thing people will say is "visual clutter", to which I say, stability is an important enough buff/mechanic to warrant a visual. I'd be okay with a optional togglable one in the options, something, anything to not have to specifically look for it, buried in the other 4-8 buffs on the single player I have selected to see if they have stability or not.


    I'd be happy with some other UI graphic that's easily seen, like adding an outline to their health or stamina bar, adding little metal things inside their health bar for how many stacks they have, that slowly ticks down with duration, kind of like some champion NPC's have. Anything really other than picking it out of the other 8 small white squares on your enemies buff bar.

  7. > @"Devilman.1532" said:

    > Get ready for 50 man blobs with 25-30 Scourges lol This is a mind numbingly stupid change even for a weekend.


    So everything will remain the same? I've been enjoying the weekend so far. Great change imo. I can only hope it'll become permanent down the line with balances alongside.

  8. Right now with the action cam to actually use "teleport to player" skills, like Judge's intervention, you have to target the player, then aim the crosshair at them, then use the skill while continuing to aim at them. If your crosshair is NOT on them when you push the skill, the ability will fire and be used as if you had no target. Teleporting you no where. It's incredibly frustrating to use in both pvp and pve. I would like to suggest removing the need to aim at at your target, if you have them targeted and press the ability that teleports you towards them, it SHOULD be enough, without having to aim directly at them.


    This change would be greatly appreciated.


    I love the action cam. I messed up my wrist a year ago and can only play GW2 because of it.

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