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  1. > @"Supreme.3164" said: > > @"Morde.3158" said: > > Ranger does not auto beat Necro, Ranger used to lose against anything until it got buffed starting with the longbow buffs. What game are you guys playing and how long have you been playing it? > > Nothing auto beat anything unless you practice, sure they are good and bad matchup as one would expect from a MMO but...an unexperienced ranger won't win automatically against a ranger..actually the very opposite would happen. Now you have wrong opinions on both sides : Necros thinking that every ranger won the match solely because they play that class...and Rangers thinking they should win always against necro........players on both sides refuse to admit that you need to practice to beat anything and outside **extreme cases** you mostly always lose because you get outplayed well said.
  2. Ranger does not auto beat Necro, Ranger used to lose against anything until it got buffed starting with the longbow buffs. What game are you guys playing and how long have you been playing it?
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