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Posts posted by Rashagar.8349

  1. > @"Warlord.9074" said:

    > Most people wont know who most of these guilds are because they are dead guilds from a long time ago. if you are going to bring up dead guild names from history that are famous in your opinion than you probably left a lot of names off your list because it is so long ago its hard to remember who was good.


    > @"Caliburn.1845" said:

    > There is a strong recency bias to this list. Meaning that the list is compiled mostly of guilds from the last four years, instead of the last eight years. Many of the best roamers the NA servers ever saw had left the game before many of the guilds listed here were even formed.


    I enjoy that both of these posts exist.

  2. > @"draxynnic.3719" said:


    > And the point that it would be nice to see legends of the norn - a race whose entire culture is based around the concept of legend - is a valid one.

    > Who would that be? Jora, I consider to be no better than Togo - AFAIK, everything we know about her deeds are things she did along with the GW1 PC. If you can take a potential legend and ask "why isn't the GW1 PC the legend instead", then I'm inclined to think you're not being ambitious enough with your choice. Svanir is, honestly, borderline - from the perspective of the norn, he was one scary monster among many in their history, the only reason I'd even consider him is because he inspired the Sons of Svanir. Asgeir is, I think, probably the strongest candidate that we know about.


    *Popping out of the shadows to mention my favourite Norn legend candidate, Owl, again.

  3. To be honest I'm finding it difficult to remember a lot of the lore/plot from Factions. I kind of feel like I need to go back and replay it. But in saying that, if the Kurzicks aren't represented, I will feel crushed. Their whole aesthetic was amazing, and it could be a great excuse to resurrect the bunny thumper ranger in the form of their wardens.


    If I was to do this, I'd probably need to list the themes we have to play around with first.


    Like with the celestial spirits idea above.

    I love Dadnir's idea to tie it in to elementalist, but that theme could also be used to give rangers a sparkly spiritual/ethereal aoe buffing kind of pet, or revenants their new legend, or necromancers could cloak themselves in starlight and get divination kind of powers by communing with the celestial heavens, etc.

  4. > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:


    > Chaotic fights with players working together yet as individuals ( a cloud ) are what I find most exciting and one the main reasons I've been a Maguuman for so long. Few things seem more mindless to me than giant deathballs all acting as a cog under the decisions of a single player. I'm not saying there can't be skill/thought behind it or that it's never enjoyable, just that I find mutual co-operation more exciting than obeying commands.


    Same. It's absolutely the most satisfying way to play for me.


  5. I've always wanted a thief build that does well in large scale (large scale being one of my favourites) but I've regrettably never been good at thief, so even if I did find one it'd most likely be beyond my abilities to utilise.


    My assassin/paragon from GW1 is crying out for a place to be reincarnated though, and personally I'd want WvW to be that place.

  6. > @"xlmmortal.7023" said:

    > Personally I can not wait for all these changes to take effect so I can start theory crafting new builds, I never use cookie cut, so this is like yet another facet of the game I am seriously looking forward too. +1 Anet


    Same, every time these kinds of major changes come in it freshens up my favourite aspect of the game. My characters change, my match ups change because everyone else's characters also change, and things don't feel "solved" any more. Just have to make the most of the chaos before build hierarchies settle again.


    Also, the intent of these changes is just perfectly aligned with what I'd want for the game, so even though I expect they're going to miss the mark in places I'm more than happy to just see what happens.

  7. I've always liked Mallyx most, for the aesthetic, flavour and feel. My formative revenant experience was staff Mallyx for no other reason than I found them both satisfying, and Ventari Mallyx is still my favourite pairing, from a purely thematic stand point.

  8. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > I remember when my first boss left.. I was only a few years out of my degree andt it was a real nervy experience - at least until they offered me a major promotion, pay rise, company car and the opportunity to step up to the plate a few hours later.... that single experience gave me some real impetus and set me on a path I haven't looked back on since... 30 years later my own business has afforded me the luxury to be able to bring up my 2 children on my own following my wife's death, to play games more than I should have many good friends both in the real world and online in game.

