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Posts posted by Salicia.5943

  1. Hallo! My name is Sally and I - with some friends, are looking to fill a Fractal Static group. Sometimes we like to go do dungeons as well for fun. We are looking for individuals that self-analyze and have a drive to improve. The group is Semi-Hardcore as we run a strict composition and rely heavily on cc consumables and push phases for easier fights. I am willing to teach 100 & 99 CM with barely any experience if you are interested in becoming a permanent part of the group. With the new Fractal CM on the way we are all pumped up and excited for it.


    This group runs at -2 before reset Semi-Daily. My IGN is Salicia.5943, in game mail preferred.


    What roles we run (You must have 2):

    Healbrand: Group healer, stab, condi cleanse, quickness, with pact runes

    Power BS: CC and utility with 2 offhand maces and backup ball for Aratsiiv, anomaly on Arkk

    Alac Ren: Have at least the 80% boon duration alac ren knowledge down, know which encounters require which legends to run OR ASK, priority ball on Aratsiiv unless it is "No pain, no gain"

    DPS: Power only for now (Nothing is wrong with condi but utility with DH, Holo, Soulbeast is OP)


    What we require:

    Rock, Plank (warrior only), Termite Shovel, Metal Rod and Harpy Feathers consumables

    Fractal potions, food & utility


  2. You're not going to get compensated. You used the legendary for all the time until this update. You made it for convenience, and experienced the convenience.


    A long time ago before Shared Inventory slots were "implemented" people didn't forsee that they only needed 1 Copper Fed Salvomatic. People bought 1 for each character. That's over 2,000g if you bought 9. To this day you can still see them in Deroir's bank. He didn't get compensation nor anybody else. I understand your fight, trust me I almost made 9 sets I'd be pissed. But you also have to look at it from the other end of the spectrum. Why should you get something special that the rest cannot get? Anet isn't going to cater to the 2% that crafted 9 sets of legendary armor. This new system is amazing for anybody who didn't craft multiples of legendary. I would hate to see that 2% ruin it for the other 98%.

  3. Defend Akili while he recalibrates mirrors around the Astralarium - is bugged. He's just endlessly running back and forth in the ground with a defiance bar. Sorry for the recorded voices in the video didn't notice my settings were incorrect.

    Please fix, can't do Vision trinket without this working - still on the "Brandstone Research" part before I can make Astral weapons

  4. > @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

    > Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


    > Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


    > Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!



    So in my opinion this "World Boss Bonus" is a load of garbage. Worthless mats that I can get from harvesting guild nodes or WvW nodes that only take 20s average when I'm spending hours to attend the world bosses in this event and play with my friends. It is not fun getting no good drops that are worth your time. On top of that, the lag is obscene and I'm not sure if it's worth it I've farmed 60 boxes so far with the only thought in my head: "Why did you do this?" . Seems like a sorry way to "reward" your players for a week long event with crappy rewards and still a 0.00000001% drop rate on anything worth a damn. Would have liked to see one a day crafts like the Fractal box rewards or t6 matts.

  5. Looking for a primary power warrior for daily fractal group with knowledge and flexibility of other important roles: fb ren chrono support dps. We are a group of multi roles.


    As a group we strive to self improve and have fast clears and are interested in someone sharing the same values. 100 99 cm t4 recs. Discord required. We start on the dot at 3:00 pm EST. Contact me on Discord @ Sally#6083

  6. Raids I rarely see much of an issue with player builds it's mostly gameplay/common sense that they lack. For example on Cairn nowadays it's "Agony don't stand on arrow" they fail that. "Stand on any marker besides arrow stay close to the boss" and they're out in Narnia. I once joined a KC on an alt DH forgetting I had a soldier earring equipped still and the meta changed and now Chronos run naked so I ended up tanking, I got instakicked which I thought was harsh I could have just taken the earring off and we could try again. The community as a whole from wvw and pvp also try to pug raids as well once in awhile with it not being in their focus to learn the bosses but still have KP. Trailblazer scourge on VG is not very good. If paired with strong power dps it's not that bad. Also the "Ping gear" lately is annoying. Most players are doing raids as the goal to get currency for ascended gear so kicking a player for exotics before you see their dps is not good for the community. There's a video on youtube somewhere of a guy and his guildies in full exotics killing VG.


