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Posts posted by SaskiaElite.8132

  1. How I'm supposed to get materials if there is no one on that map? How I can find group for this? I'm talking about materials above the map names, not world map completion. it is impossible to solo because takes too much time and extremely boring, plus my armour is a toast they always hit hard, and I have no idea when the events start in which location, I heard doing events on that map grants those materials but in a long time,


    are they worth to do at all? or its just a abandoned game system no one care about?

  2. Hi, I know there is like many videos on youtube resource about this, but I do want to hear your ways, methods and how you spend your time in GW2 about farming gold in base game, are you doing anything specific? are you doing stuff only in two expansions or you can also farm gold or silver in base game too? I'm looking for stuff or methods that I may be have missed or dont know about yet, and youtube videos explains only so much, so perhaps can you give me tips and tricks?


    I bookmarked gw2wiki onto my browser and constantly looking things, especially mats. There is also other thing I want to learn since long time, gw2 wiki shows certain materials drops from mobs in certain regions on the map, however, I must be max level to get certain mats? dropped from mobs? or its all random independent from level? Because my level 70 thief barely gets any red blood material from 70 island on map. And I mean ANY red blood material, its like almost mobs dropping junk, distance between drop rate is too long, or I'm doing something wrong?


    Thank you in advance and hopefully someone can shed a light about this last question I asked, I don't know much about game systems,

  3. GW2 used to buy to play as you may already know, I purchased this game in that period, so can I apply the product code for two expansions to that account? or the expansion codes are only for new accounts? Sorry if this sounds stupid but I burned alot in world of warcraft due to this reason. Certain product codes can apply to certain accounts? is this valid for GW2 too?


    (it seems I finally found a seller)


    thank you

  4. Why can't they make at least old ones free to play? As a former veteran player who purchased this like in year one, I still did not understand why Anet is so strict about their story chapters and it keep sending me spam GUI pop up everytime I login into the game. Those "stories" are without actual voice acting and cutscenes, so they arent cost them million of dollars or anything like that.


    It is time to making them free to play for everyone. GW2 had a rough time last year same as wow and swtor, it is time to embrace your playerbase, not your publisher's orders. Just give us something new to play, other than broken matchmaking for dungeons and toxic fractals. Half of the playerbase don't even know how to play tier 2 fractals nor have the proper gear, it is time to level down things for easy understanding. In game economy is also broken since years.


    Make the story chapters free to play please. Thank you

  5. I returned to the game after a long break, I was annoyed with economic nerfs in the game. Now I decided to give an another try and logged into my character selection screen, I'm greeted with such soulless annoying path of fire background music. Such things are important to me, so my question is: if I buy Heart ofThorns expansion, my character screen will change to that instead of PoF? and the music? I found that HoT music is amazing especially the main menu theme, and Path of Fire music is boring and soulless,


    Thank you

  6. > @"Xruptor.3965" said:

    > > @"SaskiaElite.8132" said:

    > > I'm having the same problem. random crashing and reboot(blue screen) I have a AMD GPU with 17.7 drivers installed because I learned new adrenalin drivers having problems with directX 9 games which totaly unacceptable. I even created a thread here , so sorry I did not see this thread before

    > >

    > > my thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29214/computer-crash-blue-screen-since-2018-windows-10-amd-gpu


    > Make sure to check your ArenaNet logs. Most of us have been getting the same error. However, the recent patches has fixed it for me at least.


    > > Hold down the Windows button on the keyboard and hit the R key.

    > > Paste in the following line: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2

    > > Click “Ok.”

    > > Locate the "Arenanet.log" (If present) and attach it to your reply.


    > This is the error most of us was getting.

    > **Memory at address ffffffff`ffffffff could not be read**


    well I do not have any arenanet.log file in that folder. I removed the game afterwards to redownload in a future date, maybe thats why? I don't think installers delete such files located in appdata folder. There's only "local.dat" "GFXSettings.Gw2-64.exe" and a empty folder named "Coherent Dumps", nothing else. I played some other games recently like ReCore from windows 10 store and SWTOR, did not get any crashes. so I guess its a problem with GW2 because as I mentioned in my thread there is really nothing is absurd with my computer. plus I recently formatted everything

  7. > @"Silmar Alech.4305" said:

    > I thought your PC is older, because it contains a i7 4790K, which started 2014 and is the 4th generation Core-I. Current is the 8th generation with a i7-8xxx numbering. The R7 370 started selling mid 2015. And you told about upgrading to Windows 10, which all fits an original purchase date with originally Windows 8.1 spring or summer 2015 (Windows 10 was released 29.7.2015). If you bought that half a year ago as new, you bought somewhat obsolete hardware. A 4790k counts as high-end, but a recently bought Intel-based high-end PC probably consists of a Intel i7-7700k (early 2017) or i7-8700K (late 2017) and a Nvidia GTX 1070 or higher if you bought it last year.


