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Posts posted by Susanoo.2586


    > * **Grandmaster** - Entering Beastmode causes your next strike to strip 2 boons from your target. Exiting causes your pet's next strike to steal 1 boon.


    On another note. I love the Poison trait, I've always wanted poison builds to work for ranger.

  2. This is just getting Silly

    I currently play a Condi ranger, 100% of the Dps/Survivability depends on being able to Kite/CC/SoftCC a target to win a fight.

    It has become ridiculously hard recently with the amount of Stability and Resistance that has been added to the game.

    ~~Spellbreaker has to be by far the worst offender for it. Even if you dodge the Fullcounter shenanigans they still gain Stability (+Resistance if traited)~~

    Nothing is more defeating than seeing your target stack 20+ seconds of Resistance knowing there isn't anything you can do about it besides try and survive, only to see their Cooldowns refresh just in time for the fresh hell to begin once more.

    This wasn't intended as a Spellbreaker hate post but hey.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - I honestly don't care if it stays the way it is, just give us something to fight with.

    I don't care what it is, or where it is, put it on the Soulbeast elite or on the Pig Beastmode skills if you must. I will make it work.


    Please Anet, Please don't make me rely on that dreaded Sigil of Nullification.


    A Very, very tired Ranger.


  3. To me Soulbeast feels like a melting pot of great ideas that don't particular mesh well together, Its trying too hard to play into the Jack-of-all-trades niche but it just isn't sustainable. You have to forfeit a lot to make builds semi-viable.

    Side notes:

    -Eternal Bond is monumentally terrible at the moment, it doesn't clear any conditions when it procs so you just die 1 tick later anyway - not to mention the fact that if it procs while you are poisoned you are only healed a measly 2.5k instead.

    -Wilderness Survival is a must have for the controlled condition clear, which forces you not only to run that traitline with every build but the Wilderness survival skills as well otherwise you just die relying on Bear stance or Sig. of Renewal. OR GOD FORBID evasive purity (R.I.P Nature magic )

    -With the current love for all things boons, I think its about time Ranger got some Boon strip. As running a condition build into anything that can produce Resistance or Stability or both (Spellbreaker) is like running headlong into a Brickwall.


  4. I am here today to spread the good word of our Lord and Saviour the Devourer.

    They actually seem to cover a lot of missing Utility and synergy from Soulbeast play,

    Beastmode F1 is a 3 target knockback - handy for getting that elusive Twice as Vicious proc.

    Beastmode F2 is a 3/4 second Retreat/evade covering 300 distance - perfect for disengaging when you're up close and personal with say a Dagger mainhand? - ALSO with some cheeky aboutface hotkey use you can even use this skill to engage on someone or even blink up/through some terrain in PvP!



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