    Fractal pugs are the reason why I made my static group. We still run the "old" comp Chrono Druid Banner 2 DPS because the new instabilities are sometimes rough (Anet we bleed fire really? 6k*4 dmg). Once in awhile when someone is absent we are forced to pug if I can't find a friend to tag along. Pugs are a nightmare, running shitty builds and trying to get a carry for the daily and CM's. Few days ago I pugged regular t4's on an alt where there were 2 druids, 1 hybrid scourge on Sirens Reef nothing died and they failed to hot potato after me explaining (I left). Another where on Volcanic when I was running Druid with a staff ele attacking from range (no might no heals from me). I've resorted to recruiting on the LFG with "CM t4 recs exp LF pwr dps don't be ass". GRANTED.... the last pug I got was a hybrid condi power mirage - he entered the instance as a mirage with a condi signet on, I asked if he was power he said yes then I pinged his signet and he took it off. Okay. Now we still entered 100cm with this guy with no pots on a power mirage with a 50/50 shot that he would blow us away with a build we've never seen before. First phase Skorvald after the "big bursts" he pulled 3k dps we /gg'd and I kicked him. He clearly wasn't what I had asked for and my party I had every right to remove him.


    I feel that if players cared more about their builds and how they worked with other players builds fractal pugs would not be so bad. The meta is designed to do just that. There's no shame in running other builds like support scourge or healing ele in a casual fractal but that means there will be no might for your team unless you find a way to cover it. Like a PS war w/ strength runes and the might shout. Your average player doing the daily fractals most likely has only a few builds available with agony so they come on whatever character they enjoy and t4's recs take about 1 hr 30m+. For me that is way too much time for daily fractals.


    PS: Supp Chrono is not dead. I run with one everyday you just need to stand in wells and the skips are amazing in Aetherblade, Cliffside, Molten Boss. If there ever comes a day our Chrono is absent I'm pretty sure my entire group would vote to skip. Amazing Chronos are hard to find and even rarer are ones that want to improve their gameplay (actually hard to find anyone who wants to improve).

  7. 12 to be exact, one of each class and 2 rangers, 1 dps 1 druid. 2 eles, 1 is for storage with max bag slots, the other I pvp or wvw with. I'm more of a utility person and logic thinking to make money so most are rooted at farm spots to do so. I play what I want then I put them back in their spot.


    I have 2 other accounts that are duplicates of the main one so if you lump it all in 30ish.

  8. For a few months I've been having this issue with Interaction where it is not bound to anything besides "c" on the keyboard and my character is interacting with Banners in Raids and Fractals. Right click to interact is turned off as well and I cannot figure this out. Does anyone else have any ideas where I could have different settings? I feel like I've been losing my mind because it's happening but I'm not picking them up. Thanks.




    PS - No I'm not pressing the "c" key

  9. > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

    > Wait. You say you disagree with my point. Then you agree that some people do not want to exhibit the dedication needed to listen and adapt to the needs of the encounter... Surely this is a failure on either my part to state my point or a misunderstanding on your part.


    I was disagreeing with you statement of -> "At this late date, it's going to be exponentially harder to find enough dedicated players to stick around long enough to work through a beginning raider learning curve."


    > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

    > Do you have some documentation that LFG is only for experienced players, or is this one of those toxic responses to "filthy casuals" that supposedly doesn't exist in GW 2?



    I do not but OP stated that she opened up LFG and they were all listed as "ping KP" which you can only get by killing a boss. (Unless you fake the item code). Don't get me wrong I understand what the OP is going through but she needs to do training in order to get KP then she can join any of the LFG groups that are not listed as "Semi-exp" or "Training". Gotta start at the bottom first. Trust me when I say it's not just "Casuals" that have this problem. Experienced people on the fight have trouble as well getting into groups. If you don't ping the exact KP they want (without them telling you btw) you get kicked. The community and requirements is broken but I still believe it boils down to the people being the issue and that's not something that Anet has the control or power to fix.



  10. > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

    > The nature of raid content is that it is aimed at the dedicated player. At this late date, it's going to be exponentially harder to find enough dedicated players to stick around long enough to work through a beginning raider learning curve. The long-time dedicated players, by definition, started raids when they first dropped. New players who are so dedicated are going to be willing to work through training groups as a means to get up to speed. The leftovers are those who want to raid but lack the dedication to do what the raiding community expects. The pity is that gaming in general goes out of its way to cater to the drop-in-and-succeed mentality.



