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Teofa Tsavo.9863

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Posts posted by Teofa Tsavo.9863

  1. I played it enough to not appreciate how hard the Devs are now trying to force upon us the idea that NOTHING we did in GW mattered and how horribly things turned out for Tyria.


    Awakened Koss.. really? You just HAD to do that? Rubbing our faces in our failures. Another batch of GW heroes and personalities turned into enemy mobs or tortured souls. Another land we thought we had saved, destroyed.


    To top it off, the Charr, whose aggression kicked off a cascade of events that led to the destruction of Ascalon, Orr, and threatened Kryta get to skip around scot free and blameless in GW2.


    I've decided I NEVER want to see Cantha, not the way this group would portray it.


    I've been playing GW since the LS4 spoilers came out.

  2. > @LadyKitty.6120 said:

    > Just go mining some branded crystals and make the greatest cage Tyria has ever seen and lure Kralkatorrik in there. And when the dragon is in there, lock it and throw the key away. Kralk's weakness is something crystal-related so the cage should work just fine.


    Tiami discovers that branded crystals can be refined into Green Kralkonyte for the cage, but wait, there's a catch!

    OFC this will involve being given another idiot ball and forming some alliance with something just as bad. Dhuum is into green "stuff", right?


    And then Obi Wan will be our only hope.

  3. > @"Silmar Alech.4305" said:

    > > @Mea.5491 said:

    > > Can anyone explain the love for Tybalt? I've done the Whispers storyline a few times but I thought he was boring. No offence, I'm just curious. ;)

    > He has his own backstory with a bit of tragic, and he is believable. The others are either somewhat sterotypic (Sieran) or somewhat flat (Forgal).


    > In addition, I believe the creator of Tybalt made him a depressive person. A person that has the sickness called depression, and it is admirable how Tybalt deals with his depression and tries to overcome it. This might be not so obvious, but if you know a depressive person in real life, and I mean a real depressive person with that sickness that has lost all joy in life, thinks about suicide and struggles to get even out of bed, than you will find some quite details of this sickness and corresponding behavior in Tybalt. This human touch is not constructed, this feels real.


    This may be the most offensive thing I've read here. I've dealt with Clinical depression for 20 years and then had a serious disability thrown on top of it. You don't "deal with it", you get professional help. You don't need amateurs diagnosing you. Most of my contemporaries were not even aware of my struggle. This is so typical of that Tumblr narrative team writing approach. It is a serious condition and one that does not need to be a "hook" in a gaming narrative. They need to stop these ill-advised social morality plays that bear no real resemblance to RL struggles or issues and, in fact, usually cheapen or overly simplify the struggles a RL person faces.


    Suggesting that this NPC was somehow "admirable" in the context of depression is just wrong. In the depths of my worst times I could manufacture fantasies about how I could "end" myself making some "contribution" to the greater good without exposing to my sons what I had actually done. Suicide "by other means" is still suicide.

  4. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > I wonder what people think when they see me. Wandering around in the overworld, I see a lot of poorly built classes slowly plinking away at enemies using their ranged weapons. Half of their fight is spent running away from the scary enemies, and that is a LOT of time to take for every single mob on the map. Meanwhile, I'm running around in full zerk or full vipers, laying waste to the world like a one-man Searing. Very often I'll walk up to these enemies that is being plinked to death and kill its entire group in 2 seconds, all within view of the other player. What goes through that person's mind when they see somebody effortlessly mow down enemies that they take forever to defeat? Are they in awe over how somebody can do incomprehensible amounts of damage? Do they constantly have to reassure themselves that in a _real_ fight they would be the winner? Does the thought never come to their mind?


    Someone is very proud of their pixel prowess.

    Exhibit A, your Honor.



  5. Every MMO I've experienced does this. The "meta" for each class trickles down and infects the entire game. Whether or not people need that meta build for 95% of the game isn't a factor. A lot of the time those advocating the meta aren't doing the meta content, never will do that content, and just want to mouth off in chat or dismiss others for not knowing how to play.


    It's a bandwagon and they get to ride it.


  6. Braham. No redemption. He has to die. Tiami would be next. She can just become irrelevant like many badly aging child stars and wander off to do Mall openings.

    Then the Charr, hopefully by fire as the only time I enjoy them is when they are on fire and screaming.

    The rest? I'd just like to see them fade into obscurity. Drama Watch is horrid.


    We need a solid group of Heroes who have risen above their peers by actual deeds, not some bunch of snowflake nobodies who showed up in The Mystery Van.

  7. > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > @"Teofa Tsavo.9863" said:

    > > It should remain exclusive, but another 30 dollars to upgrade isn't gonna happen at my house. Oh well.


    > One cam break the price down a bit. There are 4 items in the upgrade, 2 of which have exact gem values, one is reasonably inferrable. It basically comes down to how many of them are actually interesting.