    > Your CPU throttling to prevent CPU overheating is also a bit strange. With a properly designed cooling system, your CPU and GPU can run at 100% both at the same time for days and no overheating. The newer the hardware generation, the less power consumption, which means less temperatures or less demand from the cooling system.


    > Then I have to extend my post: Did your PC ever run stable in the 5 months since purchase? Regardless the operating system. Current Windows 10 PCs with properly designed hardware combination don't have any blue screens, and I mean that literally: no blue screens.


    > In case of the memory test: just run it. It would do no harm. Your PC will reboot into memory test, perform the test, and reboot into Windows so nothing could interfere.


    i7 4790k CPU is a powerful processor but its known for instant temperature jumps, like from 33c to 43c etc, when basically doing anything on computer, stock fan is good enough to me and with reducing CPU power from windows power settings fixes everything. Including 1080p 30fps video editing and rendering.


    To be honestly I found it funny and unnecessary spend 700+ dollars for a computer piece so I stick "older" stuff because they are always work. no exception. Newer NVIDIA GPUs generating problems alot on most systems recently and their "game ready" drivers are unstable as hell. I remember getting "nvidia kernel driver stopped working" blue screen all the time on my previous computer. Now I switched to AMD runs fairly good but they also started to give issues in their recent drivers like Directx9 issue recently. I honestly think they doing this on purpose to force people buy new GPUs. Microsoft doing lots of bad things on Windows 10 since its announced (like forced telemetry and limited choices on programs on purpose like photos app) so why not GPU companies? they can also do the same.


    Anyway, my point is and to answer your reply, all those "4th generation" things are unnecesarry small details, also not everyone can know or track those details in every time. 4 cores CPU and a 4GB video memory will be enough hardware for even more long time. All those shiny 12GB and above cards are for completely marketing purposes and to trick people.


    Also, thanks for that memory test info, I just finished cleaning up the dust and I decided to run that test as well. Since its a built in Windows feature it should be ok like you said.



  8. > @"Silmar Alech.4305" said:

    > If you PC ran stable with no blue screens at all for months (which should be the case for good PCs), and now you get one or more blue screens, some part of your hardware may have become faulty. Don't start to upgrade drivers or reinstall software: your software and your drivers are ok, otherwise your PC would have had blue screens in the past.

    > Clean dust from the PC - from the fans outside and inside, and make sure the mainboard chipset isn't covered with dust.

    > A thing that sometimes breaks after a few years is the power suppy. If a replacement is available, try the replacement.

    > You can also do a memory test, perhaps some RAM got defective. Windows 10 brings a memory diagnosis tool.



    I have a good air blower machine I will clean the dust in my case instead, (there really not much there but I will try) also my PC is new, I purchased all of this hardware from last year, its been like only 4-5 months or so. I'm not sure if I can do the RAM test because I do not want to mess up something in progress, plus like I said its new hardware from a known brands, its not a 49 bucks cheap memory.



  9. I'm having the same problem. random crashing and reboot(blue screen) I have a AMD GPU with 17.7 drivers installed because I learned new adrenalin drivers having problems with directX 9 games which totaly unacceptable. I even created a thread here , so sorry I did not see this thread before


    my thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29214/computer-crash-blue-screen-since-2018-windows-10-amd-gpu

  10. I was a running a daily fractals run and boom computer got crashed with a seconds of Blue screen and then rebooted itself without me doing anything. This is my VERY FIRST bsod/crash with GW2 since I upgraded to windows 10.


    i7 4790K CPU

    AMD R7 370 GPU (crimson ReLive 17.7 drivers, I'm NOT going to upgrade the driver since new ones brings only pain)

    700W PSU

    16GB physical memory (ram)

    Windows 10 64bit professional 1709 version fall creators update

    quick restart is disabled in windows power settings and "allow hybird sleep" is turned off

    I have a custom power settings I'm using while playing GW2, CPU power percent reduced to prevent CPU overheating(min45%-max55%)

    GPU is temperature is fine

    limited to 30fps from in game settings(texture is also at medium,post processing/shadows is off/low)

    Norton Internet Security firewall already allowed Gw2-64.exe

    AMD Graphics profile: "optimize performance"


    I really don't know what to do, anyone having same problem? I cannot even look the bsod error code because computer restarts so quickly. My hard disk is in good status just like my SSD. Everything seems ok and I have absolutely no idea whats the problem.