    I disagree. There are so many experienced players in the raid scene that runs scheduled trainings for a raid boss, in a relaxed acene, will even help you with golem training. These casual players have no righs to wiggle into a more advanced group and then complain they have to ping kp. To this day I still run into Noth, from raiders inn teaching from the ground up and the group gets kills. These people are just looking in the wrong place. They don't have a dedication to figure out why things happen in a fight and that's what is wrong. I know that gaming is a "hobby" but that doesn't mean you should spend your time sucking at it. Ask questions. Read guides. Playing for 2 hours a week every Saturday with the proper gear and a group setting, you will eventually get a kill.


    Funny story: I was trying to teach a group how to VG and we were lacking cc. The warrior slots battle standard while our 2 druids had elite spirits. He equipped rifle and gs, had vitality gear, 2 banners, and a Powe signet and healing signet, only gave the group 8 might, 2k dps and we still failed the break bar. Even though I admired his want to be the solution to our problem... he needed to comform to the meta and refused to do so. I dropped the group, guild, never ran raids with them again.

  11. Raids are not destroying the game. The players are destroying it. The GW2 community as a whole has immensely gotten more mouthier, rude, unhelpful, toxic, I could go on. Take matriarch for example, the reason why she flies up and becomes untlattackable is failure to cc. Roll this over to a raid boss where breaking the cc bar is required or you insta wipe. Nobody wants to spend 3 hours on a raid boss they have killed already because someone's dps is too low or they are failing mechanics because they cannot comprehend mechanics or multiple things at once. Sit in a corner doing nothing for 3 hours, no music no talking, no interacting. Then get up and tell me you are happy and accomplished with the time you just wasted with no reward.


    The divide for casual players vs experienced will always be there. Think of it from the point of view as a gym membership. You want that body? Put the work in. You want to be good at gw2 raids? Put the work in. If you don't like how the raiding community us then don't raid. There are plenty of beginning raid guilds out there with raid training discords. Everyone in here asking "What is the raid training discord?" Is a casual human being. Google. Use the brain. Be a go getter and figure it out for yourself.


    LFG is not a tool for the casual player. Spare the experienced people and go look else where in training discords or start your own squad. You do not need a commander tag. Put "Semi experienced VG full of casuals chill LF 1 tank 1 healer" and go. If you don't get a boss kill... hmm I wonder why?


    Strive to be a better person. Is all it boils down to whether you are a toxic raider, control yourself and remember you were once in their shoes. Or a casual, don't get offended so easily that something isn't fair.


  12. >@Draco.9480

    > i joined 200+ kp groups without kp by telling people I've sold my KP and bring confidence to my gameplay. on the first boss they see good dps or good boons/cc or good banners depends on what i play.

    I get what you are saying but the point that a few people in here are trying to make is that: Not everyone is confident in their gameplay like you are, or aren't as good, not as experienced... so it is the "pug" (LFG) way to bring a stacked team that is SAFE and you spend the most minimal amount of time without the possibility of a wipe if you bring a dedicated healer (Firebrand or Druid - since Auramancer/Revenant can't provide might or dmg increase spirits).


  13. Hi~ My name is Sally, I've been playing GW2 since beta and before that... GW1 veteran. PST timezone. Coffee addict, chocolate lover, artist, metal & edm listener, part time worker is just a little bit about me. I'm not afraid to say what's on my mind and I am an all around nice person. With the right bunch I only think about the fun I'm having or people I'm teaching. Now onto the actual body and purpose of this post!


    I'm currently looking for a guild or group that is built around togetherness (couldn't think of a better comparison) and made of people that actually enjoy playing this game. After playing for so long you begin to take the game with what it has to offer - for granted. Being a seasoned Raider and Fractal player with an embarrassing amount of hours spent on the Golem, farming wood, flax, map currencies, meta's every rotation I'm online... alone... or in chat comms with players who don't play anymore has gotten rather stale and leaving me searching for more. Don't get me wrong I've made effort after effort of looking for a guild on my own but alas I end up leaving due to the massive amount of inactivity in hopes that the next one joined will be an improvement. If you have a guild or group even and I might seem like a good fit, throw me a message and we can hang out. I prefer Discord but TeamSpeak is alright too. IGN is Salicia.5943


    Right now I'm not currently looking for a raid group but if you have one with a spot to fill and have a situation that I'm explaining above, I'd be happy to join but know that my Wednesday evenings are unavailable.