    > Give those now tasked with steering this ship and our enjoyment the chance to fail at least before we hammer nails in the coffin... thus far IBS has been pretty decent as updates go - not perfect by any means, but what is perfect these days where everyone is a critic (me included)


    Irritable bowel syndrome?

    I'm lost...

  9. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > *Have 20,000hp and 5hp barrier from doing pathetic power damage with condi pistols*


    > **Warrior does 50% more damage**


    > Someone over at Anet clearly mains warrior and everybody else failed a sanity check.


    I've gone through so many comments so far wondering when this was going to be mentioned, and was I mad for thinking this is ridiculous.

  10. Yeah I have to say the email being character personalised is a really nice touch. It made me think I should check in with my necromancer and see how he's doing, as if he'd have been living this other life without me haha (I'd had a long day in work).


    I know my necro was my main for the first few years of the game but I knew from waiting for birthday presents that he wasn't my oldest character, and since I'd done so much WvW on my ranger I'd assumed she'd caught up in playtime by now. Turns out my necro still has the slight lead in playtime so it makes sense.


    Thanks for answering Stephane!

  11. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > Even if they did talk to us about it I feel people would fail to differentiate the difference between them talking to us and taking it on board and them talking to us and doing what we want. Subtle difference in wording but big difference in application.


    Yeah, I'm kind of happy to just wait and see what they give us for the above reason.

  12. Well, thanks for the interesting discussion anyway, the more objective parts of it have done wonders for my plan to bring my ele to WvW as a support spec, and I feel like my trait choices will be better informed now. =)

  13. > @"steki.1478" said:

    >The other reason of using powerful aura would be sharing shocking aura for strong melee CC, but that's even bigger meme of a build.



    I feel so old having to ask this but while I'm finding this conversation really interesting this has been annoying me for a while, what is the meaning of "meme", "memeing" etc. in this context?

  14. I love the Antitoxin runes change, and agree that this feels like targeting the problem at it's source.


    Ranger longbow damage nerf makes me feel a little sad, but won't change anything for me in the long run.


    I like warrior warhorn getting some attention but the changes seem weird. I like this iteration of Charge but not sure I'm a fan of Call to Arms (cleanse + vigour + barrier + resistance! seems a little much).


    I like increasing the healing power effectiveness on Scourge barrier skills, and (on paper I agree with the people here who have suggested making Sand Savant a purely supportive thing, but I don't know what complications might be preventing this). I'm a little concerned about reducing the boon corruptions but only from the point of view that I would prefer boons to be less prevalent in the game rather than the point of view of specific skill balance.


    I also like the proposed changes to Guardian/tomes, and can't help feeling like more needs to be done to tone this class down.


    From the perspective of both the guardian boon and necro corrupt changes, I'm not sure which classes might be capable of stepping into the room this creates in large scale battles at this time, but I'm looking forward to that space being made available.

  15. > @"BrokenGlass.9356" said:

    > Great sword. As a ranged weapon. That operates like the trident does underwater. Doing effects on each ledgend for each attack.


    > Fill the gap with a kitten weld.


    Actually, I'm really liking the idea of this applied to an offhand focus instead.


    The idea of focus being a weapon that lets you bond more powerfully with your legend of choice, with say 1 relatively static skill and 1 that varies based on current legend. This way an extra core weapon can still fit into their current "each legend has an associated weapon set" thing, plus provide an offhand that can work with multiple set ups.

  16. I mean, I'm not sure any player's opinion ever really matters to anyone but themselves.


    Since my opinion matters to me though, my preference has always been towards large scale disorganised combat, and the more the game and play styles veered towards voice coms and finely tuned GvG groups the less interested I got. Luckily for me the outskirts of those kinds of groups were still usually disorganised and fun to play in.


    I don't mean to be dissing a play style btw, I just personally don't find it as interesting as the alternative. What I loved about GW2's combat so much in the early days of WvW was the random spontaneous synergies and rhythms you found yourself in with complete strangers as you worked towards a shared goal, and gaining or losing ground in large scale combats was more gradual and (for me) engaging.


    That's why whenever I hear people ask for changes in WvW I always ask to remove the ability of players to stack. It feels like it would change so much simultaneously.

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