  11. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > @"SaskiaElite.8132" said:

    > > > @"Kaltyn of Torbins Deep.2946" said:

    > > > Map rewards come from doing events on a map - the more events you do, and the more you work towards completion of those events, the more map rewards you receive.

    > > >

    > > > In addition to Auric Basin, I net a ton of loot from Dragon Stand - but success at that requires buying machetes to open the noxious pods, and buy machetes requires the map currencies from Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, and Tangled Depths. Personally, I think doing the events on all 4 maps are pretty lucrative. AB still is king, and VB is the least.

    > > >

    > > > Silverwastes is probably still KING of the gold farms. And right now there are the 16 golden lucky envelopes you can buy in Divinity's Reach each day. Buy them for 1 gold each and instant sell them on the TP for more, or save them up and max your magic find and open them. Last year I more than doubled my gold that I spent on those envelopes.

    > >

    > > Map rewards cannot be solo'ed.

    > >

    > > A group needed to complete map rewards since mobs are strong with plenty of health, and absolutely no one doing that as a group. LFG tool is all about "dungeon selling/buying runs"

    > >

    > > Searching people for map rewards on general chat usually leads to the trolls to reply and takes so much time.


    > I think you are confused about 'Map Rewards' (Map Bonus Rewards), and how to attain them.

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Map_bonus_reward



    Can you explain that defeating a single level 79-80 mob takes like my half of health (80 elementalist with exotic/rare gear/weapon) and I have to use my healing ability everytime if the mob hits critical. is this normal?


    (unrelated but since you are kinda forum expert and replying to people here on forums since long time, I needed to ask this to learn. I remember seeing your name on forums since long time, thanks!)

  12. > @"Kaltyn of Torbins Deep.2946" said:

    > Map rewards come from doing events on a map - the more events you do, and the more you work towards completion of those events, the more map rewards you receive.


    > In addition to Auric Basin, I net a ton of loot from Dragon Stand - but success at that requires buying machetes to open the noxious pods, and buy machetes requires the map currencies from Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, and Tangled Depths. Personally, I think doing the events on all 4 maps are pretty lucrative. AB still is king, and VB is the least.


    > Silverwastes is probably still KING of the gold farms. And right now there are the 16 golden lucky envelopes you can buy in Divinity's Reach each day. Buy them for 1 gold each and instant sell them on the TP for more, or save them up and max your magic find and open them. Last year I more than doubled my gold that I spent on those envelopes.


    Map rewards cannot be solo'ed.


    A group needed to complete map rewards since mobs are strong with plenty of health, and absolutely no one doing that as a group. LFG tool is all about "dungeon selling/buying runs"


    Searching people for map rewards on general chat usually leads to the trolls to reply and takes so much time.

  13. > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > 1) I think it will still be PoF music.

    > 2) It has Auric Basin. But you should research gold farming methods if you're serious about it.


    Thanks for the reply, I decided to buy the expansion anyway since there is a new story content (right?)


    I know the gold farming methods since years now but Anet known for nerfing or removing these gold farming ways. Despite its all legal and normal ways they always nerfed them as far as I know. I remember the queensdale "trains" and many others they no longer -truly- exist because devs basically destroyed them. GW2 is the only MMO game I'm having extremely hard time to get in game currency, since they also removed the gold rewards from dungeons.


    I'm playing this game since long time now I never been able to farm gold above then 250g. I have a level 80 elementalist, so I'm redownloading the game at the moment lets see if the things get any better or worse, honestly this is the best looking game/mmo I ever played.


    I noticed some months ago there's the thing called "map rewards" basically rewards high tier materials but of course I can't solo them.



  14. so I'm thinking to buy Heart of Thorns expansion pack soon, my question is: my character selection screen will be playing that amazing HoT theme (main theme) at background if I buy? or regardless that boring Path of fire music will play? I do think HoT main theme MUCH better than path of fire one, its much more dark and epic theme.


    second question: HoT brings any good features/content to farm gold? since mobs drops like 45 copper at even level 80 , I have to farm gold to keep up my economy, yes yes, I know I can do dailies but they are not enough if I plan to buy a good main hand weapon at trading post.


    thanks in advance

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