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Posts posted by Sneakr.3679

  1. I would really love some sort of confirmation that you are working on the lions arch race bug. I have been drooling over this new mastery since it was first announced and my patience is being sorely tested! I have tried about 50 times to complete this on my guardian with no luck, trying so many variations including a mesmer for ports. PRETTY PLEASE acknowledge and/or fix!!

  2. It would be helpful at the final champions phase if people didn't kill the champ so fast and give others a chance to get there. I noticed a 10 minute timer on each champ but he is usually down in under two min. Would this effect the spawns? It seems the next champ doesn't spawn until the last one is down.

  3. If gear is being reset then what happens to runes, sigils, agony resist, etcetera?? I have about 14 characters fully geared how am I supposted to go through em all and figure it out? If I lose socketed stuff ill be REALLY upset. Its been 6 years of hard work setting those characters up. Does this apply to ascended gear? The expense of pulling out all that stuff would be very prohibitive.


  4. Just like Rock and Roll in the early days, people said it was a "Fad" and would die out. Guess what, ROCK AND ROLL WILL NEVER DIE AND THE SAME GOES FOR GW2!!!!

    There are tons of games out there that are really old, very poorly done and the fanbase just keeps playing. If you hate this game so much go play somewhere else! This is the best MMO RPG out there right now in my opinion. If they focus on it there is tons of content to come. I hate coming to the forums because of the cry babies and the negative attitudes that just scare people away. I've played this game since it came out, and if new content is slow to come I go play something else (like you should). The minute they release new stuff I'm back and loving it. Of all the other games I've played this is by far the best!

  5. I don't mind sexy clothes but animations that make women look like brain dead idiots bother me a lot. It was the stupid look on their face while they swung their arms back and forth the drove me nuts. I wouldn't use the human female characters because of it, all my toons were Norn. I was tickled pink when they got rid of it. PLEASE DON'T bring it back, I don't want to have to delete 6 yr old toons!

  6. I was in a Guild Raid party tonight on my lvl 80 Thief - Moxie Daggerstorm, at about 3:30 am server time, Dragonbrand server. I died when VG was about 10% and then a few seconds later the screen froze and nobody was moving. we were on discord so I knew he was downed when they all celebrated but I had to relog, screen stayed frozen. Guild waited for me to return to get loot but I got nothing at all and there was no visible chest. Guild leader said I should have gotten credit and should file bug report. Is this a bug?

  7. Upon further review of the locked mount panel the only new skins showing are the ones I got. The other ten skins don't show. I didn't get a single skin I liked. I got Dune Mastiff, Arid hammerhead, Painted mesa bunny, colossal ladybird and funerary scarab. I seems odd that the ones I liked were all "opposite" to what I hoped for. Seems as usual I have bad luck. Too bad it was so expensive!!! I'm just ready to quit, they couldn't have planned that one better to rip me off.



  8. Today I purchased the new 1800 gem mount adoption license that gives 5 skins. I was rather disappointed I didn't get any that I liked that were previewed on Dulfy. I went over the mounts in my characters mount selection screen and most of them don't show on the preview screen as locked, unfortunately these were the "nice" ones. I think if you were going to make the pack only give "some" of the new skins I should have been forewarned. Is this a glitch? For example the beetle skins that should show include "primevil' and "trailblazer". The preview for the available skins didn't work on the trading post.

  9. I didn't disconnect but Traherne abandoned me, at the point where you escort the researchers to the southern exit he was nowhere to be found. I even ran back twice to try to find him - all the way to the start point. I relogged which kicked me out of the story, and then I couldn't restart cause Traherne was not at the waypoint , even outside the instance! I guess he is tired of being a leader?? I logged out.


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