  14. > @"Tyson.5160" said:


    > Why play the game at all and watch the whole thing on you tube...


    I've done every raid multiple times, completed many open world things multiple times and don't know the story to them. Who is Xera? Who is Matthias? I think If I actually cared to know - like the OP is making an argument for people who want to "know the story" - they would find an alternative way to find them if they don't want to put in the effort to play it. You play a game online to play with friends and interact with other people and do collections and enjoy what the game has to offer. But if it's not in your taste to do things required (training, effort, time) just like in real life you have to find a work around to get the experience of what you want. Sure, it's not the "same" thing but it's close enough.


  15. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

    > the elitism is the highest in any game has always been about pve which is the most simplest thing to do. weird lol.


    I wouldn't agree that PvE is the easiest thing to do. Meta bosses still have so many people that down or diedie to a single attack no matter if you are at Vinewrath, Gerent, organization on killing the Octovines at the same time, along with Dragonstand's toilet bowl. Getting people to actually do the Pre's for a world boss and still watching only 20% of the people go kill portals on Shadow Behemoth while the rest just stand there not contributing. GW2 is now to the point where people don't even enjoy playing the game or content or getting better at mechanics, fights, encounters...... list goes on - and only wants the "shiny rewards with minimal effort". This is ruining the game for the majority.


    PvE boils down to: How much time did I waste doing this? We failed. I got no rewards. (Which is the reason people do PvE)

    PvP normally is about how many matches you won and how much fun you had fighting those other opponents. You only get double pips or rewards if you win but nothing game breaking or time wasting unless it's the match before you hit Platinum. Exp and pips are gained by just participating.

    WvW you roam around and work with your world for hours trying to capture as many land positions and then get to push a keep or end up in a zerg fight which again you don't get an amazing reward for winning said things besides bags of materials which you can get anywhere... and exp and pips are gained by just participating.


    So it seems to me like failing in PvE is the only one that players get upset over because you don't lose material by failing at the others.

  16. Fractals aside (because they are two different game modes with different mechanics) that Raids are fine the way they are and meant to be as such. When GW2 released Raids for HoT expansion the first line in the news feed were as follows: "You asked for the ultimate challenging content in Guild Wars 2—challenges that would put your skills to the test and push you and your friends to the edge to achieve victory. Now the answer is here." https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/raids-in-guild-wars-2/


    Let me remind you that there was only a Normal and a Hard mode in GW1. You cannot compare GW2 to World of Warcraft so you have no ground to stand on. Just like Raiding in GW2 is easy compared to Raiding in Final Fantasy XIV Online. You want those raids? Go play that game and stop trying to change Anet's mind or decision on their game.


    Allowing Easy mode will only hit the Raiding community in a negative way. It allows casuals or people who stand at a world/meta boss and press 1, or stand in a donut, die in a poison field on tequatl... is going to give them an open door to go "Oh hey that isn't that bad I want to do more" and hinder future groups that they join doing Normal Raids. We already have enough trouble with casuals trying to enter the raiding scene without getting proper training experience. If you do not have 2 hours to spend in a Raid Training group with the Inn discord or with guildmates/friends to enjoy the content then go enjoy the rest of the game. There's no story that you need to experience in raids that isn't searchable in a "Watch this" function on YouTube. As I don't know how to actually vote on this thread for the option I'd choose I'm sure it's obvious.

  17. We are a static of 4 friends doing daily t4's 99cm and 100cm everyday 1hr 30m **before** daily reset. Looking for a Warrior or Druid to fill our group. Pretty chill, like to have fun but also play efficiently. Have Discord comms. Working on a few skips to make fractals faster like stealths, blinks, skips, and gg's. Give me a shout on here or you can mail me in game @ Salicia.5943 Thanks!

  18. Thanks Anet for the new mount skins even though some look like just recolors. I like the fact that I can buy a "chance" to get a good one at the price of 400 gems versus waiting for you guys to put the skins into the Shop for 2k each. I think 10k gems for only 5 "good" skins is complete crap so I quite enjoy having every single one for the same price. Unfortunately I don't real IRL money - only special promotions and things that I use everyday multiple times like the Copper Fed Salv-o-matic or a character slot.

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