    > Character slot: 800 gems

    > Identity Repair Kit: 1000 gems

    > Lily of the Elon: all passes are 1000 gems

    > Outfit


    > If you don't have a VIP pass and have use for another character slot, you're basically paying 600 gems for the outfit and getting the Identity kit for free.


    I have 21 chars. I don't need or want an identity kit. I don't care about "VIP" zones. It came down to "is a single outfit worth 30 dollars" and I said no.


    Still needs to be exclusive, I'm just not willing to get it under those terms. It's fair.

  8. Count your blessings. Season 1 was the most sophomoric pile of cliche and trope ridden fan-fic drivel I've ever encountered in a major title, written with zero consideration for Lore continuity from GW1. A hackneyed, uninspired, unoriginal mess of tired old tropes and substandard fare put in a blender with a dash of Tumblr blog and new age mysticism thrown in.


    That narrative team poisoned the entire Living Story and never got any better at it. Ley Lines.. I still shake my head in disbelief. Canned Explainitall, inserted with no attempt to apply, at the least, Asuran terms to the framework. (Gadd's Subsurface Magical Conduit Theory or somesuch). Nope, too much effort. And that's just one example.


    One reason that I did buy PoF and spend money on Anet again is that the worst of that group is no longer employed there.

  9. Mostly this. I do enjoy WvW but I solo roam, so it's mostly PvE with a chance of PvP.


    I don't like mob zergs so World Bosses are a very occasional thing. If I'm in the area and in the mood I'll do one.


    I enjoy world exploring, but in 5 years I don't have a single world completion. I will not do JPs and so I just never bothered to finish, not caring lets me avoid the charr infested lands on most of my Characters. One character has explored them, the rest have better places to be and far worthier species to help.


    I quit Living and personal stories after Battle of LA. Have not decided on PoF story yet, done a few but it doesn't look like any narrative improvement at all and I am plagued with disconnects on what I have tried.


    21 Chars means I always have something to do that I enjoy. I will not do content I don't like, for any carrot on a stick.

  10. > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

    > If there is a problem, it's that MMO's try to disguise their story elements as single player RPG's. Single player games tend to have difficulty sliders, which allow them to appeal to a wider range of player skill and desires. The MMO version is the ability to do story with other people. The problem with that is that since the MMO story is emulating the SPRPG, this generates an expectation on the part of players that they ought to be able to solo the story. RPG's are essentially selling power fantasies. Nothing puts a damper on power fantasies faster than needing other people to get through what is expected to be solo content.


    > I don't think there's much of a cure for that. The underpinnings needed to allow for elective scaling are just not there. Maybe it would be possible to put in an option to select for number of players, then allow scaling to handle the difficulty adjustment. I don't think, though, that ANet has the time to retrofit that system for all existing story steps. Whether they could do it going forward or not, I cannot comment on.


    > That said, GW2 story has several things I think are poor design.


    > 1) The aforementioned penalty box in Hearts and Minds is the most egregious example. Whoever came up with that one was not in any way considering whether it was going to be fun for the player who made a mistake.

    > 2) GW2 mobs in general tend to have very limited tactic "suites." This means that they tend to repeat the same tactics over and over and over. When at least one of those tactics is annoying, this results in highly annoying fights. Say one of those moves is a CC. If that's coming every few seconds, the CD's on stun breaks, stability, and avoidance (block, dodge, etc.) are too long, meaning the fight (against a mob that has a lot of health) leaves an aftertaste of annoyance rather than enjoyment.

    > 3) Large pattern AoE is way too prevalent. Whether this adds difficulty or not, it certainly adds annoyance.

    > 4) There are occasional PoV issues due to walls, getting trapped in morphing infrastructure, etc.

    > 5) (This may well be a personal peeve.) There is too much reliance on gimmick mechanics. A little of this might be OK, but I would greatly prefer that crap be largely confined to raids and fractals.


    Absolutely spot on. I've always felt that directed path, instanced storylines were a thin veneer for inserting a single player game. Cause consoles and the obligatory " I am the ONE"

  11. > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > > @Dashiva.6149 said:

    > > I actually enjoy that the GW-universe has steered away from traditional fantasy races like elves, dwaves ect in favor of more unique things.

    > > Sure, people may say that Asura are "basically gnomes" and Sylvari are "basically elves" and so forth, but Anet has done some really cool twists that I like with old tropes.


    > I would like to know how Sylvari is any way elves. I'm not seeing it. Not in personality or even looks (not just talking ears) or even backstory.

    > I can see the Asura one though.


    Sylvari are essentially Fae, right down to the borrowing of the Wild Hunt mythos and the Seelie and Unseelie courts. Some consider Elves as a branch of Faefolk.

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