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Posts posted by Sapphirine.1023

  1. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > It might still be deactivated becouse people can then plant 11 ascended and 1 normal to still harvest other people asceneded materials maybe?


    That's possible, yeah, though there has to be a better way to prevent people from harvesting the ascended plants than keeping an expensive glyph deactivated for the whole home instance? It would be so much nicer for us players if the ascended plants were "immune" to the Reaping, so that all the regular nodes can be harvested with the glyph again.

  2. The use of the gathering tool upgrade Glyph of Reaping for resource nodes in other players' home instances was deactivated around the time ascended cooking was introduced. This made sense back then, given that there was a bug with the ascended crops. But the ascended crops can no longer be gathered by players other than the instance owner anyway, so could you maybe consider giving us back the functionality of the Glyph of Reaping for the regular nodes in other players' home instances?


    Several of my friends bought the Skyscale Hatchling Harvesting Tool from the gemstore just for this glyph, so that we could all gather together much faster in my home when I opened it for my friends. It was a really joyful experience for everyone to be done with the gathering that much faster. Now, however, it's very frustrating to be unable to use the functionality of that expensive glyph for the majority of our daily gathering, and we can't even understand the reason why this glyph has not been turned back on. Please let us use the glyph on the regular nodes in other players' homes again?

  3. What happens about the gold/items which EU players lost during the time that the EU servers were down, but the Trading Post was still operating normally, so that NA players were able to purchase items listed by EU players and sell items to EU players who had open buy orders? I honestly cannot tell if the gold of the items that my Trading Post shows me as sold during the last few hours is actually on my account or not because I didn't screenshot my gold before the lockdown, but logically that gold must be lost since we were rolled back to yesterday morning, right? I assume this affects a lot of players, though of course I don't know how many of us had open buy orders or listed items during the lockdown. If every affected player sends a ticket to the support, though, that will flood the support terribly, so I figured it might be a better alternative to ask here and wait for an official statement.

  4. All right, thank you. I've submitted my costume then. :)

    If an EU participant does win, it is hopefully not required to claim the prize during your event? Since that will be 3AM or something here (time zones are confusing). I assume you'd just contact them via ingame mail then to find a time that works for both of you?

    Will the winners also be announced here on the forums, for people who can't join your event with the announcement? I'm really curious what kinds of costumes have been submitted.

  5. So, can only NA players join the costume contest or also EU players? Your post said anyone who plays GW2 can join, but the website says that prizes must be collected using the same character and costume as one submitted with, so I assume it is a necessary requirement to actually meet someone ingame? Or does your guild have representatives on EU servers as well who would meet with a possible EU winner ingame?

  6. The time has come when nights grow long, when the veil between our world and stranger realms is at its thinnest. Creatures crawl out of the shadows sniffing for prey, following the scent of the blood of the living, the sound of their pulsating hearts and anxious breaths. Once one of these creatures has caught your scent, chances for survival are slim - unless you hide at the one place where the bloodstained claws and fangs cannot reach you: right at the creature's back.





    Ranger with medium armor

    **Head armor:** Wolfborn Mask

    **Shoulders:** Houndskin Mantle

    **Chest:** Bloodstained Lunatic Noble Coat

    **Gloves:** Storm Gloves

    **Legs:** Hronk's Leggings

    **Shoes:** Rogue Boots

    **Back:** Plush Ram Backpack

    **Weapon:** The Raven Staff

    **Dyes:** Crimson Lion for the gloves, Shadow Abyss for the rest

    **Hair color:** Night Shade



    ![](https://i.imgur.com/38fVrOk.jpg "")


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/dG6lW7x.jpg "")



    _(Edit: Had to tinker a bit to make the images show up properly.)_

  7. I know this is an older thread, but I would like to add my own voice to this chorus asking for bags to not be soulbound. It's ridiculous for ANY crafting material to be soulbound. I have 24-slot bags on my main character who is Jeweler and Chef, and who will now never be able to get an upgrade to any bigger bags. It would be fine for me if you made other characters unable to equip the bags, but at least to be able to upgrade them to bigger bags for my main character if I place them in the bank.

  8. I really appreciate the functionalities that have been added lately to reduce the amount of clicking needed (namely the "Use all" on many items in the game). This was a huge step in the right direction and a great relief to players suffering from hand/wrist/arm problems.


    Now you've introduced an achievement for the Lunar New Year festival that requires using 1500 fireworks for players who would like to get the maximum amount of achievement points for it. Yes, I know this achievement can be done over several years and yes, I know nobody is -forcing- me to do it, but the sheer amount of clicking it requires simply seems like a very unnecessary complication and is harmful to both mouses and hands. Could you please consider to somehow introduce the "Use all" functionality to fireworks as well? Even though it will be more complicated to implement in this case because as it is, skill 1 has to be used to launch the fireworks, which would probably have to be turned into an automatic launch then.


    And while we're at it, is there a chance that Tomes of Knowledge and Writs of Experience could benefit from the "Use all" functionality as well? That would be a huge help to a player like me who enjoys using all those tomes on newly created characters, but who also suffers from hand pain.


    Also, after using a bigger amount of Tomes of Knowledge or an Experience Scroll from a birthday gift, the amount of clicking required to unpack each level-up reward separately is insane, especially for the level 50 scrolls. Is there maybe a way you could place all those rewards into the character's inventory at once (if there is enough room, of course)?



    **tl;dr:** Please introduce "Use all" for fireworks, Tomes of Knowledge and Writs of Experience.

    Also please make the loot of level-up rewards go into the player's inventory for all levels at once instead of having to click for each level separately after using Tomes of Knowledge or Experience Scrolls.

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